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► Dozens of accusations of judicial misconduct against new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh have been transferred to the 10th Judicial District, which is headquartered in Denver. Westword looks at 10th Circuit Court Chief Judge Timothy Tymkovich, the man who will be in charge of handling these complaints. Don’t expect a whole lot here, since Tymkovich is on President Trump’s short list of potential future Supreme Court justices.
► Congressman Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) will say absolutely anything if he thinks it might help him get re-elected. The New York Times, meanwhile, re-confirms that Republican leaders are pulling up stakes in CO-6 and abandoning Coffman.
► Democrats across Colorado are calling on State Rep. Jovan Melton (D-Aurora) to resign from the legislature after new reports surfaced about prior domestic violence arrests. Melton is thus far refusing to step down and is getting some public support from prominent figures in the black community, as Colorado Public Radio reports. The CPR story also links to a police report from 1999 that is pretty horrible.
Get even more smarter after the jump…
► The Colorado Sun summarizes available polling data in Colorado’s race for Governor, and it’s about what you might expect:
► Aurora Sentinel editor Dave Perry has a nice message for voters in his column today:
I’m often at the front of the line to complain about political hackery and roll my eyes at the seemingly endless political flatulence leading to uncontrolled global political warming. But you need to know that, for the very large part, the politicians on this year’s ballot seeking your vote are really hard-working, well-meaning people who volunteer to take all kinds of abuse for little or no money to try and make a change. They’re mostly, not all, pretty friendly, smart and funny people who risk and sacrifice a lot to win a seat in the Legislature or at the county, and get picked on by pretty much everyone, including me.
Perry also has some important words about Republican gubernatorial candidate Walker Stapleton that are not quite as nice:
Outgoing State Treasurer Walker Stapleton is a political weasel. You know it. I know. He knows it. I’d say that he’s one of those oddballs that just wants to be elected for the sake of being elected and only knows how to talk the talk. But he can’t even do that. He babbles and fumbles and can’t keep his stories straight or his low-down political hacks in line. We’ve been barraged by his trolls and troublemakers to push fake news and fabrications since even before he bought himself the GOP nomination and pushed out quality candidates like Cynthia Coffman and George Brauchler. They don’t stop. If this election cycle brings one thing, it’ll be that Stapleton leaves Colorado politics for good, joining peers like Dan Maes and Scott Gessler in the partisan landfill. His gubernatorial nomination prompts this big question from all over the state: Really? This is the best Republicans can do in Colorado?
Perry is not wrong about Stapleton.
► U.S. intelligence experts say Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered an operation to lure Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi back to Saudi Arabia so that he could be detained. Khashoggi was a prominent critic of Saudi Arabia; it is suspected that he may have been assassinated by the Saudis, which is creating a diplomatic crisis for the White House. Trump is thus far resisting calls from Congress to restrict arm sales to Saudi Arabia.
► Republicans have been trying to spin the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a political boon for the GOP, but polling indicates otherwise. From Politico:
…it’s Democrats who appear more energized by the nomination fight, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.
Kavanaugh’s confirmation is not popular: In the poll, which was conducted after last week’s Senate vote, 46 percent of voters said the Senate “made the wrong decision” in approving the controversial judge, while 40 percent said it was right to elevate him to the high court.
And following the GOP-led effort to push through his nomination, enthusiasm among Democratic voters has surged. More than 3 in 4 Democrats (77 percent) say they are “very motivated” to turn out and vote in the midterms — more than the 68 percent of Republicans who say they’re “very motivated.”
► New York Magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzi found herself conducting a private interview with President Trump, Vice President Pence, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, among others. The entire story is absolutely bananas. This is how Nuzzi describes the beginning of her surprise meeting with Trump and friends after word apparently reached the President that she wanted to do a story on Kelly’s future with the White House:
“I just heard that you were doing a story on … this stuff,” the president said as he came into the Oval Office and sat down at the Resolute Desk. I sat in a chair across from him. Next to me were Sanders and communications director Bill Shine.
