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June 10, 2020 02:11 PM UTC

It's Called "Greenwashing," And Cory Gardner Is Lathering Up

  • by: Colorado Pols
Denver Post headline, May 19, 2020.
President Donald Trump, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Yuma)

The Denver Post’s Bruce Finley reported yesterday on a green light from GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow passage of the Great American Outdoors Act, legislation to permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund and provide cash to chip away at the huge backlog of maintenance and other projects on public lands:

Colorado senators are leading a congressional push to pass landmark conservation legislation that would deploy $9.5 billion to maintain overrun national parks and permanently direct $900 million a year for outdoor recreation on public lands.

President Donald Trump has said he will sign this Great American Outdoors Act if lawmakers get it to his desk. Senators this week took up the issue, aiming for a vote next Tuesday, and around 200 House members have said they’ll support similar legislation…

Congress has failed to provide the full $900 million a year for land acquisition and other spending that the 1965 Land and Water Conservation Act requires. Lawmakers have approved spending between $255 million and $450 million a year since 2008 and only twice in 55 years provided the full $900 million.

Down by double digits in a blue state, GOP Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado is banking on this legislation to attract any undecided Colorado voters out there who might be swayed by support for the environment. Because the legislation has literally dozens of co-sponsors including Colorado’s other Sen. Michael Bennet, Gardner is taking credit largely for convincing Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow a vote–which instantly raises questions about an election-year ulterior motive. Under questioning from former local now-national Scripps reporter Joe St. George yesterday, Mitch McConnell didn’t try very hard to downplay this possibility:

[St. George] asked McConnell about the timing of the bill Tuesday.

“Did you hand them an election-year gift by allowing this to go forward five months before Election Day?” Scripps National asked McConnell.

“Well, what we had was a unique opportunity to actually make a law,” McConnell said.

“Yeah, it is in proximity to the election, but nobody said you should quit doing things just because there is an election [Pols emphasis] – we have one every two years,” McConnell said.

And as Roll Call reported earlier this week, the political motives of this bill moving at this time are well-understood inside the Beltway:

Gardner is in a tight race in Colorado against former Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, in a state that has a massive outdoor economy. Daines is in a competitive race in Montana against Gov. Steve Bullock, a Democrat. CQ Roll Call includes both of them in its most recent list of the 10 most vulnerable senators. Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales rates the Colorado Senate race Tilt Democratic and the Montana contest Lean Republican.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed to bring the bill for a vote and filed cloture on Thursday. The bill’s passage could help his chances of holding on to a GOP majority in that chamber by offering Gardner and Daines an opportunity to win over moderate voters who support investments in public lands…

President Donald Trump has lent his support to Gardner and Daines, praising them in a March tweet for their conservation efforts and urging Congress to pass a bill that “fully and permanently” funds the LWCF and restores national parks.

Trump’s call contradicts his own budget request for fiscal 2021, which proposed a 97 percent funding cut to the politically popular fund. [Pols emphasis]

Colorado Springs Gazette headline, today.

This of course is where Gardner’s “greenwashing” strategy of trying to spuriously appeal to environment-minded swing voters breaks down. Yes, permanently funding the LWCF is a good thing–that’s why the bill has almost 60 bipartisan cosponsors. But in the context of the Trump administration’s much larger assault on environmental protections of all kinds, a huge list of misdeeds from weakening the Clean Water Act to using COVID-19 as an excuse to let polluters pollute without penalty to putting a “Sagebush Rebellion” firebrand in charge of the Bureau of Land Management, throwing some money at the maintenance backlog at national parks, as worthwhile as that may be, feels like an insulting diversion.

For Cory Gardner, this isn’t just a case of too little, too late. No one who cares about this issue will be persuaded to support him because of this one piece of legislation. Everyone knows where Donald Trump stands, and more importantly where Cory Gardner stands in relation to Trump. And when Trump smeared the wind power industry that employs thousands in Colorado, on stage in Colorado Springs right in front of a cheering Cory Gardner, the message to every environmental-minded voter in our state was unmistakable.

