“When men sow the wind it is rational to expect that they will reap the whirlwind.”
–Frederick Douglass
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BY: notaskinnycook
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
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IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: The realist
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
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After being in Italia from 29FEB-12MAR during the escalating restrictions and closures, it amuses me to see the same process playing out here.
I'm guessing you're not getting a lot of offers to have drinks and make out?
death row inmates get marriage proposals
We are in a self imposed 14-day quarantine.
My Song of the Day: Miike Snow Pull My Trigger
This video made me laugh.
Ninian Doff – Miike Snow “Pull My Trigger” DC from dreamboat on Vimeo.
[Verse 1]
I saw you licking a dollar bill
I’m in the graveyard if looks could kill
But murder ain’t your thing, you just shoot to thrill
But if you did, put you in my will, will
Baby let’s forget the money, forget the money
Where you’re winning
Baby we could chase the sun, you got me gunning
Pull my trigger
So are any conspiracy theorists asking the question, why are there so few COVID-19 cases in Russia? There are several possible answers – which one is likely to be correct?
1. Russia is just lucky
2. Putin and his oligarchs are great at public health
3. Putin is a dictator so the real numbers for Russia will never be public
4. Putin is the source of the novel coronavirus . . .
My Cat and I were just sitting here, asking that same question.
3…fer sure.
It’s not 2 or 4. The coronavirus 19 is a new strain of a family of virus that can be passed from animals to humans. Bats or pangolins are possible sources for the China outbreak. Maybe Russia doesn’t have or eat these animals, limits travel and immigration from China or western countries, and is already effectively practicing social isolation. (Huge landmass, small population, restrictions on public assembly).
But if Russia already has 60 cases, they will soon have double or quadruple that number….but we won’t necessarily know- hence 3 is the best answer.
Apparently, smoking is a real indicator of risk. I read (maybe here) the mortality rate was heavily weighted towards older men. Because, it seems, Chinese men smoke at a rate about 5 times more than their female counterparts.
Russian men are noted for being heavy smokers, as I understand it.
Smokers, in addition to the obvious lung damage and reduced capacity, are also placing their hands near their mouths constantly and repeatedly throughout the day. Much more like to contract the virus, I would guess? . . .
@Duke: "Russian men are noted for being heavy smokers….." I've been to Russia a number of times for hiking and climbing, most recently in 2010. So, maybe a bit dated. But there were a lot of places, even on the streets of Moscow in open air arts districts, where one would almost gag from all the cigarette smoke.
“Real numbers”???
Ain’t no such thing . . .
. . . guesses, and hunches, and lies, oh my!
U.S. stocks nosedive, trading paused as emergency Fed action fails to mollify investors
I have a hunch . . .
. . . that having good, reliable data might have been a good thing??
I dunno’ . . .
Spoiler alert: Whatever he said . . . lies.
Probably going to have to adjust the scale in a few days.
And…now, the only bullets left in the Fed arsenal is buying more and more bad debt….which taxpayers will some day have to pick up.
Unless I misunderstand what 's happening here.
Increasing govt spending, low interest, bailouts of struggling sectors and Fed reserve infusions of cash to help the repo market and banks have all been the kinds if things we've done during financial meltdowns in the past, but we've been doing them this entire 12 year bull market. We're out of tools in the tool box and nobody has a global pandemic plan to save off global economic collapse.
Larry Kudlow (he’s not an economist, but he plays one on TV) is offering the Get Trump’s Precious Tushie Out Of The Sling Bill
Because Trillion dollar deficits just aren’t sufficient anymore to get the job done.
"roll out a plan for $800 billion in fiscal stimulus……"
Silly me, but I recall the Tea Party and all its versions blasting Obama in 2009 for doing the exact same thing……..
Yes, indeed. Silly C.H.B. IOKIYAR.
DummBunny Louis Gohmert never disappoints:
Louie Gohmert single-handedly holds up House coronavirus bill before it can be sent to Senate
Thoughts and prayers…
The Fed isn’t the answer to a demand shock, direct payments to people are. Mitt Romney agrees with me (he’s just a bit low).
I think $2k a month for six months is a better number. I’d suggest more, but trying to be bipartisan.
bad debt on the Fed's books should be borne by the members of the Federal reserve (the "member banks")
A working taxpayer bailout seems more …. evil and more likely
"The chair does not serve at the pleasure of the president, meaning that he or she cannot be dismissed by the president, though the chair can resign before the end of the term. … He was nominated to the position by President Donald Trump on November 2, 2017, and was later confirmed by the Senate."
Is the wikipedia wrong?
Either way, Powell needs to tell the president to shut up
Powell has openly criticized Trump in the past. I hope continues to do so.
We won’t know if the President can fire someone on the Fed just yet. There’s a Supreme Court case that has been argued, but not yet decided:
VOX” The Supreme Court will decide if Trump can fire the head of the CFPB. The implications are enormous.
Dr. Scott Morrow – San Mateo County Health Officer. A reliable source of good information and recommendations . . . https://www.smchealth.org/post/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-updates-resources
Click on Health Officer Statement.
I wished Biden had replied to the PAC money outrage by Sanders by saying he would gladly take Bloomberg’s PAC help and anyone else who wanted to help him beat Trump.
In one of the most dickish moments in this Food Fight series, Biden offered him the olive branch to work together but oh not Mr. Not-A-Democrat from Vermont who is never going to sleep in the White House said “NO! NO! NO. You have to come work for me“. It’s like Lee insisting that Grant meet his demands. “Dude. You are losing big time. Be a team member and let’s take out Trump together otherwise history will treat you harshly”.
Colorado governor orders bars, restaurants to halt dine-in service statewide in fight against coronavirus
A sad necessity, what with all the I'll-gladly-do-my-part-so-long-as-I'm-not-personally-inconvenienced-ism out there.
Breaking news — film at 11
Why the sudden switch in tone? Possibly this.
White House Takes New Line After Dire Report on Death Toll