“There’s always the hyena of morality at the garden gate, and the real wolf at the end of the street.”
–D. H. Lawrence
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BY: joe_burly
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: The realist
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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Here’s Bucko throwing meat to the base:
Death toll in Hawaii from the climate change hoax has hit 80.
Surprisingly, even Fox News is covering it although it's simply a "big fire."
Every now and then, we need to talk about our own dirty laundry. I for one feel like we need to talk about our own Governor Polis.
On August 10th, Colorado Politics ran a story with the headline, “Gov Jared Polis comments on abortion, Focus on the Family, pre-K draw criticism from Democrats”. I’d post the link but Colorado Pols won’t let me.
While the point can be made that Colorado Politics is Anschutz trash, I saw the 9News interview where Polis claimed parents complaining about the free pre-k rollout were just looking for free childcare. I also saw the news clip where our esteemed Governor claimed that Democrats thought “abortion was bad”.
It’s long past time that we acknowledge that Jared doesn’t seem to care about Democratic priorities and values. The arrogance of claiming that families who had been promised free full time pre-k and planned for that and who are complaining about the short notice of part time pre-k, well that arrogance is just breathtaking.
As for the comment that Democrats believe that abortion is bad, we need to remember this is the same guy who claimed that getting an abortion is like getting elective surgery, like a nose job. Clearly the mansplaining Governor doesn’t understand or even want to try to care that abortion is healthcare and the decision to have an abortion is a private medical decision between a patient and their doctor. He’s too busy pandering to right wing Coloradans to learn better.
Wow, someone just woke up to the fact that our pro-business centrist governor is not a left-wing fanatic.
The Colorado Republican Party is on the ropes in a really bad way. Polis is one who wants to keep putting it to them. Far left wing ideologues want to give the Rs ammunition to dig themselves out of the very large Williams/Peters/Bonniwell/Boebert hole that they dug for themselves.
Dare I ask for some examples of how the governor is “pandering” to right wing Coloradans? After all, he is the governor for all the people, not just for those who desire the great progressive nirvana to magically appear.
"Dare I ask for some examples of how the governor is “pandering” to right wing Coloradans?"
By not providing free stuff for everyone.
Boy, that was a knee-slapper LB…how did you get to be so dang clever?
He studied Bernie Sanders' campaigns.
Polis misled thousands of parents on pre-K. He deserves resounding criticism for that. Child care is expensive, and the governor is backpedaling from his promises. That is on him, not "left-wing fanatics."
Polis is a dyed-in-the-wool libertarian…in fact, a very wealthy libertarian…it just so happens his libertarian views, on occasion, coincide with liberalism. don't expect him to support a ban on killing guns, a bill that raises taxes for the rich, or any decision that relies on science-based methods re pandemics. Don't forget…rich libertarians are the enemies of democracy.
You had your chance. You could have voted for Heidi Ganahl.
You are kind of a broken record, aren't you? "Don't like something? I guess that means you love terrible things, right??? right?!?" This is practically the entire political strategy of centrists these days. Annoyed by Biden? I guess you love Trump. Upset that promises made were not kept? I guess you want to live in a country run by fascist.
… boring.
Actually, LBisaworthlessPOS, I knew this before he ran for Governor. I posted this because we don’t talk about our own trash here on ColoradoPols and we need to.
Also, respecting that many Colorado families do not have his financial means and that abortion access is something that about 70% of Colorado’s electorate support is not left wing fanaticism.
Thanks, SWDD. I would have liked to have seen Jason and Ian throw something harder than softball questions at Governor Polis during his recent “Get More Smarter” interview.
For example:
Why did you threaten to veto the very limited and specific trailer park costs bill if it included a rent cap?
Why do you say that “Democrats think that abortion is bad”?
Are the flaws in the free pre-K program going to be fixed, or do we live with it as-is?
My granddaughter was one who was supposed to have full time pre-K this fall, but now can’t.
I voted as a delegate for Polis, but now regret that. I still think he’s a massive upgrade from Hickenlooper.
