As readers know, Republican gubernatorial candidate Danielle Neuschwanger is not taking her narrow elimination from the June 28th primary ballot at last Saturday’s state assembly lying down, promising as-yet unspecified next steps to prove she was the victim of some kind of deliberate shenanigans in the delegating voting. Yesterday, Neuschwanger appeared on (who else) leading election conspiracy theorist Joe Oltmann’s video program to press her case to the intrigue-predisposed Republican faithful:
And what has Oltmann’s team of super-sleuths uncovered? Why, what else–a conspiracy!
Is it true that Republicans voted on discontinued clickers? We have no idea, and we don’t know what effect that might have add on the voting if it were true. But to the guy already being sued for untold amounts after making up the Dominion Voting Systems conspiracy theory that has consumed the Republican Party, who cares what’s true? They’ve got a conclusion and they’re working backwards to confirm it. Now they’ve got a thing–that critical, indispensable thing they call a “MacGuffin” in movie plots–in the form of the “clicker” handheld voting machines that supposedly were reluctant to record votes for Danielle Neuschwanger.
Like the “Big Lie” itself, “ClickerGate” now has all the necessary ingredients to live forever in the minds of Republicans who have been taught to distrust every form of election tabulation short of humans hand-counting paper ballots–never mind that the error rate is far higher than with machines. You’re never going to convince them otherwise, because they don’t want to be convinced otherwise. Danielle Neuschwanger doesn’t have to find a way back on the ballot at this point–she’s achieved her celebrity status, another martyr for the cause like Tina Peters in the likely event her campaign is confined to a jail cell.
It’s the flip side of convincing millions to believe the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was stolen.
Now they trust no one.
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Maybe Pam Anderson could restore leadership and trust at this level, and leave the Dept. of State alone.
It’s so delicious that the same wild-eyed conspiracy-driven lunacy that animates their whole party is now poised to eat them from the inside. This pattern will soon begin happening all over the country whenever the most far-right mental patient loses a primary. It will consume them all, and the rest of us get to watch the fires burn.
Isn't it a treat when the Major Grifters chew each other's ankles!
This looks very serious.
Think about it. KBB had no advanced knowledge when it was the social gun club she was President of who called for paper ballots?
Not that she needed an invitation it was obviously going to come up.
KBB says she didnt bring ballots? But others say they saw the ballots.
The MACHINE is easy to rig
They already disqualified the will of the assembly in court.
Eating their own is now baked in as a Republican pastime. As former Rep. State Representative Rob Witwer (R) and former State Senator Josh Penry (R) wrote years ago: The Republican Party is like the reality show Survivor – every election cycle they decide who they will throw off the island this year.
All we need do is look back at 2016. Sen. Ted Cruz spent a year organizing in Colorado, and because of his efforts he won almost all of the delegates to the Republican National Convention that year. After the Republican state assembly, Trump, who spent not one hour in Colorado and never had an organization here, sent Sarah Palin to Denver and she alleged, without citing any evidence, that Colorado's Republican delegate selection was rigged. Trump followed her to Denver a week later and made the same allegations. To this day, neither one of them has offered any evidence that the 2016 delegate selection process was fraudulent.
There is a certain sense of freedom for individuals who intentionally disregard facts and ones who lie, but in the end, nothing they say is believed because no one knows when they are telling the truth.
Joe Oltmann insists KGB must resign.
I know there are supposed links between the Republicans and the Russians, but calling for the KGB to do something seems unlikely to get results.
Also, just because the creator corporation "retires" a device, it does not mean there are not on-going uses supported by some technology vendor. So, it might be worthwhile to find out who provided the response devices and get their take on how they functioned during the Republican Assembly.
Hush dont let your reason get in the way of their paranoia.
I heard that voting device is made by a German company that makes… someones at the door… they're coming in…