As the Denver Post’s Jesse Paul reports, that’s everybody:
U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn pushed back against President Donald Trump’s Tuesday comments that “there is blame on both sides” for weekend violence in Virginia, saying any statements that in any way embolden white supremacists are wrong.
“The KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and nationalists are abhorrent,” the El Paso County Republican said. “Statements that provide even indirect comfort to these merchants of evil are unacceptable and wrong.”
Trump remarks on his home turf at Trump Tower in New York City backtracked on a more deliberate statement he made Monday in Washington condemning those hate groups. He angrily placed blame on liberal groups on Tuesday in addition to white supremacists for the Charlottesville, Va., violence. Some of those protesting the rally to save a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee were “also very violent,” he said.
“There are two sides to a story,” he said. He added that some facts about the violence in Charlottesville still aren’t known.
Not to be gratuitously insulting to the Republican representative of deep-red El Paso County and Colorado Springs, but Rep. Doug Lamborn has a well-earned reputation for not being, you know, the sharpest knife in the proverbial drawer. Lamborn has had his own racially-tinged gaffes, like his unfortunate reference to President Barack Obama as a “tar baby” he’d rather not hug–an incident that may in retrospect may have been more clumsy than than it was intentionally racist.
Either way, President Trump has now given even the most gaffe-prone politician a wide-open shot at rehabilitation, simply by jumping on the bandwagon of condemning Trump’s increasingly undeniable and unapologetic racism–and even a bunch for whom the offenses were not ‘gaffes’ at all. After doubling down on horrifying initial remarks after the violence in Virginia last weekend that everyone thought the White House would try to walk back–and indeed, they tried–there’s just not much for Republicans to do now other than minimize the collateral damage.
Of course, this wouldn’t be the first time that more or less the whole Republican Party expressed its disapproval of Trump–and considering they did so just a couple of weeks before he won the election, their sincerity is not real easy to gauge.
Unless that prior behavior tells you everything you need to know.
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It's an accepted fact that Trump makes verbal mistakes a lot, and he definitely did that again. In Trump's defense, he allowed his daughter to marry into Judaism and that makes it unlikely he is a Nazi. I wish we could all tone down the rhetoric and remember that we're all Americans First. I'm glad Republicans draw the line.
I'm pretty sure Trump is the first and only President whose business was a party to a consent decree relating to illegal racial discrimination in rental housing.
It's not uncommon for anti-Semites to nonetheless utilize the services of Jewish accountants and lawyers (especially tax lawyers). After all, part of anti-Semitism is ascribing nearly supernatural powers to Jews when it comes to handling money matters.
High on my list of lost causes is that I dislike the use of the term "anti-semite." It's a schmuck term that was actually coined by jew haters in 1879 because they felt it gave them more dignity than Jew baiter. Of course, Arabs are semitic peoples also so it isn't even accurate. As I say, it's a lost cause, but I just prefer the term "bigot" or "jew hater.". Not being critical of OTD, who used it in good faith.
The fact that Arabs are Semitic people doesn't change the definition of antisemitism. I didn't just just use it in good faith; I used it correctly.
The EU has a "working definition" of antisemitism:
You fell into the trap of using "anti-semitism" instead of jew baiting, thereby giving the bigots the respectability they crave. I wasn't being critical of you then, as I said. I will be critical of you now now being unable to resist your impulse to make a fool of yourself. I guess I'm just an "anti-schmuck."
And here I've been thinking of you as an Uncle Schmuck, . . .
(. . . contemplating a Vogue spread, V?!?)
Can I borrow that yellow Halston from you, Tootsie?
Halter top? Oh, no! Please, . .
. . . wouldn't you prefer something with more of a bustier top?
Not halter top, Halston. Remember in the movie Tootsie, when Dustin Hoffman's girlfriend (Jessica Lange) forgives him and asks to borrow "That yellow Halston."
i assume that's a designer. Now, If I'm going to be in Vogue, maybe that blue taffeta…
Fuck you, troll.
Ahh, all your natural class and elegance is coming out. I won't bug you any more, I know you have to go to your meeting of the White Knights of the Low IQ.
Mom understood exactly what anti-Semitism means when she saw people forced to wear yellow stars and kneel in the gutters. The Nazis had other words for it, but anti-Semitism was why the family changed their names before they tried to start over in America. And it was why they labeled them as "Hebrews" on the journey over.
And it was why boatloads of Jewish refugees were turned away at the American shore, turned around, sent back to Europe to die in the camps or the war or from disease. It didn’t matter whether they called it antisemitism, “protecting America”, Judenhass, or any other names. The result was the same.
She understood that there was no difference in the words the Nazis used and the politer ones Americans and Europeans used. The harm done was the same.
Your point is well taken, but it is a historical fact that "antisemite" is a term originally coin by jew haters themselves to make themselves seem more respectable. It's like anti-abortion people labeling themselves "pro life" in an attempt to seize the moral high ground.
That's why I prefer to just call them bigots or Jew haters. Of course, after the holocaust, antisemite lost all respectability. I don't blame those who use the term, as Off Track did in good faith. Just noting the historical irony to underscore my contempt.
Moldy. When you say "verbal mistakes" you mean public statements that horrified aides because that's stuff he usually says in private.
And oh "he let his daughter marry a jew so he's not a nazi, maybe just a white supremacist."
Man this post is pathetic. Even for you.
"he allowed his daughter to marry into Judaism……" Gee, how old fashioned of Moderatus in his thinking. I thought Ivanka was an adult capable of making her own decisions.
Actually, not "old fashioned." Just plain condescending on Moderatus' part.
And stupid. He may be the stupidest person here.
I guess Rep.
Dull-knifeLamborn can take some comfort in not be the stupidest person whose name appears on this page??? . . .. . . and, yeah, it’s about as low as a bar can be set, but it’s not like Lamborn clears many . . .
. . . (or Fluffy clears any.)
At least since Andrew Carnegie left.
I wonder how 2 Live Drew is enjoying the Virginia prison system.
Doubtless, he is. But at least he has a smidgen of integrity, which cannot be said about Carnholio. As long as you keep mulching him and Cookie waters him, he will thrive in our little community.
Did TwoScoops™ get his three goats and a cow out of the deal?
If only Donald’s search for stardom could have just ended there….
You beat me to it, C.H.B. That'll teach me to read all the way down the thread before commenting. Then again, Moddy's paternalism can stand a second objection.
“Allowed his daughter…”? She was a grown woman who did not need her father’s permission to marry whom she pleased. Whether he liked it or not is a different matter, entirely.
Okay, that's three good swats Moddy gets for his paternalism. Boy, he's going to have trouble sitting down next week.
You're having just a little too much fun with that tawse, Mistress Cook
Damn you, V, for making me look up what "tawse" means.
When Cookie said she was going to give me "six of the best," I thought she meant doughnuts!
For Doug Lamborn, this is a courageous as well as an astute thing to do. (Who can forget his crack about Obama as a Tar Baby?)
Ask and #ProsperityJesus will answer….