The New York Times wrapped up a very long “live” poll in CO-6, and the final numbers aren’t much better for Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) than they were at first glance a few weeks back. The Crowmentum continues!
Colorado 6, final: Crow 47 (D), Coffman 38 (R, inc)
We had Crow+10 in September. Widely considered a “lean Dem” race at this point, and this certainly won’t dispel that notion— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) October 18, 2018
In discussing its polling data in CO-6 and other key Congressional races around the country, Nate Cohn of the New York Times wrote on Wednesday that he expects these results to more or less hold depending on turnout in the General Election. This analysis fits with everything else we’ve seen lately, from national Republicans abandoning Coffman to Coffman’s own campaign releasing an internal poll showing their candidate losing to Democrat Jason Crow.
We’ve learned from prior races that Coffman has a way of sticking around and pulling out a victory on Election Day, so it’s way too early for Democrats to start celebrating in CO-6. Nevertheless, Crow appears to be a solid favorite with less than three weeks to go.
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It's like our good friend the anti-Quisling Moderatus said on here a few days ago:
"With MoE, it is a tie" says Debbie Downer.
this is good news…..especially since all of our eggs are in one basket now (i.e., winning the House of Representatives). The Senate has moved further out of reach. Real Clear Politics has it ending up as 54 to 46 with no Dem gains and Republican taking ND, MO and FL.
Taking the House means blocking repeal of the Affordable Care Act, blocking more reckless tax cuts, starting investigations and holding a symbolic vote to impeach Trump and/or Kavanaugh.
It doesn't help us block any of the judicial appointments.
The Senate will be even more Republican than you predict, I’ll say 56 R – 44 D. Praise the Lord for divided government. Doubtful a Dem House will have any better luck with investigations than the Republicans. What hoot this will be. Democrats are ill equipped to out Trump the Trumpster. The new stink “V” likes to talk about will be the Dems shitting their pants every time Trump makes fun of their symbolic legislation.
I'm just stunned that a viable Republican candidate in the model of Trump didn't make a real challenge against Coffman during the primaries. You would have thought, with all the energy around Trump, such a candidate could have easily made a strong enough showing to be a force there.
Yeah. How is it a Trumper did not take it to Coffman, since that is the kind of representation CD-6 is hungry for?
Me too. The “Swamp” exist at every level of politics. Lesson learned.
At least Trump is finally delivering on his promise to drain the swamp
il Douche, as always, looks out for #1, he's leaving quite a few of his party's alligators high and dry
Good…..every dollar that goes to Trump's re-election is a dollar not being spent on Mike Coffman
Wrong again. Debbie is as bad with statistics as Dave Barnes is. A margin of error of 5 pct at the 95 pct confidence level means you could add or subtract 5 pct from any number in the field and have a 1 in 20 chance of being right. But you can't thus alter BOTH numbers in the field — known in the trade as "the Barn es blunder" — without changing the odds of being right to just one in 400 – 1 in 20 times 1 in 20. The moe applies to ANY number but not to ALL simultanely at a given confidence level. If there are 500 Afghans in the district, there is a chanc e that a sample of 400 would be all afghan, but the ch ance of that actually happening is well less than one in a million.
i know Dave loves it when I publicly correct his errors, so you are welcome 😉
I'm proud of Colorado and I think we'll at least add to the democrats odds of taking the house and elect a governor that will stand against the policies of the draft dodging traitor Trump when they hurt Colorado.
Real clear is showing 47 seats that lean dem with 3 toss ups. I think Dems will take Arizona and Nevada but lose ND and we may end up with a split 50/50 Senate with Pence giving republicans control. It's still possible for Dems take the Senate but the odds are low. I don't see anything on Real Clear forecasting Dems to lose 3 seats.