Centrists will call you a fanatic any time you suggest that the government should help poor people.
Yup. See above.
As far as how Governor is pandering to the right wing, also see above:
* claiming that “Democrats think abortion is bad”.
*threatening to veto a bill to relieve trailer owners of tripling lot rent increases by out-of-state investors, because this is “rent control” .
* giving high income families the same preschool benefits as low income, at the cost of being able to provide full day preschool for low income families. See Marshal Zelinger interview.
On the ground for real working families, half day vs full day preschool makes a huge difference. It means that a single parent can’t take a full time job, for instance. Wealthier families can afford to fill in the gaps on childcare.
Of course, Polis is better than Ganahl or any R governor right now. That’s not the issue. The issues are is that his libertarian bent is hurting poor and working class Coloradans, and that he undercuts reproductive rights by refusing to say that abortion care is good, necessary healthcare.
“his libertarian bent is hurting poor and working class Coloradans…..”
Strictly subjective.
Something that actually has the potential to hurt poor and working class Coloradans is the push to close the Suncor refinery. Yes, it’s got problems. But it is the only refinery in the state. Why should a half million poor and working class Coloradans pay more for gas to satisfy some progressive activists? Gas prices were significantly up earlier this year during the three months it was closed for repairs.
It's an environmental nightmare and Suncor has repeatedly broken the law and eschewed efforts to do better. It needs to be shut down. His libertarian bent hurt the parents who now are scrambling with child care because of his broken promises. It's not "strictly subjective."
“it needs to be shut down…..” I admitted in my original post that Suncor has problems. You haven’t answered my comment, however, that closure of Suncor will force hundred of thousands of poor and lower middle class Coloradans to pay more for gas.
We’re already paying more for gas, in case you hadn’t noticed, with Suncor fully operational since late March / early April./p>
Gas costs more because oil costs more, and because they can charge more and get away with it. Besides $90/barrel oil, there are other factors keeping oil prices high in Colorado – like “explosive” profits –
As far as shutting SunCor down, if there is a long term plan in place to replace it with cleaner energy like EV technology, I’m all for it. Sun Cor is among the worst refineries in the country, for accidents, pollution, and health hazards to the community. My 2 year old grandson has had continual respiratory problems since moving to Thornton a few miles from Suncor, and he’s not the only one.
You don’t have to be a progressive activist to want cleaner air, less water pollution, and still be able to get around the community. At least that’s what the people living near Suncor say.
“You don’t have to be a progressive activist…….”
You may want to research good environmental things that came out of the Nixon administration. Like the Safe Drinking Water Act and extensions to the Clean Air Act.
Still the same issue with Suncor. The interests of a few thousand vs. the interests of a half million.
The mention of Nixonian environmental wonderfulness is an often used, but trite and ineffectual piece of what about ism. And, I might add, is wholly irrelevant.
Denver has grown up around Commerce City. It is no longer, "out there". It, and the awful, polluting, Canadian monstrosity that is Suncor, are surrounded by people. Mostly people who can't afford to live elsewhere. By most accounts, Suncor is one of the worst refineries in the nation, and demographics necessitates it be surrounded by people Republicans don't care about.
Even if the output of Suncor directly affected the local price of fuel, which I am confident it does not, what is the health and well being of the local population worth?
To some…it means nothing.
Just because you think it is "trite and ineffectual" doesn't make it so.
You may want to research who is working to roll back all of that sweet Nixonian environmental goodness.
Likewise, pretending that your trite and ineffectual what-about-isms aren't, doesn't make them anything more substantive or other than subjective, at best.
Really great point. I’m touched by your deep concern for the wellbeing of the poor (when you’re of the urge to cudgel Democrats). It’s so convenient, too.
Listen up folks, it’s either a safe environment or destitution. Same as the oil companies have been preaching for over half a century, eh? How many times you all gotta’ be told this?
Wanting Suncor to ever meaningfully clean up its act, and comply with environmental protection laws???? [cue, the Richard-Nixon’s-EPA/Cory-Gardner-once-voted-for-something soliloquy theme] Why, they’d be “forced” to close — there is no other option.