Between now and Election Day, very much like Cory Gardner’s struggle to live down his anti-abortion record in 2014, Gardner’s “moderation” on the environment is going to become aggressive. We may even see Gardner triangulate off some negative action Trump takes to add some drama, which would be more notable for not having occurred up to that time. Gardner will maintain this fiction right to the end, and just like on abortion he’ll never slip under questioning.

But this year, on both of these issues, Gardner can no longer hide behind hypotheticals.

Gardner’s only protection now is Donald Trump.


16 thoughts on “It’s Called “Greenwashing,” And Cory Gardner Is Lathering Up

  1. “[b]ut nobody said you should quit doing things just because there is an election [Pols emphasis]

    Paging Merrick Garland…. 


    1. And when will the Senate craft a bill that responds to the topics of ANY of the over 300 House bills that have been sent over and call for a conference committee?  

  2. The fear is so obvious in this post. You know Gardner is smarter than all of you.

    Who needs to greenwash when you're running against Frackenlooper? 🙂

    1. Gardner has about as much brain as he has spine.  If he's so smart, how is it that he sits at a 50% disapproval?  Oh right, you ignore anything that tells you your wrong.  And now your back to give Gardner your sloppy kiss of death, because he wasn't totally fucked.

      Hickenlooper vs. Senator Quisling?  Hickenlooper without a thought.  Most of the state agrees too.

      And aren't you still on the clock?  My tax dollars don't pay you to post on social media.

    2. Well Moddy, Cory "might" be smarter than you, however, that is a very low bar, as in the bar is on the ground.

      Also, Hickenlooper hasn't won the Democratic nomination just yet…

    3. The Aurora Sentinel calling balls and strikes…

      ENDORSEMENT: Replace Trump’s loyal Gardner with Colorado’s trusted Romanoff

      Gardner has repeatedly not only failed to uphold long-held Colorado values, he’s worked to undermine them, all with a smile on his face. Gardner hoodwinked a slim margin of Colorado voters in 2014 into believing he was a political moderate. Six years of voting against Obamacare, women’s reproductive rights, managing climate change, fair immigration reform and holding the Trump administration accountable has revealed who he is. Gardner represents his interests, not Colorado’s.

  3. Moderatus … can you point to one legislative action where Cory voted for a Colorado priority opposed by McConnell or Trump?  

    If his only claim to fame is getting Trump to release some of the ventilators Polis had contracted for or getting McConnell to schedule a vote on legislation which has 60-some co-sponsors, will anyone in Colorado be impressed?  And if the election DOES wind up the way it is trending now, what good would Cory be able to do with a Democratic President and a Democratic Senate majority?

    1. "You know Gardner is smarter than all of you……"

      Yeah, right, dude. I'm way smarter than Gardner because I'm smart enough to be a Never-Trump Republican. Checked out the recent ads from the Lincoln Project?

    2. And if the election DOES wind up the way it is trending now, what good would Cory be able to do with a Democratic President and a Democratic Senate majority?

      None.  Because he will be voted out.

  4. Any help with protecting the environment is welcome even if it comes from obnoxious people who are destroying it in so many other ways.  The thing that is remarkable about this is that the Land and Water Conservation Fund has been around fro 50 years and this is the first time that refunding it has been controversial.  Typical Gardner to celebrate what should be common place.

    1. HuffPost covers the Gardner/Daines triumph here:

      The most humorous paragraph,

      During a meeting at the White House in February, Gardner told Trump that passing a public lands bill would be the biggest conservation win since President Theodore Roosevelt established national parks, refuges and forests across the country in the early 1900s, The New York Times reported this week. Invoking Roosevelt was apparently all it took to get the president to change his stance. Trump’s Interior Department has said it is creating “a conservation stewardship legacy second only to Teddy Roosevelt;” a bold claim that simply does not match reality.

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