Much discussion at the Colorado Capitol today about an email blast sent out yesterday afternoon by Republican Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg of Sterling. Sonnenberg’s well-earned reputation as a safe-seat blowhard nevertheless left recipients unprepared for the over-the-top vitriol exhibited in this shocking stream of consciousness decrying the “evil” playing out at the hands of majority Democrats in the 2019 legislative session of the Colorado General Assembly.
It gets a little…unfocused at times, but here are some key points:
The evil seems to be a continued agenda with absolutely no desire to reach across the aisle to form good policy. From the introduction of bills which would create safe places to inject illegal drugs with new needles given by government to giving our Presidential votes away to the populated states, this governor and lawmakers are taking Colorado down a path of destruction and socialism…
Introduced legislation that would continue Denver’s safe injection sites perpetuates the evil nature of this legislature. For lawmakers to try and provide safe areas and provide tools for drug addicts to shoot up with illegal drugs that we know are bad for them only adds to the destruction of a society.
…The attempt to make sure sex-education and health classes are taught with a specific agenda is a true overreach and are one of the responsibilities of parents. It has never been, nor should it be, a schools responsibility to teach an agenda that is more appropriately taught at home.
The agenda continues with the absence of due-process in legislation that allows an upset family member to have law enforcement remove a law-abiding citizen’s guns. A court could order the removal of firearms without hearing the other side, and then when your guns are removed, you are guilty until you can prove yourself innocent of being mentally unstable. The unintended consequence here is this: folks that are currently talking to counselors may no longer do so if they think that it may be used against them in taking their firearms away.
These are all reasons that the second amendment was adopted – to allow the people to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. The Nazi regime used gun control to disarm its enemies. We know it was evil then, and it continues to be evil today. [Pols emphasis]
The new war on rural Colorado and on its values and traditions has reached a new low and we will continue to see the wedge grow larger under the new state leadership. This capitol is an evil place these days, and constituents are correct to assume that the dysfunction in D.C. has infiltrated the state of Colorado.
Yesterday, we wrote about GOP state lawmakers openly encouraging county governments to declare that they will disregard a law that hasn’t even passed yet–condemned by the sheriff of one of the state’s largest counties as an unconstitutional abuse of power. Today we have a senior Colorado Republican Senator calling the Democratic majority and governor “evil,” likening them by name with “the Nazi regime,” and not-very-subtly suggesting that an armed rebellion would be an appropriate response to a sex ed bill–or a bill to align the state’s presidential votes with the popular vote, or a gun bill supported by over 80% of the public.
We understand that losing the Senate majority in 2018 along with the historic sweep of elected offices in Colorado at every level by Democratic candidates was not a pleasant experience for Republicans. But rationally looking at the bills under debate this year, or simply approaching this from a goal of not encouraging political violence, Sonnenberg’s rhetoric is unbelievably irresponsible. This is not how you rekindle the politically advantageous conservative grassroots outrage of 2013, which is every Republicans’ underlying wish today whether or not there is any objective justification for it.
It’s how you incite angry low-information people to do bad things. And it needs to stop right now.
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That Sonnenberg is a POS is not news.
I hate the things you are doing and because of that you are Hitler.
Super Serious Legislator
He waited until paragraph 5 to achieve Godwin's Law.
This is among the clearest expressions of a Manichean mindset I've seen in a long, LONG time.
I was really
thinkinghoping these NECo fuckwads would have succeeded by now! . . .I'd settle for them just leaving, since they can't seem to get the job done.
If at first you don't secede……..
Sonnenberg is my state Senator. It's past time that I visit him for a chat.
I'm sick of these people and their empty threats….
Why wait for them to try to establish a new state. I think the voters along the Front Range should petition an initiative onto the ballot expelling those NE counties from Colorado but trigger the expulsion upon DC getting statehood.
That way, there would be no net change in the US Senate composition.
Hey, 30-40% of us in "those NE counties" are Democrats, unaffiliateds, or libertarians. We're making our presence felt in local and national elections more and more.
It's also why the secession movement keeps failing miserably time after time.
– Yours from Dumphuckistan
In other news, Chapter 12 farm bankruptcies have hit highs not seen for a decade in some states, setting off alarms, with some wondering whether the farm economy could be headed for a crisis similar to the one that occurred in the 1980s.
Are we tired of winning yet?
Each successive episode of U.S. Farm Report is gloomier than the one before. Not seeing too many red hats in the crowd shots either.
It doesn't look like it's going to get better any time soon, especially for dairymen, soybean growers, and hog farmers.
So much winning, Michael. I think it is making the "PresidentialTrainwreck" the greatest one ever.
While the maroons are talking about secession again, maybe they should direct their energy towards building a new food system? This from The American Conservative, not The Onion…
To Revive Rural America, We Must Fix Our Broken Food System
That article is one of the best written summations of the modern rural situation I’ve seen. Really puts the big picture context around the small town.
I'm confused by the number of bankruptcies. You are pointing to Chapter 12 at "highs not seen for a decade."
Other publications I've read say income is down, but it isn't a crisis — yet. Farm Bankruptcies in 2018 – The Truth is Out There 498 Farm Bankruptcy Filings in 2018, Down From 2017
We would grant you asylum in Colorado. If you like rural living, there will still be east Arapahoe County.
I support trying to cure society's social problems rather than looking to enable bad behavior. I agree with Sonnenberg on one point, the provision of "safe places" where addicts can shoot up.
But not an issue as I thought I read that the proposed safe haven bill was not introduced by the sponsors, in favor of more work on it.
Isn't the problem more that Democrats are Nazis we have Second Amendment Remedies?
The War on Rural Colorado? Is that still a thing?
If it is, then those counties and ranchers that lease land for wind turbines won the war.
Some $6 billion in investment – all as a result of progressive politics and all opposed by Jerry and his caucus.
Any county with less than 3000 residents should lose "county" status.
they can merge into the neighboring county, or just be ..un-countified.
You meant fewer, but YES!
Yes, as evidenced by the whinging about the National Popular Vote Compact and ongoing gripes about lack of representation and the impending Permanent Socialist Majority in Colorado.
Today's entry is a piece about just how many counties Trump won nationwide and how few counties Hillary won on her way to a popular vote win / EC loss. (Complete with incorrect numbers), and hiw that shows we need an Electoral College.
With apologizes to Senator W. Mitt Romney, are counties people too?
So Trump won if you count the number of counties. Or only states with virtually no people in them. Reminds me of the British Parliament in the days of the "rotten boroughs."
Here is something for Ann Coulter to chew on: if you only counted the votes cast by Trump supporters in 2016, he won unanimously.
So, the GOP is on a kick to disregard laws (gun laws in CO Springs) and/or take the law into your own hands.
Let me know when that applies to paying taxes.
About a decade back? Weren't there all those billboards offering to show you how to pay zero taxes?
That Sonnenberg fellow is dumb as dog shit, breathtakingly dishonest, or both.
Yeah, that's false.
Yeah, that's false as well. Also, Nazi Tourette's. Also, Godwin's Law.
But hey, as long we're just making shit up from whole cloth, the historical record is clear and unequivocal: the Framer's original intent was to confer upon the citizenry Second Amendment remedies against dumbfuck dipshit blowhard state legislators.