“Beware the wrath of a patient adversary.”
–John C. Calhoun
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BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: unnamed
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
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State Senator Kent Lambert (R-Colorado Springs) plans to introduce legislation again this year (similar to what he did last year and couldn’t get out of committee) that would give municipalities the option of lowering the City’s contribution to PERA and making up the difference by raising the employees contribution.
Senator Lambert is a retired Air Force Colonel and his pension is in the neighborhood of 80-90K a year. While his service to his country is greatly appreciated, it should be noted that he did not contribute one penny to his pension during the course of his 30 year career. So is he a little overboard in railing about big government pensions when he himself is the beneficiary of a big government pension? And is he overboard in pushing to get employees to contribute more out of their paychecks when he never had to contribute anything?
Why is the state involved in this at all? Why not let the cities each structure this however they wish?
ps – Yes it strikes me as hypocritical.
Not sure if you’re being sarcastic here or not.
The honest answer: because the city governments are using the state retirement system, and because the city governments derive their existence from the state government.
And your answer makes sense. I could see the state leaving the split to the cities, but as you said it’s their system so they also have a right to mandate it.
pensions are entirely or almost entirely paid for by tax payers but who are diehard conservatives who want to minimize tax dollars going to anyone else is as common as dirt. Career military are heavily skewed toward those who vote for conservative, small government, anti-tax Republicans (at least they say they’re for small government) even though their livelihoods and retirement benefits derive entirely from taxes and the military represents the biggest possible example of “big government”.
The only hard rightie nuclear family within multiple generations my old fashioned, pro-labor Democratic extended family is that of the uncle who is a long retired fire fighter and whose generous pension, much more per year than he ever earned while working, and gold plated health benefits all have been paid entirely by tax payers. He also is a firm believer in the whole don’t take money out of my pocket to pay other people’s health care thing. Go figure.
How odd that so many of the people most likely to call any tax payer financed benefit programs “socialism” and rail against “big government” fail to see that, by their own (granted completely incorrect) definition of socialism, they owe everything they have to “socialism” and that “big government” has always been their employer and benefactor, and a most liberally generous, at that. Baffling.
If he’s ok with the pensions being reduced due to the proposed tax cuts 🙂
And he retired over 15 years ago. The packages young fire fighters can look forward to won’t touch his, I’m sure. Even his son, also a firefighter, probably can’t look forward to anything close to what my uncle gets.
By the way, though, besides his inexplicable black sheep lurch to the right, he is the most personally honorable, courageous, devoted and all round best uncle on the planet. We just don’t talk politics anymore. I trace it back to a problematic relationship with my stubborn judgmental grandfather leading him to rebel against the old leftie. That and a lifetime of hanging out with conservative fire fighters.
I doubt he who is fully clothed could have pulled it off without the women who weren’t dressed for Sunday mass.
Absolutely hilarious and it has such a large element of truth in most every stereotype it shows about nerds. (Although I disagree with my family about any resemblance between Sheldon and me.)
The Restart page – please choose your vintage operating system, and press the restart button!
(IRIX is missing, but Apple Rhapsody is not!)
(Which I still have)
You just turn it off.
And it’s not as if all who don’t meet this definition are on food stamps either. Beside this very large chunk of the African American population of which Gingrich seems to be unaware, there are many more who are getting a pay check and not on using food stamps. In fact a large majority of African Americans do not use food stamps.
So what besides racism could account for Newt’s non-fact based assumption that when you’re talking to the African American community most of them are unemployed and using food stamps?
in Boulder tomorrow? I haven’t been hanging around enough to remember where people are.
I don’t even live in Boulder and I know what she’s talking about…
Go back to your revenge of the nerds soft porn habit. Nothing to see here.
I am not active in the party. And I’ve never followed county politics here as you never get a choice – there’s the anointed Dem candidate and they always win.
County commissioner.
Sorry, I thought the other 2 commissioners picked his replacement. (To be honest I haven’t paid much attention as I figured they have already decided who’s going to get it.)