“General Kelly’s doing a very good job,” Trump told me. “We have a very good relationship. The White House is running very, very smoothly. We’ve had a big week. We just got a Supreme Court justice on the bench. We have the USMCA, meaning the NAFTA replacement, and many other things. We had a great meeting with North Korea. It was a great meeting. The secretary of State’s coming just in ten minutes.”
He went on, “But I want to tell you a couple of things: the chief is doing a very good job. I’m very happy with him, we have a very good relationship, number one. Number two, I didn’t offer anybody else the job. I didn’t talk to anybody about the job. And I’m not, I’m not looking. Now, look, with time, do people leave? As an example, Nikki Haley told me six months ago, even a year ago — but six months ago, that, you know, she’s been governor, she’s done this, she’s helped us with the campaign, a lot of good things, and you probably saw the conference. It was a very, very positive thing. We have a very positive story going on at the White House. We have a very positive story for the country. We’re doing a great job. We have the greatest economy in the history of our country. We have among the greatest job numbers. Among many groups, we have the greatest job numbers. We have things going on that are phenomenal on trade. China wants to make a deal — I said, you’re not ready yet. But they wanna make a deal, and at some point we might. Iran wants to make a deal. They all wanna make a deal. We have great things going. We have a very smooth-running organization even though it’s never reported that way. So the real story is that. It’s really the real story. When you walk in here, you don’t see chaos. There is no chaos. The media likes to portray chaos. There’s no chaos. I’m leaving for Iowa in a little while. We’re doing something that’s going to be very exciting tonight in Iowa. A big, a big announcement, actually. Doing four rallies this week. I think the rallies have, frankly, built up our poll numbers very greatly. What am I now in Rasmussen? 52?”
► As State Rep. Mike Foote writes in a post at Colorado Pols, Amendment 74 is a stinker of a ballot measure.
►Republican gubernatorial candidate Walker Stapleton has been endorsed by President Trump, which probably isn’t particularly helpful to his chances of winning in November.
► Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy, once thought to be a potential Speaker of the House, is rebranding himself as Trump-lite.
► Democrat Jason Crow is shattering fundraising records in his bid to knock off Republican Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Aurora). From a press release:
Former Army Ranger and first-time candidate Jason Crow today announced that he will report a $2.23 million fundraising total for the third quarter this year, smashing any previous quarterly fundraising record in Colorado’s 6th Congressional District – all while refusing any donations from corporate PACs.
Crow has raised nearly $4.5 million so far this cycle, and will report nearly $1.2 million in cash on hand at the end of September. Ninety-two percent of those funds came from individual donors.
That’s a ridiculous amount of money for a Congressional candidate in Colorado. Crow raised in three months what Coffman reported in contributions over an 18-month period.
► The Colorado Independent breaks down how a new federal immigration change could impact people in Colorado.
► Advocates for Amendment 73 make the case for why Colorado needs to increase education funding.
► President Trump’s television ratings are dropping, which probably concerns the Big Orange Guy as much as anything. From Politico:
As he’s ramped up his rally schedule ahead of the midterms, viewership numbers for the raucous prime-time events have been roughly similar to — sometimes dipping below — Fox News’ regular programming, and the network has recently stopped airing most evening events in full…
…Fox still provides livestreams of the campaign events online, but during a crucial period, with the midterms less than a month away, some in the White House are worried that the president is losing a prime-time megaphone to his base.
► Kyle Clark of 9News is absolutely brutal in a two-minute segment ripping the campaign of Republican gubernatorial candidate Walker Stapleton.
► Republican Rep. Mike Coffman is going after Democrat Jason Crow over the latter’s record on military and veterans’ issues. It’s backfiring.
► At least you don’t live in Georgia (non-hurricane edition).
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update on polling. Denver Post has an article
Colorado governor’s race: Jared Polis leads Walker Stapleton by 11 points in poll Poll also showed a wave of Democratic enthusiasm in congressional races.