We should just have Suncor double-pinky-no-take-backs swear to try to do a little better sometime in the future? (It’s always worked out for them in the past. And, Nixon and Gardner would approve.)
Fucking Greg Abbott . . .
And Ron DeSantis is right down there with him. Maybe all the way-far Left Poilsters ought to consider these kinds of events when they start bitching about Polis.
Great example of logical fallacies: specifically, the False Dilemma fallacy and the Middle Ground fallacy.
The False Dilemma fallacy posits that there are only two choices, as opposed to the spectrum of choices in reality. Either one unquestioningly supports Jared, polis, OR one must unquestioningly support Ron DeSantis.
The Middle Ground fallacy posits that all ideologicical extremes are inherently wrong, and that the truth , or the highest value social good, “ lies somewhere in the middle”. This is a go-to favorite of centrists on this blog.
Proponents of these fallacies thus avoid looking at policies along an ideological apectrum, and avoid critically examining policies to see whom they hurt and whom they help. Just slap a label on it, trash it and its proponents without looking closely, and call it comfortable.
I remember hearing folks complaining in 2000 that we had a terrible choice between two indistinguishable milk toast presidential candidate, G.W. Bush and Al Gore.
But wait, we didn't have to select between these two unacceptable choices. We had a true conservative on the ballot – Pat Buchanan – fresh off his win over Donald Trump for the Reform Party nomination. And, of course, we had a real progressive in Ralph Nader.
The funny thing is that the right wingers saw the writing on the wall, knew what needed to be done, held their noses, and voted for Bush while the smug lefties felt good about themselves and voted for Nader.
As that great socialist philosopher, Karl Marx, once said, "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."
Third time will be as Cornel West.
The cravenness of leftists who decry Polis as an ideologue not because that's undesirable in itself but because he's not their flavor of ideologue is always amusing.
Cravenness? Man some of y’all have a screw loose and just cannot stand the idea that some “ideologues” don’t just tow the Centris corporatist line. Is it craven to support policies and be disappointed when your party representatives, who often run on the rhetoric of the “way-far left”, don’t deliver? Isn’t it Democratic to “decry” your elected officials when they don’t measure up to what you want out of them?
Our cadre of “Mugwumps” has a long history of demeaning anyone left of their perceived and established “center”. They refuse to accept that change comes from the left and right. Nothing moves unless the “center” is pushed.
Their refusal to acknowledge this fundamental truth is marked by some specific behavior. Condescension toward liberals who dare question the BenneHickenPolis /17th Street connection is their MO. Accusations of ulterior motives, generalizations about various constituencies (those who live in mobile homes, for example.). All of this rhetorical vituperation can be yours by simply pointing out any questionable decisions by any of those three.
Having lodged their sanctimonious asses on the Bench of Righteousness, they will be happy to tell you how trivial and unimportant you are if you dare question their banal point of view.
Fentanyl deaths are up this year over last year. See how well the reinstated felony possession law is working? Polis would've been better off hewing to his libertarian side on this one.
Hola Spaceman, just wondering where the stat came from? I did some searching and found a bunch of stories saying they're up so far in Denver for like the 1st half of 2023, but didn't find statewide numbers for this year. I did find numbers saying statewide deaths spiked significantly from 2019-2021, but basically stabilized for 2022 (about the same as 2021).
I found no recent (2023) fentanyl death numbers. The DEA says that fentanyl now comes in all colors (not just “blues”) , shapes and sizzes and is usually mixed with another drug.
Anecdotally, from my work with addicts, fentanyl seems to be easy and cheap to obtain, easy to hide, and yes, easy to OD from. We’ve had ODs this year, but no deaths so far, thanks to quick application of Naloxone by staff.
Homeless people start using fentanyl on the street…it’s why you can’t deal with only one aspect of a multifaceted problem. Affordable housing and affordable addiction treatment need to be linked. Denver fid a decent job on this last year.