Press release from Weld County Democrats after the jump–Dave Young, a CU-Denver professor and former President of the Weld County Council, has been appointed to fill the House District 50 seat being vacated by Rep. Jim Riesberg. Riesberg, who was term-limited, was recently appointed by Gov. John Hickenlooper to serve as state insurance commissioner.
A 35-year resident with strong community ties, Young is widely considered a good choice for Democrats to hold Riesberg’s moderate Greeley-based HD-50 seat. Says Young in last night’s release, “Creating local jobs that pay a living wage and protecting schools should be the focus of every representative. I will fight on behalf of our community to bring good jobs here and protect funding for education.”
Dave Young Appointed Democratic State Representative for Colorado HD-50
Former Rep. Jim Riesberg applauds vacancy committee designation
Greeley, CO–House District 50 Democrats today appointed Dave Young to fill the vacancy created by former State Rep. Jim Riesberg. District 50 encompasses eastern Greeley, Garden City, and the City of Evans. Under Colorado law, vacated legislative positions are filled by a vacancy committee made up of members of the political party of the vacating elected official. The members of the HD-50 vacancy committee met Thursday evening at the Weld County Democratic Party headquarters in downtown Greeley.
“I will be a voice for local citizens at our State Capitol,” said Rep.-designee Young. “Jim Riesberg has been a passionate and dedicated representative for us, and I promise to continue in his tradition of being a voice for the vulnerable.”
Young served on the Weld County Council from 1990 to 1994, including serving as Council President in 1994. Currently a faculty member of CU-Denver’s online education program–after several years as a senior instructor–Rep.-designee Young spent decades teaching junior high in Greeley. Earning higher education degrees from the UC-Denver and Colorado State University, Young’s community accomplishments in Greeley include serving as president of the Greeley Teachers Association (1983-1985), volunteering for Donor Alliance Advocates for Life and the Poudre River Trail Corridor, and serving as an officer of the Weld County Democratic Party. Young is also a passionate advocate for the developmentally disabled, and volunteers as webmaster for the National Organization to End the Waitlists (NOEWAIT). A resident of HD-50 since 1975, Dave Young and Mary McNamara Young have been married for nearly 25 years.
“Creating local jobs that pay a living wage and protecting schools should be the focus of every representative,” said Rep.-designee Young. “I will fight on behalf of our community to bring good jobs here and protect funding for education.”
Rep. Young’s appointment was quickly applauded by local and statewide leaders:
“Dave Young will fight to bring good jobs to our community,” said former Rep. Jim Riesberg. “Fighting for working families and creating opportunity for children takes dedication, and Rep. Young has that dedication.”
“Dave Young will add a strong voice to the state legislature,” said Minority Leader Sal Pace (D-Pueblo). “Rep. Young is comitted to getting things done for working families, and I look forward to serving with him.”
“This committee had an important task to make sure the public has effective representation in our legislature,” said David Delgago, Chair of the HD-50 Democrats. “Rep. Young will fight for our community and stand up for local working families.”
Former Rep. Riesberg resigned the seat in late June after being appointed by Gov. John Hickenlooper as Colorado’s Commissioner of Insurance. Riesberg was first elected in 2004 to represent House District 50.
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That usually saves us from answering redundant questions and you from asking them.
the person we appointed sucks but it was the best we could do?
that isn’t so fucking stupid, I’ll be happy to give you a worthy reply. Because as you will see if you ever bothered to read, that wasn’t the “party announcement” analysis. It was Pols–who are typically tapped into volunteers and insiders who have slightly better insight into this district than you do.
How cute.
Not so far off.
What Pols said was:
For those of us that are concerned about what a legislator will actually do in office I think it’s a valid question.
I just don’t suffer fools gladly.
And your point would be what?
You’re just making an ass of yourself.
It was a reasonable question that for some reason people are all upset I asked.
Dave’s been a great, on-the-ground, knocking-doors, supporter of Rep. Riesberg and other candidates, so he’ll be a solid campaigner. He’s not a left-wing crazy, will probably drive some of us liberals nuts with moderated positions. He’s very approachable, and quite a smart guy.
We, in HD-50, could have done a lot worse, though not terribly much better, IMHO.
ex house Rep that is, Joe Rice. He aggravated the base, too, but got lots of good stuff done as one of the House’s most successful deal makers and he was the first D elected in our R house district in 35 years, the first ever re-elected, so we not so moderates felt he deserved some slack. Those who didn’t, ought to now with the Conti flake in his place.
It is about positions relative to their district. Rice and Reisberg had fairly conservative districts and they need to “Represent” their entire district, but through a Democratic prism.
Yeah he would piss me off on a vote here and there, but all in all I was ok with it.
Still do. And he wasn’t just taking moderate positions to win. That was the real Joe. And he really listened to ALL his constituents.
What was lousy for us was great for his military career. He took an assignment that will look great on his already great military career resume and will probably make General before he retires from the reserve.
He just made full Colonel a couple years ago, didn’t he?
But General Joe just sounds better.
Besides he’s 45ish, a full bird and on his umptienth combat tour, he’ll be a General soon enough.