“If the mindless few defeat the thoughtful majority we are all doomed.”
–Gary Lineker
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BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Friday Open Thread
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IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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Trump stinks. Stay upwind, my friends. And never, ever, pull his finger!
Especially today, if you're a Republican. They were had by The Screaming Yam yesterday and they’re furious:http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/06/politics/trump-meeting-with-democrats-deal/index.html
"Stink level" will be low next few days as Irma & her wind roars up the coast.
Sorry, Voyageur. Trump may deserve insults, but that particular one hides rather than addresses the real problems we face.
Try this insult. It frames the issue:
Trump is morally and intellectually unfit to be President.
Or this. It names the actual problem:
Trump's extremist rants on Twitter are a strategy to distract attention from the anti-science and racist actions being carried out by the US government.
Or, let's cut to the essence:
Trump stinks!
Good news, everyone! Fresh from the "Pro-Hillary Website [That] Looks Like North Korean Agitprop"
Hillary Democrats Are the Heart and Conscience of America
To those members of the Elect, we salute you!
"Hillary Dems" must be really fricking worried about those polls that show most Americans favor some variation on a Medicare for All, universal coverage, single payer health plan. You know, like Bernie and Liz Warren introduced yesterday.
AP: Most Americans favor universal health coverage provided by the government.
Kaiser: 53% favor a single payer plan.
Gallup: 58% favor replacing the ACA with "a federally funded healthcare system that provides insurance for all Americans."
Hillary Clinton: provide public option within the ACA. allow adults 55+ to buy into Medicare. This is to the right of what most Americans want.
It is not a coincidence that the announcement of this big new Verrit "Pump up HRC and smack down every other Dem leader!" movement is timed for the introduction of the Sanders Medicare for All bill.
It's pitiful and sad that these yahoos have to try to replay 2016 again. In case they didn't notice, those tactics (marginalizing progressive wing) didn't work, and backfired big time.
Someone needs to pull HRC's pantsuit sleeve, and let her know that no, the third time is not the charm for a Presidential run threepeat. FYI, before y’all jump down my throat, I don’t want Bernie to run again, either.
That's a great quote………..let those to whom it applies weigh its meaning.
Now, why isn't Michael Bennet ever around when stuff like this happens?
Oh, it's because he's busy upholding Senate protocols, being a good-ol'-boy in his role as Senator for Life, and gladly introducing nominees for a Supreme Court seat stolen during Obama's tenure by lying hypocritical despicable untrustworthy (except to Bennet himself) Republican Senators.
Boy, does he know how to play the rubes back home, or what?
Michael Bennet should be feeling this pressure more every day –
And he should feel the guilt for abandoning single payer after lying to Coloradans about his support in 2010.
Zappatero is still bitter because his dude Daryl Glenn didn't win the Senate race.
Marijuana Compound Removes Toxic Alzheimer's Protein From The Brain
No actual brains were involved in that study. The study was on lab-grown neurons.
They also could have used right wing Internet trolls.
Doesn't work. Not enough functioning neurons.
Great piece by Garrison Keillor:
When a red state gets the blues
The Senate vote on the Harvey disaster funds was 80 to 17. All 17 were Republicans including the usual suspects – Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Pat Twomey, Ron Johnson, and Ben Sasse – but missing Ted Cruz who put re-election ahead of principle.
From the Sorry-Keith-I-Guess-It's-Not-A-Full-Time-Job-After-All department:
Tom Perez, former U.S. labor secretary, to teach at Brown
DNC solved!
"Fossil fueled events . . ."
Hurricane Exxon? Ok, I suppose . . .
. . . but let's really put the blame where it belings — how about Hurricane Koch?, or maybe Hurricane Inhofe?, or if you need a local angle, in honor of our Congresscritter who's opposed to the military preparing for climate change disasters — Hurricane Buck?
AFP, Inhofe, Pruitt and the rest of their ilk remind me of the tobacco industry in the '70’s insisting that there was no concrete proof that cigarette smoking was bad for folks' health.
Not so fast says the
King of KKKonservative Talk Radiothrice married drug addict.As hurricanes and wildfires rage, US climate politics enters the realm of farce
The hurricane forecasts are not to be trusted.
That's one way to thin the herd.
Well the ship, so to speak, has in fact sailed.
It appears that #LimpBalls doesn't have any confidence in his conspiratorial conviction. His numbnutz audience has been punked.
I have this image of an angry Rush listener at his radio in Ft. Lauderdale as the rising waters lap at his chin…
He should have stayed and rode out the storm. He was in no danger of drowning – turds 💩 float.
He's got a swimmer's build. Much like Shamu.
And now José is picking up strength (at Category 4) as this week's Storm of the Century.