And hilarity ensues…
This Tweet started out fine, but President Trump went off the rails with the “He is strong, smart, and has been successful at everything he has ever done” part. If you’ve ever wondered if Trump was well-acquainted with Walker Stapleton, you now have your answer (though they do have plenty in common).
Trump’s renewed endorsement might be a helpful message in a place like Mississippi or Nebraska. Or Russia. But here in Colorado, the only person more unpopular than Trump is Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Yuma).
Coincidentally, Gardner is traveling with Stapleton today on the Republican GOTV circuit. Things are really going well for Stapleton.
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And with the way the Broncos are playing, I'm not sure it would help Stumbleton's campaign even if Elway joined him
Who, exactly, does Trump think we're defending our borders against?
I mean, Kansans, but he likes them.
Have you ever BEEN to Kansas, Sudafed? I think if they elect another right wing governor, we'll need a new Maginot line east of Wray to hold back a replay of Camp of the Saints.
Not to worry, V. If they breach the line at Laird they’ll be met with the fury of all the firepower Dudley & Co. can muster at our eastern city limits. Then a watermelon feed to celebrate the victory.
Yeah, but the Nebraska Navy has been sent by Trump to patrol the Texas border. That leaves the line of the Republican River undefended. The Jayhawkers could drive north to Imperial, cross the undefended border at Holyoke, head south and be in Wray in time to order Sunday dinner.
Okay, okay, last I knew, no restaurant in Wray was open for Sunday dinner. So, they need to use their last reserves of Spam and string cheese. But these are desperate people, and they're coming to take your women, your ganja and your guns!
Well, your ganja and your guns, anyway. I’m not sure Kansans could handle Eastern Colorado women. God knows, I didn’t have much success at that art.
So what you’re saying is all that will be left is old white men? Can they still get their gummit
welfaresubsidy checks? Coffee to fill their #NeverHillary mug at 7-11? Maybe a special screening of Red October at the Cliff Theater?That and one last rehearsal for the rapture at the Church of the Nazarene is about it. The future under Kansan rule is pretty grim😤
Too bad Gov Brokeback drove all the heathens out of his Koch paradise.
Another Maginot Line will work about as well as the first one did.
Like the Germans in WW II, the Kansans will simply go through Nebraska – err, the low countries – and then enter through Julesburg.
Hold on, cowboy. Doing so would mean facing the wrath of the Julesburg Jihad. I’d suggest the Venango option.
Venango might fall, but then they'd face the mighty Amherst elevator, a massive concrete fortress that stores enough grain to make a loaf of bread for every man, woman and child in America. It's the largest such structure between Denver and Omaha. Absolutely impregnable, as long as the taxpayers keep the subsidies coming.
No, as I said earlier, the invasion route for Kansas is north to Imperial, Neb., West to Holyoke and south to Wray. This brings the invaders to the left wing of Dudley and Brody's militia, which will be routed immediately — because they never, ever, pay attention to the left wing.
I'm disappointed …. only a text tweet? Not even a video of them together? Or a photoshop of both of them with their thumbs up ( "The thumbs-up gesture is commonly used in many cultures to signify a job well done. However, if it is used in Australia, Greece, or the Middle East — especially if it is thrust up as a typical hitchhiking gesture would be — it means essentially “Up yours!” or “Sit on this!” )
I'd bet Polis would be willing to compare "net worth" status sheets with the "successful" Stapleton — especially if their starting points were spelled out.
Republican president supports Republican candidate. OMG!!@
Hey. Maybe it will juice your low turnout. Or, maybe it'll juice the already higher turnout among Dems and Unaffiliateds that hate your wannabe dictator.
Nutter – have you properly logged off your federal computer for today?
Hey, he put in 38 minutes of hard work for the taxpayers, mostly sharpening No. 2 pencils and stocking carbon paper, before logging in to Pols to flack for Trump. Ain't that enough?
If you want a good laugh peruse one of his online bios. He describes himself in one case as someone who can quickly understand complex issues. So either his schtick here is just an act, or he’s oversold himself to Uncle Sam. What is clear is that the entirety of his household budget benefits from the largess of the very government he despises.
You have piqued my curiosity. Where can I find these bios?
For those of us who know who he is they are (far too) easy to find. I'd offer a direct link but that would break community standards. If you have my email ping me?
I don't think I do.
Thank you.
No, Fluffy, the headline is, Republican Candidate in Purple State Does Not Disavow Endorsement from White Nationalist Leader.
Did you see Charlie Baker or Larry Hogan enthusiastically accept an endorsement from Trump? Maybe their placing distance between themselves and your friend is why both are on course to win by landslides in Blue States.