Mayor Bloomberg Will Learn How To Write Code In 2012
Both are Boulder residents and very liberal. Yes they’ve complained at time about Obama’s inaction on the economy but I figured both would unquestionably vote for Obama in November.
One said he had listened to John Huntsman and asked what his odds were. I said about zero and asked why. He replied that if Huntsman ran he would vote for him. That led to a really “robust” discussion but at the end that person stuck with the fact that Obama had not improved things and therefore he would vote for Huntsman, probably Romney, and possibly/maybe Gingrich.
The other guy came from my point of view – “we suck less.” But by the end of the conversation he said that if Huntsman got the nomination he would at least consider him.
I don’t think the big worry here is that Huntsman could beat Obama. The Republican primary voter is not sane and so won’t nominate him. The big worry is that some very liberal voters in Boulder are considering voting Republican. These two guys should be slam-dunk Democratic votes. Complaining while voting Democratic, but guaranteed Democratic.
On the flip side that is a date set of just 2. And talking is one thing while marking the ballot is something more. Still…
…and then I remind my goatwool sock-wearing leftie friends that Obama was never a liberal, and to the Centrist friends that he’s accomplish a lot.
A whole lot. The one cited should make them reconsider their whining…
Despite the characterizations of some, Obama’s success rate in winning congressional votes on issues was an unprecedented 96.7% for his first year in office. Though he is often cited as superior to Obama, President Lyndon Johnson’s success rate in 1965 was only 93%.
The rest, with those facty-thingies right beside each point, here:
And the reply was – “who cares, the economy still sucks.”
to turn things around sufficiently from the beginning of the Great Depression? More than a single election cycle to get a good start on it.
It’s people like your one supposedly liberal friend who doesn’t appear to actually be considering the differences between Obama and the Republican – and who’s actively falling for the Republican obstructionist tactics – that are the reason we still have a competitive Republican Party in this country. The lack of logic in his comments is stunning.
Is he was constantly trying programs to address the recession. We had the WPA, the CCC, and much more. They saw that constant ongoing effort and from that knew FDR was focused on the problem and trying.
And FDR had to fight like crazy to get his programs passed, against a Supreme Court that found many of his passed bills unconstitutional and a Congress where conservative Democrats plus Republicans would not pass many of his proposals.
I don’t think people are expecting Obama to fix the economy. I don’t think they expect him to win all his fights with the Republicans. But I do think they expect him to put everything he has into fixing the economy.
more difficult time with the public if he had been something other than a pasty white WASP male? As it was he was still considered by his opposition to be the devil incarnate . . .
Maybe talk to some Real People who don’t live in Boulder.
You know, open your eyes a little bit.
Couldn’t hurt.
Than voters here in the people’s republic?
I am increasingly convinced that the community has finally “matured” to the point where authoritarianism has taken over and Republican yuppie-ism is right behind it.
The radical Sierra Club types are rapidly losing their ground IMHO.
They’re the ones that want to tell everyone how they should live and work. They do it from a left wing perspective (with a big chunk of I’ve got mine, too bad if you can’t afford to live here).
I do agree that their influence has dropped somewhat. But I think that’s from people who agree with a lot of their goals, but want to give people some freedom to make their own decisions.
I’m still glad I bought it. Details at:
I bought a Leaf!
My Leaf – day 2
The Nissan Leaf – my first week
One horrible problem with it – it won’t play my music (it can’t handle song titles that use cyrillic letters)!!!! (My wife and daughters have described this as a plus.)
there is the relief so many have sought. Resrict language recognition! 😉
Seriously, I don’t care, I’ve only ever watched 2 and none for at least a year since a soft porn one with a guy in cabin
A walk on the dirty side of politics
The Myth of Japan’s Failure
Tee-Bow. Tee-Bow.
Surprised the shit out of me, but I’ll take it.
I am shouting and screaming and don’t give a f*&K about the New Hampshire primary.