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April 08, 2021 11:09 AM UTC

Lauren Boebert Needs MTG To Hold Her Beer

  • by: Colorado Pols
Rep. Lauren Boebert and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

CNN reports on a legitimately yuge first full quarter of incumbent fundraising for none other than Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who came in like a wrecking ball to Congress along with fellow “Q-some Twosome” freshman Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado and has despite Boebert’s best efforts at making offensive headlines has consistently managed to position herself as the chief conductor of the post-Trump Republican crazy train:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene announced on Wednesday that her reelection campaign raised an astonishing $3.2 million in the Georgia Republican’s first three months in office, after reports detailed her embrace of conspiracy theories and support for executing prominent Democratic politicians.

“I am humbled, overjoyed, and so excited to announce what happened over the past few months as I have been the most attacked freshman member of Congress in history,” said Greene in a statement. “I stood my ground and never wavered in my belief in America First policies and putting People Over Politicians! And I will NEVER back down! As a matter of fact, I’m just getting started.”

The House voted in February to remove Greene from her committee assignments after reports of her comments surfaced showing her encouragement of political violence, suggestion that the Parkland, Florida, school shooting was a “false flag” operation and conspiratorial claim that a space laser controlled by Jewish financiers started a California wildfire in 2018.

But unlike MTG, Lauren Boebert, who draws her political strength from the same unhinged fringe-right backwaters of the Republican coalition, managed only a paltry $700,000 during the same first quarter of 2021–barely keeping pace with her incipient opponent Kerry Donovan, who raised nearly as much in far less time. What’s more, MTG represents a district so safely Republican (Cook PVI R+27 with today’s map) that it’s extremely unlikely she will face any threat other than a Republican primary–compared to Boebert’s as-yet unknown but almost certainly more competitive district, pending likely major changes to the state’s congressional map in the upcoming redistricting process.

What we’re trying to say, as nicely as we can, is that Boebert could find herself relegated to a lower tier of prominence by a fellow freshman member of Congress who appeals to the exact same audience and doesn’t need the help nearly as badly. There’s been surprising little press so far about the personal relationship between MTG and Boebert, which based on their common cause politically we would assume to be cordial. Does Boebert need more competent help, or less competition for the spotlight?

At least in the cash flow department, Boebert needs a little of MTG’s shine to rub off on her, and soon.


17 thoughts on “Lauren Boebert Needs MTG To Hold Her Beer

  1. I have a serious question for those that might know something about campaign finance laws. If you are a safe incumbent (such as MTG), how do you leverage millions of campaign cash to your advantage? She doesn't seem to need it for mailers or campaign ads. Presumably, it must be used for campaign expenses and she cannot just pay it to herself or her family members. Can she contribute it to other candidates or PACs to gain some influence, or does she just spend it like a drunk sailor with favored vendors and "consultants" that she knows will show their gratitude when she needs it? 

    1. Campaign funds can be used for a broad range of campaign expenses (as long as they are at competitive rates), shifted to other candidates (within contribution limits), shifted to a PAC or political party apparatus (for a bit more flexibility in donating), banked for future use, or given away to nonprofit organizations. 

      Going to be interesting to see how Greene and Boebert use their money.  $700,000 in donations in a quarter is impressive.  Open Secrets recorded that Boebert, in the primary AND general election of 2020, had "Total reported payments, 2020 cycle: $800,394."

  2. They're both boxes of rocks but MTG has better stage presence. Boebert is just the lower ranking Mean Girl who will never make fetch happen.

    1. What happened to the story about MTG's affair with the Cross Fit gym manager in GA?  Probably displaced by Gaetz's sexploits.  It's difficult to keep up with all of the straying from the Family Values Party!

      1. Dayaammm. Another case of The Rules are Made for Other People. But of course, she says that Democrats are making this shit up because of a Socialist Agenda. 

        It probably won’t affect her electability, since all involved were consenting adults. It will be interesting to see if there’s a double standard- The evangelicals forgave Trump all his unfaithful hijinks- will they be more judgemental about a transgressing female?


  3. Sadly, this braying jackass Trumper caucus is going to have one less member. Gaetz is getting the dime dropped on him. Some day, god willing, they will all be gone.

    1. The opponent did not leave because of Greene …. he bailed out.

      Day 28: Kevin was on the phone with Ruth trying to process everything when there was a knock at the door. It was a sheriff’s deputy. He was there to serve Kevin a petition for divorce, which included his wife’s description of a troubled marriage brought under increasing pressure from a man falling apart, as well as an order she had obtained requiring that he leave the house immediately.

      Day 29: The team tried to figure out what to do. Kevin was in a hotel, effectively homeless. He had no money to pay for an extended hotel stay or an apartment, and federal rules prevented using campaign funds for housing.

      Day 30: Political strategy took over as the team decided that if Kevin left Georgia and moved in with his parents in Indiana, he might be disqualified, which was the only hope the party had of naming a replacement so close to Election Day, and so Michael told Kevin what he already knew: “This is beyond you.”

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