The Hill reports, we can confirm that a relentlessly sunny disposition is no defense against the coronavirus, as White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany tests (so far, anyway) asymptomatically positive:
“After testing negative consistently, including every day since Thursday, I tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday morning while experiencing no symptoms. No reporters, producers or members of the press are listed as close contacts by the White House Medical Unit,” she said in a statement.
“As an essential worker, I have worked diligently to provide needed information to the American people at this time,” she continued. “With my recent positive test, I will begin the quarantine process and will continue working on behalf of the American people remotely.”
McEnany is just the latest Trump insider to test positive among those who attended the White Rose Rose Garden ceremony on September 26 to announce the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court–an event that will now live on in epidemiological infamy as President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and a growing number of attendees get sick with COVID-19.
We of course hope McEnany joins the large percentage in her age cohort who remain asymptomatic even after testing positive–and like youngsters everywhere who risk others more than themselves in their response to contracting the infection, we hope she keeps her at-risk friends and family safe by strictly honoring the rules of her quarantine.
We can all agree in retrospect that this “superspreader” event was not such a good idea, but we do have more sympathy for those for whom attendance was a job requirement. That goes not just for McEnany, but White House correspondents who have tested positive after being present for McEnany’s maskless briefings.
As always, let your schadenfreude be tempered by the degree of compassion you consider suitable.
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Covidiots all, even this bimbo
The schadenfreude is substantially more potent regarding the news that megachurch pastor/gifting piece of shit John Hagee has the Rona.
I would like to wish an especially virulent group of little COVIDs for the truly horrible Mr. Hagee.
I have a long standing loathing of evangelical politicians, who pose as ministers to a flock on behalf of Jesus the Christ. With Hagee holding on at the top of the list.
John Hagee does not live nor teach the gospel of his proclaimed savior. He is a money grubbing capitalist who bilks millions of dollars from poor people by exploiting their faith in their Lord.
God said he would forgive people like Hagee, if they ask.
…and that’s a difference between God and me. ( HT to Lyle Lovett )
And let's not forget Joel Osteen at a time like this.
What really cracked me up, was that in her statement, Bullshit Barbie referred to herself as an "essential worker".
As if lying were an "essential service".
When you work for the Screaming Yam it is. Someone has to spin the crazy and the evil