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May 04, 2022 11:32 AM UTC

Tina Peters Buries Pam Anderson's Fundraising

  • by: Colorado Pols
GOP gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl, with GOP Secretary of State candidate Tina Peters.

It seems fitting that embattled Republican Secretary of State candidate Tina Peters, who is facing criminal charges, contempt of court penalties, and an ethics commission investigation all pertaining to her role in the theft and leak of election system data, was one of the last state candidates to submit fundraising numbers for the most recent period earning herself a modest fine. But as the press release from Peters’ campaign makes clear, she’s not sweating the $150 fine for reporting late:

Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters filed her campaign’s first fundraising report Tuesday May 3rd. Peters’ financials show that her fundraising for the first period of 2022, dwarfs the other two candidates vying for the Republican nomination in Colorado’s Secretary of State primary June 28th. The primary will choose which Republican faces off with Democrat Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, in November.

Clerk Peters, is the frontrunner and will lead the ballot after having secured 61% of the delegates at Colorado’s Republican Assembly in April. Griswold has focused much of her own fundraising on Peters being her presumptive opponent.

Now Peters has built a seemingly insurmountable lead in fundraising for the Republican primary, despite having only announced for the race on Valentine’s Day. Peters’ report totals $158,728 raised in donations and those were recorded in the final eight weeks of the sixteen-week reporting period. After almost 2000 donors averaged $77.00 per donation, Peters has approximately $100,000 cash on hand heading into May. Contrast that with Pam Anderson who is her primary opponent, Anderson reported just $5,665.97 on hand, as of her May 2nd report…

Tina Peters kicked off her campaign for Secretary of State in February already under a cloud of criminal and ethics investigations, but the attention she has received as a national figure in the conspiracy theories keeping the hopes of Donald Trump’s most diehard supporters alive has given her a powerful advantage in terms of fundraising over her milquetoast primary opponent Pam Anderson. Peters’ strong performance further underscores Anderson’s weakness in this race, running on a message not just disagreed with but considered treasonous by a majority of Republican voters.

In the Republican primary for Colorado Secretary of State, all the momentum now is with Tina Peters. By every available metric, Peters is the frontrunner. Peters dominated the vote at the state assembly, and now holds a commanding lead in fundraising. Peters is getting orders of magnitude more earned media attention. Coverage one might perceive as negative about Peters’ criminal case, at least until June 28th, is not a major liability with GOP primary voters. To the extent they’ve heard of Peters, a large percentage will see her as a hero.

Regardless of their affiliation, anyone denying this is out of touch with today’s Republican Party.


16 thoughts on “Tina Peters Buries Pam Anderson’s Fundraising

  1. Tina Peters has more bullshit than the biggest feedlot in Nebraska. And if she wins the primary, will be running against an incumbent who appears to have done a decent job under often adverse and threat-laden circumstances.


    Should be a fun campaign.

  2. I checked and found Peters' next court date for the state charges is an arraignment on May 24. 

    Any legal types want to provide a guess of how far the process will get before the November election?

    1. Under Colorado speedy trial statute, if she enters a plea of not guilty at arraignment on 5/24, the deadline for her trial will be 11/24/22. (They can also ask to continue the arraignment.)

      However, she can waive her right to a speedy trial and it can be set beyond the six-month deadline. 

      The court do not usually set trial up against the speedy trial deadline date, so she is probably going to be offered a trial date in September. Of course, she will be in the middle of her campaign for SOS – at least if Pam Anderson's fundraising efforts is any indication on what happens in the primary – so I wouldn't be surprised to see her ask for a trial date after the election.

      1. I say mate, she's a cheeky one…she might decide a trial will give her a better soapbox. Her lawyers will try to talk her out of it…but, do you think she will listen?

        1. Exactly. Taken from Adolph‘s playbook where jail becomes your soap box and rallying cry?  The question will be who will be her Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess while she dictates her own version of #MyStruggle?  

          1. I think Tina Peters will want to write "My Snuggle."  With a great deal of it devoted to the wonders of Lindell's My Pillow empire.

      2. The court system in Mesa County prefers delay, delay and delay to allow the DA and defense attorneys to work out plea bargains. This ensures that nobody has to work hard to prepare for trial. Plus, trials take time, thereby gumming up the works by delaying civil suits, post-divorce hearings and the like.

        My guess is Tina’s case has a similar delay, or several. Eventually even Mesa County judges get sick of the game and tell the lawyers there will be no more delays, so a date will be set for either a trial or a plea deal. Bottom line, it’s highly unlikely there will be a resolution before November.


  3. I imagine that upon winning the nomination, Peters will be delusional enough to think she has a chance in the general. Assuming she is open to the likely possibility that this is just a publicity stunt/campaign, is there any way for her to personally profit from her likely windfall campaign contributions from the nationwide Maga cult? I presume people can drain her campaign for "consulting fees" and the like, but how does she personally monetize this campaign?  

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