Mario Solis- Marich referred to Councilwoman Boigon as Councilwoman Boing Boiing today more than once. My response to him is this: You shouldn’t make fun of ethnic people’s names. You would take offense if people made fun of yours. Carol Boigon has a strong record of public service and deserves respect. To do so on Passover is even more offensive. Perhaps you should move to Denver and get to know the history of the city rather than purport to be be an insider who has broadcasted primarily from California.
He should know better. He’s supposed to be a political professional pundit.
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She dropped out of the race, The comment was not attacking her faith just poking the fun at the fact she dropped out.
It’s not as if Boigon is the kind of name people automatically connect with being Jewish so I don’t see it at all as making fun of her ethnicity. I’m Jewish and wouldn’t have assumed Ms. Boigon was just on the basis of her name. In fact, I have never before encountered a Jew with that name. There are many reasons why I can only take Mario in small doses but accusing him of some sort of anti-Semitism in his little play on Boigon’s name is quite a stretch.
He’s hyopocrte.
Any candidate that accepts his support should demand that he publicly apologize to Carol Boigon. .
He’d be screaming racism across the airways if anyone said anything close about a Latino candidate.
The man endorses mechanics in town on commercials whom have never serviced his car, unless they flew to LA.
I can’t support him.
I think Mario has made me decide to back Chris Romer.
Many of my FB friends that are Latino found Mario’s behavior very childish and indicative of a 5 year old’s mentality.
Get a grip.
I hope you will support the candidate that will do the best for Denver, whoever that may be to you.
I am sure he does not condone childish behavior on his behalf.
I don’t think he was being anti-semetic. I think it was a pretty minor offense — juvenile joking around. The market for that show is something like 18-25. I have young men in my family and they act like they are in first grade sometimes. I just ignore it.
an apology would be classy. Carol has been a wonderful public servant overall, and Denver is indebted to her and many other good Dems who deserve our respect.
How is juvenile joking around any kind of offense, major or minor?
Making a joke about Boigon bouncing out of the race by calling her Boing Boing isn’t anti-Semetic, it isn’t anti-woman, it isn’t anti-anything, it’s just a silly joke.
James Mejia jokes that “Mejia” is Spanish for mayor. Is he making fun of “ethnic people’s names,” as Ray would have it? Is he anti-Latino, or anti-people who can’t speak Spanish? Maybe we can agree that what he says is be horribly offensive to people who lack a sense of humor. Or maybe it’s just a joke.
This is the most absurd over-reaction in memory.
I don’t think his remark had anything to do with Boigon’s ethnicity. Boigon is hardly immediately identifiable as a Jewish name. Not like Cohen or Shapiro. I can’t see that he has any more need to apologize than if he had referred to McCain as McSame. I honestly don’t think he had anything to do with her ethnicity in mind. At all. This is the kind of thing that takes PC policing way, way too far whether you like Mario’s style or not. I mainly find him tiresome. Should I demand an apology for irritating me?
I didn’t know the “boing boing” was about bouncing out of a race. That does make it seem even less offensive. I misunderstood Ray’s reporting of it to be that he was making fun of her name just to make fun of her name.
Ray, is it possible you misunderstood what he said and why e said it?
Mario has said some pretty offensive things before, but in general, I think he means well.
I do agree that in that context, “boing boing” would probably make sense. It’s like me calling my Congressman Mike “Illegal Vote Purger” Coffman. I think the fact that her name has the same letters made this somewhat confusing to those of us who didn’t listen to his show. (I used to be a regular listener a long time ago, but I stopped. Won’t go into it anymore.)
What if a radio host refers to Doug Linkhart as Doug BleedingHeart? Is that anti-German? Would it be worse if the joke was uttered during Oktoberfest? You’re trying too hard to find anything that makes any sense in Ray’s tirade.
I don’t believe it was an ethnic slur. Originally, I thought it was just rude. After hearing the context, I don’t think it is rude or an ethnic slur, just juvenile.
I’m the one who had a field day with Dick Wadham’s name, remember? I’m not above being juvenile for a laugh. I don’t fault the radio guy for being juvenile if he owns it.
