“It is necessary for me to establish a winner image. Therefore, I have to beat somebody.”
–Richard M. Nixon
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BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Thursday Open Thread
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: QuBase
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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My favorite silly story from my spin through the morning's news:
White House instructing governors to send National Guard to hospitals to oversee data on COVID-19
Oh, it make sense
Picture the picture: young, uniformed National Guard at the hospital to safeguard the data, ….
(see, without the Guard, the data is not safe. hospitals are lying and faking the data … there is a tunnel from the hospital to Walmart and to the pizza place and the kids are at risk and shhh… don't look at that other stuff)
It's perfect.
It's working
south suburban communities are opting out of the health department mask reccomendation
We have all heard the arguments:
masks are dumb
masks don't work
Starting yesterday – hospital data is a lie. It's why the president is sending people so data goes direct to DC now, and not the msm and not CDC and other liars.
One picture of some kid in uniform (aka – American hero) moving a box of paper is all they need. Even if the picture is just in our heads
There is this cool thing called the internet nowadays. We don’t need burly young men in uniform to move boxes of paper in order to send data.
Should someone let el *residente know? Naaaaah.
Moving data is not the point (though it seems that heaven for all of the obsolete fax machines in the world are is in a medical office).
Creating doubt and suspicion in data if it is reported by the hospitals is the point.
It doesn’t matter that a trade advisor with no medical experience can write an oppo piece about the country’s (world’s) leading infectious disease expert. Navarro was scraped off the bottom of an internet seach by none other than that genius boy Jared Kushner.
Trump's base will be happy to be more doubtful and suspicious of reported data. The other 60% of the country will rely on medical experts like Dr. Fauci, the coronavirus updates from their own state CDC, and their own lived experiences.
I don't think Goebbels would have been happy with instantaneous worldwide communication. Hard to perpetuate Big Lie(s) under those conditions. I mean, lies spread as quickly, but there are so many counter-examples.
My old girlfriend is working in Houston now as a PA. She was hired to work in a completely different covid-free ward – but now half her patients are testing positive, and some have died. Her work days are brutal.
She was a die-hard Trumper who drank all the Kool-aid. Now she doesn't even want to talk about her former hero. Lived experience trumps Big Lies.
Joseph Goebbels understood why it makes sense.
Lauren Boebert has a theory . . .
Nah. Q has a theory; LB is just mouthing the words.
ding ding ding
“If you’re a student, Donald Trump doesn’t care about you.” “If you’re a public school teacher, Donald Trump doesn’t care about you.” “If you’re a soldier, Donald Trump doesn’t care about you.” I could do this all day. Someone like The Lincoln Project should do this ad.
You're right. Too bad we don't have Democratic ad creators that match the genius of the Lincoln Project.
Who created 'Daisy'?
Here’s the wiki on it, Kickshot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_(advertisement)
Thanks, Cook
It was a rhetorical question.
Of course it was Democrats who, with a single ad, stopped the mad ambitions of Barry Goldwater.
How many ads has Lincoln Project run? Will they be the determinant in this election? It remains to be seen but 'Daisy' has its place in electoral history.
"The mad ambitions of Barry Goldwater?"
come on, Kicky, pull your head out of your ass.
Visit the Vietnam Memorial. Count the 68,000 names of my comrades carved there.
And know that more than a million Vietnamese died.
All for what John Kerry called " a mistake. "
This is the legacy of the Democratic Party's great " Peace candidate, " LBJ
Yeah. The peace of the grave.
As William F. Buckley quipped: " They warned me not to vote for Goldwater, because we'd have a war. They were right.
"I voted for Goldwater. And we had a war. "
“the mad ambitions of Barry Goldwater…..” Is that the same Goldwater who said this about abortion: “it’s not a conservative issue. It’s a matter between a woman and her doctor.” Or maybe the same Goldwater who warned the country about the rise of Jerry Falwell Sr. and the religious right in the 1980s? Or the same Goldwater who was a strong conservationist in his later years? The same Goldwater who ably served his country in World War II?
No politician is perfect; Goldwater, Johnson, JFK, Ike, etc. And Trump is an aberration to all those who served their country well, even if one didn’t like their policies.
Bear in mind that both parties shared in the creation of Vietnam. The US began sending advisors to South Vietnam late in the Eisenhower administration and JFK added to it. The US ran guns to Ho Chi Minh during World War II to fight the Japanese. Here are two references I picked up after I worked on my M.A. thesis in the 1970s on China’s Non-American foreign relations, 1941-49: “Dien Bien Phu,” by John Keegan. “Vietnam: a History” by Stanley Karnow.
It's the Goldwater who wanted to use nukes in Viet Nam.
So you're sticking to the lie about Goldwater using nukes. Cite a source other than lbj partisans or admit that you have the same respect for truth that Trump does, kicky.
I emailed them the idea. Who knows if they’ll bite, but it can’t hurt.
Your ideas are another way of asking if Trump is aware of the problems of people like me. That is one of the most potent political attack that can be made. See: Bush Senior and Romney how that destroyed them.
Just try to keep in mind today that Obama and Biden completely stopped the testing for a virus that did not exist at that time. SMH.
It’s more supercaliMAGAtastic in the full version . . .
They stopped testing for the virus that didn’t then exist, that’s the only reason they had no cases. So unfair. So unfair.
Excellent Trumpian word salad sprinkled with a couple of nice lies Dio. As the good Chancellor said…
"As we are experiencing firsthand, you cannot fight the pandemic with lies and disinformation any more than you can fight it with hate or incitement to hatred,"
supercaliMAGAtastic…I like it …reminds me of a song
supercalimagalisticexpialidocious, even though you try your best to always sound ferocious, if you keep on tweeting you will only make me nauseous, supercalimagalisticexpialidocious!! Umdiddleliddle liddlelumdiddle aye!
#TXTough #SupercaliMAGAtiastic #FlushCadetBoneSpurs
Joe Biden Should Not Mess with Texas
Texas is fool's gold for Democrats. There's a smarter way to hunt after a landslide victory.
Anything that makes Ttump spend $$ in a state that was thought to be a Republican lock is a good thing.
Police officer charged, fired after holding gun to handcuffed man’s head for refusing to give his name
An Arkansas cop allegedly threatened to shoot protestors who came to his home. Days later, he killed a fellow officer.
This Alabama Republican primary was sweeeet! . . .
. . . It was one of those races that only comes around once-in-a-decade, or so, . . .
. . . where no matter whichever yokel peckerhead lost, I could feel true joy in that.
(Also, a good argument for a mandatory “none of the above” voter ballot selection option)
OK…..I just can't not.