Denver Post reporting, but you were probably there from the look of it:
Thousands of scientists and science supporters joined the March For Science through downtown Denver Saturday in the city’s largest rally since the Women’s March in January.
In cities across the globe — as close as Boulder and as far away as Washington D.C. and a German scientific enclave in Antarctica — marchers showed support for evidence-based and science-based public policy, protested potential cuts to federally-funded research and expressed disappointment with the White House’s response to climate change…
Marchers were a mix of younger and older people who traveling from across Colorado, including Boulder, Durango and Bailey. Some were scientists and teachers while others were students and science enthusiasts.
The Colorado Independent’s Kelsey Ray:
President Donald Trump has been notably outspoken against climate change and environmental research. His budget blueprint, essentially a wish list for budget boosts and cuts, proposed slashing EPA funding by 30 percent and reducing funds for environmental research agencies like the National Oceanic and Environmental Administration.
In the lead-up to the march, numerous editorials questioned the premise of scientists acting as activists. Is there a place in science for activism? Should scientists speak about political issues? Perhaps fearful of backlash and further cuts, most government-funded research agencies have forbid their employees from talking about politics.
Many of those at the march, particularly the career scientists, had considered these questions. But they ultimately decided that recent political attacks on climate science were too worrisome not to show up.
We haven’t seen a reliable crowd estimate for yesterday’s march in Denver, but it was certainly in the tens of thousands, and as reported easily the biggest protest march since the Women’s March held a day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Much like the Women’s March, we’ve seen some attempts by Trump supporters to argue the march had no specific target, and that Trump supporters would have had as much reason to attend a March for Science as anybody else.
Against the backdrop of Trump’s huge proposed cuts to federal scientific research of all kinds, and especially research into climate change, this notion is preposterous–as much as claiming the Women’s March wasn’t a direct result of the fact that a man who bragged about sexual assault is now President of the United States. Here in Colorado, home to such a large number of critical federal scientific research facilities, we know very well what the threat is, and who is behind it.
And it looks like the whole rest of the world knows, too.
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I'm sure that somewhere, there is a Trump supporter who may have participated in March for Science. But Trump supporters who support science have seriously twisted rationalizations. Trump sad!_ministration proposals to hack budgets from the EPA, Dept. of Agriculture, National Park Service, NIH, NEH, CDC and a host of other agencies is not backing science. Appointees speaking to deny scientific consensus (and for commercial interests) is not backing science.
Let me help you.
The march for science was not about science.
If it was, funding for genetically modified foods would have front and center.
It was not.
In fact the supporters of science don't like that kind of science.
Instead they like the "alter the evidence to fit our models" earth warming science.
Progressive's are not in search of the truth, just power.
You really are a special kind of stupid, no? GMO 'food' has every advantage it needs already embedded into the current (and sure to be future) Farm Bills. Over 90% of our soybeans and 94% of our corn crop is already GMO; Drumpf has signaled his support for the Bayer-Monsanto merger and the Dow-DuPont marriage.
So much for any little guys…
What could possibly go wrong?
So while you lecture progressives on 'power' – your boys are stealing everyone else blind.