I did have an issue with him when he was trashing Morgan Carroll eight times a day for months over the tuition equity vote (note, she did come around 180 degrees after meeting with a number of Latino leaders and activists who were more respectful– she is a very compassionate and intelligent person). Her being on our side in the end was despite the radio guy’s attacks, not because of them! I have a huge issue with progressives who ruthlessly attack good Dems when they are not perfect. (This is a completely different issue than whether or not Carol Boigon seemed “bouncy”.)
he’s likes to do his little Mutley snicker when he rhymes Dianna DeGette’s name with vagina — but you’re OK with that?
He’s an ASS and has no right to be on Colorado Progressive radio (or any radio) faking a commitment, interest, or pertinence to what goes on in our state.
Mario is an empty, embarassing pander to Colorado’s latinos. He’s an illiterate, grammatically-challenged stuttering imbecilic ASS.
He doesn’t know our landmarks (he calls our world reknowned concert venue Red Rock).
He doesn’t know our politicians (he consistently corrected himself after referring to Gov. John Ritter or Stan Gannett).
After the Windsor tornado he reported the names of those killed — WTF? Yeah, the ass identified the name of a woman “killed” in the tragedy but he was dead-ass wrong.
He ID’d a woman by name without the release by authorities, without corroborating from a 2nd source, and prior to any possible family notification but HOW — how since NO woman died in the tornado.
Basic broadcast tenet is to report the facts — report the truth. But he FAILS.
Olinger was too drunk & didn’t care to fire him. The new Program Director couldn’t give a rats ass about the Progressive station, so Colorado is stuck with the ASS.
Like I said — I rarely listen to his show anymore. I never heard him say anything bad about DeGette though. Are you sure that wasn’t that KHOW loon — you know, the one who where’s the leather coat on his website to look young and cool, yet looks like an old stuffed shirt on PBS tv? Media Matters ripped him apart when he deliberately called Diana DeGette that. Is it Peter Boils or something like that?
Anyone notice they’re almost all men on the radio? We have one female progressive radio host — that loud woman in Florida. Other than that, they’re all men. Not a lot better than the male conservative talking heads, if you ask me. This woman is tired of not being represented by any of them. The only one I like is Thom Hartmann.
When there is woman’s progressive talk radio in Denver, I’ll probably be a regular listener (kind of stupid that there’s not when you think of it — women are much more likely to be Dems than men, and women control 70% of all consumer spending). Until then, I’ve got music in my phone, and friends I’d rather have real conversations with anyway.
And Clear Channel — if you’re listening — my girlfriends and I would gladly provide a radio show for Dem women. Call me — I’ve got loads of opinions. I bet Progressive Cowgirl and MOTR might help me if I ask sweetly, too. 🙂
beer and Star Wars all the time — sorry — they haven’t a clue.
because I have never, EVER listened to KHOW.
I also share your concern about gender representation in media. 49.6% of CO population are women yet there is NOT one local female talker — WHY?
KKZN has toyed with Erin Hart, having her do spot fill-ins, and she’s a CO native but now lives in the great Northwest US. Very doubtful she’d move back but she would very much like to be back on CO airwaves. Hmm, so a somewhat Progressive female professional broadcaster with Colorado roots and a lifetime of in-state experience — who would want that?
KKZN & ClearChannel mgmt are pathetic.
BTW, if what you “hear” outta Sirota is only beer & SciFi geekiness then you don’t know how to listen. But then that speaks to your inclination for generalised ill-informed statements. Open yer ears
I hear plenty of other things, too. I just get tired of the sexism — and Sirota is just as guilty of it as the rest of them. So is Ed Schultz, who asks questions of more male callers, and hurries female callers off the radio quickly. I’m sick of all of them. Male radio channel owners think women want to hear hair and makeup and cleaning commercials. Male radio DJs act juvenile or talk about beer and Star Wars to chase women off. I am sick of all of it.
I haven’t had a conversation with a girlfriend about hair or makeup or celebrity gossip or cleaning supplies in years. We talk about legislation, our families, our kid’s schools, poverty, unemployment, homeowner’s issues, the environment, etc. When a radio channel owner or DJ gets that, it will be newsworthy and they will make a ton of money providing a service to Colorado’s intelligent Democratic women. Until then, screw ’em. And screw you for your second to last sentence, Van Dammer. My ears have been open, but my standards are obviously much higher than years. Enjoy your Trekkie talk.
It’s a good opportunity for him to show the public that he does not condone such behavior.
Mario said he makes fun of people’s name all the time. That’s disgusting and hypocritical.
Denver should know the man is not from our ocmmunity, and I doubt seriously that he even knew Carol was Jewish, and that Passover began last night.
