Ironically, when you go to The Denver Post’s website and look for a way to pay for the content, instead of lapping it up for free, you have to get out your microscope and look in the upper right hand corner (and the way bottom of the page) to find the word “subscribe.”
I’ll make it easy by providing the subscription link here.
The Post should enlarge its “subscribe” button so its squinting aged readers don’t have another excuse, as if they need one, not to subscribe to the newspaper, which is downsizing its newsroom once again.
Obviously The Post, like other outfits that try to practice serious journalism, is hurting. You might think it’s their own fault. You might think they’re doomed. You might think they don’t add as much to civic debate as they used to. And you might be right, but please think about subscribing anyway, especially if you use the content, to try to help keep the state’s best journalistic organ alive.
It may already be in the death spiral, but there’s still hope that if the newspaper industry can make it through the recession and, at the same time, get better at making money online, it can maintain the expertise and staff needed to inform us idiots out here.
The people who say that The Denver Post is useless at this point can’t be reading the newspaper.
If everyone in Colorado actaully read The Post, we’d have the most informed and educated state in history. I know the newspaper sucks compared to what it was, but think about how bad it could be, and how much worse the state would be without it.
The newspaper still covers the grind of politics and civic life, entertainment, business, even sports, unlike anything we’ve got and will probably ever have.
So do us all a favor and subscribe.
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To save them….Newsweek being the most recent and we are going to let that lapse.
I have three questions for you, Jason.
1) If 20 people are 8% of the Post’s newsroom staff, then it must have 150 or so employees, now. Isn’t that a lot of people?
Sports gets well covered, but nothing else. The reporting of city council, RTD, and School Board meetings is sporadic. What are they doing with all those people?? I don’t think they have covered one school board forum.
I like the Aurora Sentinel for comprehensive local coverage…although it has become a weekly and mostly online. But, I don’t get news from the Post.
2) I like to listen to the radio on the computer. Now when I go to the Clear Channel stations, I get a “I heart radio” and a link to some national conservative stations and some satellite stations. Right now, I can listen for free to KHOW and Sirota on 760 am. But, I wonder for how long. Do you know anything about this?
3) Have you caught the Dave Logan show in KOA during drive time? Makes me so damm sad…it is what Denver radio used to be, 24/7…..funny, decent, informative.
My company tends to hire former newspaper employees. We have a whole passel of ex-Newsers. Inevitably, we’ll find ourselves snapping up some former Post employees. And then… and THEN!
a lot of sympathetic agreement to your position here, but I agree completely with . . .
. . . which is why I pay for the New York Times online. Because, you’re right, I don’t have the stomach for wading through (that Denver Post) crap anymore — paid or unpaid.
And now today, thanks to my good buddy ArapaGOP, we can go to Conservapedia for all of our unpaid jollies.
So, my suggestion to everyone would echo Jason — stop being a sponge. (There’s absolutely no reason at all to partake of any of The Denver Post’s non-content.)
Their web site is ad-driven.
We have to view the ads to see the content.
Some of the ads are offensive and not-safe-for-work. I’m not talking about “porn offensive,” I’m talking about auto-start audio ads that give you no choice whether to listen or not.
Pardon me if my violin is a little out of tune, but the Post has chosen its business model.
I don’t feel that conforming to their company-chosen business model should be characterized as “sponging.”
If the Post is in financial trouble, chalk it up to bad managers making bad choices.