He’s basically a crybaby and very rude if one doesn’t kiss up to him.
He certainly helped Micahel Bennet,Nate Easley, and is helping Chris Romer. I like Chris Romer, so perhaps he should just contimue to run his biased, Glen Beck style show.
spelling correction. It’s early. (6:15 am)
Mario is a pundint who is more interested in trilling the Rs in Mario or Colorado than in learning foreign sounding names like Eye-Rack and Boing-Boing, excetera.
Besides, Boigon doesn’t sound Jewish, and making fun of someone’s name is just immature and stupid, not anti-semitic. Even if it were anti-semitic, that’s bad all year round. Ma Nishtana halayla hazeh?
Besides Marios makes fun of other people’s names all the time. Why else would he have been calling John Boehner “Bonior” for years? That’s much more funny than the obvious “Boner”, and couldn’t possibly be because he was confusing him with Michigan Democrat David Bonior.
Besides, this childish name-mashing is harmless in comparison to his argument last week that we don’t need to teach kids how to do math any more because we have calculators and other ways of teaching logical thinking. Really, those good-paying jobs where you have to actually have to know how to do math only account for what? – 1-2% of jobs anyway. That’s why the young student teacher he shouted down last week for defending teaching kids math deserved to be treated like a teabagger.
is a childhish individual that knows so little about Denver politics that he doesn’t know that Carol Boigon is Jewish, nor that her husband is the President of Colrado AIPAC, and insulting her on Passover. He wouldn’t have done the same to Polly Baca (I like Polly..this is just an example) and certainly not on Good Friday.
The man is crass, and insensitive at best
James Mejia will be on Marich’s show today at 5:30 pm. We shall see if he makes an effort to reach out to the Jewish vote.
And I didn’t know that’s what Carol’s husband does because I don’t care. The vast majority of people didn’t know Passover started last night anyway. Why would it be better or worse to do something on a holiday?
Why does Mejia need to apologize and denounce his unfortunate supporters? Bennet never apologized for the supporters who took shots at Romanoff’s mom. Why not? Could it be because it wasn’t Bennet, or even anyone he paid to speak for him, taking the shots?
Look, I know Republicans pull that shit all the time. Do we really need to? Really?
Mario’s an idiot. I’d recommend trying my method; don’t listen to him. It always amazes me that people expect better from the left dickwads than the right. There’s a reason they have an audience. Smarts and class, sadly, ain’t it.
“Boingboing”? “Obomber” is funnier and it’s you know, not.
Get over it. No political candidate is going to go on a guy’s show to denounce his twelve year old’s (no offense, kids) sense of humor. Certainly not to apologize for a non-existent slur.
Don’t make me stand up for Mario ever again. I will take it personally.
All that being said; I had an amazing Seder and hope you did as well.
You don’t know Denver politics neither. At least you live in Colorado and don’t pretend to do so.
Everyone’s a tolerant idiot but your genius, prejudiced ass. Our collective bad.
You’re a complete and utter moron. This statement proves it.
Frankly, I’d be offended more by some token effort to get the “Jewish vote” than by someone making fun of a name that’s not even Jewish enough to read as Jewish to the average person.
Come on Ray, did you expect class, correctness, or even basic knowledge of anything Colorado from this lying L.A. Asshole?
Marich is an ill-informed, illiterate, stuttering thin-skinned egotist that has NO reason to be on any major/minor market radio broadcast but yet ClearChannel gives this empty pander to the Latino listeners 15 hrs a week — why?
Anyone here a proud alum of CU? Did ya know Mario consistently called all CU sports team buttf*ckers for the last 2 years (until their PD was called out on it)? Look up “boofs” in the urban dict and then search Westword’s Michael Roberts column on Mario’s fuck ups.
BTW, where was your outrage when he was rhyming DeGette’s 1st name w/ some female anatomy?
I’ve been posting & complaining about Mario’s stupid immature Mutley-snickering schtick since he first started lying to Colorado Progressives — sorry it took you so long to get a clue.
Dan Mandis was named KKZN’s Program Director back at the end of February. Let him know Mario sux. Let him know Mario is an embarrasment, a liar, and doesn’t speak for Colorado in any way. For chrissakes, the idiot lives & lies in L.A. — he broadcasts his show daily from L.A.
Call Dan @(303)713-8000
Email Dan at
IM Dan at KKZN Feedback
Do something other than just post your gripes on ColPols