Former Congressman and failed 2006 gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez is thought to be seriously considering a run for U.S. Senate in 2010. In today’s Rocky Mountain News, Beauprez had this gem to say about incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet:
“The fair thing to do is watch Michael Bennet,” said former Congressman Bob Beauprez, who also hasn’t ruled out a 2010 challenge. “He’s a smart, capable guy . . . Who knows? Maybe he’s a pro-business, small- government, strong- national-defense senator. If he turns out to be me – which would surprise me a little bit – I probably don’t have much interest in running against me.”[Pols emphasis]
Really, Bob? Because you might be the only person you could beat in a statewide race.
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even running against himself.
he’d hit himself on the way out.
and OMG.
Bob couldn’t even beat the horse’s ass he was standing next to in those ads in 2006.
Mr. Beauprez’s book is entitled A Return To Values but after reading it, it should be entitled A Continuation of Values.
His book is fundamentally a statement that none of the Bush era or Republican policies were ever wrong. Aside from deficit spending, the only problem the Republican Party has in his view is a failure to properly communicate its message.
However, his book is a very poor conglomeration of assorted disconnected facts and, in many places, a gross omission of other obvious facts, and from those facts he reaches general conclusions which of all things, support exactly what the Republican Party has been espousing for the last eight years. For example, he takes the same position that Sarah Palin took on oil drilling by stating that all we need to do is open up ANWR and we will have an additional domestic production of 1.7 million barrels of oil each day. He completely ignores the fact that oil production in ANWR is at least 10 years away (no existing pipeline) and the fact it will only produce oil for a few years. He goes on to assert that in tandem with ANWR we need to drill the Bakken field in Montana and North Dakota because we will be able to recover 4.3 billion barrels there (true) but he utterly fails to acknowledge that at our current consumption rate of 21 million barrels per day, the Bakken field will only add about 200 days of production. And, of course, he utterly fails to acknowledge the fact that if we relied strictly on our domestic production we would run out of oil in about 15 years.
He acknowledges alternative energy but point blank states we need to wait for market conditions (the old invisible hand again) to raise prices of traditional energy sources to the point where alternative energy becomes price competitive. His basic argument is do nothing until disaster is staring us in the face and in the meantime, we continue to rely on the Middle East and places like Venezuela for our energy. In short, his policy is to do nothing, even though facts dictate an all out effort to develop and deploy new energy sources we can rely on is needed today. Thank goodness Gov. Ritter and President Obama realize that and are acting upon those facts to preserve our American way of life.
He blames the entire health care cost issue on the trial lawyers and doesn’t even mention any of the other factors that bear on the cost of medical treatment.
He blames all the problems of the public education system on the National Education Association and its state affiliates.
He does chastise the Republican Party and
Bush for running up record deficits but fails to acknowledge he voted for them.
Finally, the war in Iraq. His comments on Iraq can only be categorized as fantasy. He says he knows Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, we just haven’t found them yet. But even more disturbing is his fantastic claim, without citing one stitch of evidence, not one, that he knows Saddam was one of the primary supporters of radical Islam including the Taliban and Al-Quida, and therefore Saddam had to be taken out. He still believes all the disproven propaganda that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfawitz attempted to use to hoodwink the American people.
Mr. Beauprez believes the winning issues for the Republican Party is complete support for the policies of George Bush and as always: “God, guns, gays and abortion.”
At bottom what he really believes is the American people are stupid and have been taken in by false statements and promises of the Democrats. In his view, all the Republican Party has to do is “communicate better” and the American electorate will wholeheartedly embrace what I outlined above. His entire book is nothing more than an unrepentent recitation of the same old right-wing positions that have lost the Republicans three elections in a row here in Colorado (four if we count Ref. “C” in 2005). He is an arrogant, unrepentent apologist for the Bush administration and, in the end, looks just as silly as he appeared in the 2006 campaign.
Somebody read his book?
And in addition to Repub36’s very valid observations, there seem to be some issues in the book with factual misinformation of varying types. Stay tuned…
Oh, and you forgot how in the book Beauprez also blames the “liberal mainstream media” for some of these problems. And how nowhere in the book does he reconcile his strident call for “limited government” with his equally strident stances that promote government bans on freedom to choose a marriage partner and a woman’s freedom to choose.
Good times…
But from your comments it appears to be the standard conservative stuff, lifted from . . . a think tank website? Don’t know, just asking.
own think tank wbsite … full to the brim with ideas.
The one about teaching Elk to migrate AROUND sensitive drilling sites? That was a gem.
In addition to taming wild horses inmates could train wild elk.
Around the turn of the 20th century in the Alamo Placita neighborhood in Denver, there used to be an amusement park of sorts: “Highlights included Professor Barnes’ herd of elk which would dive off of the chutes into a tank of water…”…
Something for Estes Park to consider?
I think Canines has the answer. If Bob “Professor Barnes” Beauprez is really looking for a challenge for the next couple years, this is it.
According to a historical marker in the Alamo Placita neighborhood, the elk would jump off a 40-foot tower into the water. Professor Barnes traveled from coast to coast with his attraction, even appearing at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition in Portland, Oregon in 1905! And lest some people think the elks’ derring-do sounds like animal cruelty today, a local reporter assured readers at the time that the elk “seemed to enjoy the performance as much as the spectators.”
…he sounds a bit “Both Ways” there.
i think that u shuld not make fun of ppl 4 being bisexual. taht is there way of life.
when this turns out to be Sybil/Nancy/Michael/Sankore.
I think I’ve figured out that he/she/it posts in some unusual form of the English language, although I’m not sure. Apparently the poor thing hasn’t figured out that he/she/it isn’t texting, but has the use of a full keyboard. Texting syle when not actually texting is a guaranteed turn off of intelligent, thoughtful readers, as you know. lolzerzz doesn’t.
Further, I don’t think this is any of our old, favorite “friends.” They mostly wrote proper sentences, even if the content was illogical.
It appears to be someone with so little meaning in their life, so incapable of achieving any recognition for any productive, or even entertaining, behavior, that their only recourse is to be a pest to feel that they have any value. It’s one of the great tragedies of life, and one of the causes of much human suffering, that people are so desparate to be noticed that even those with nothing to say shout as loudly as they can to be heard.
It was amazing. Same day signup with mostly C&P Republican talking points. Come Tuesday election night, they disappeared.
Whether I’m right or whether I’m wrong
Whether I find a place in this world or never belong
I gotta be me, I’ve gotta be me
What else can I be but what I am…
Hey, OK, maybe I’m not Sammy Davis, Jr., after all, but still…Hey, I remember 1967 and the Beatles as well as anybody!
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I’m crying.
And now for all you freaky mothers out there, a little Zappa…
Do you know what you are?
You are what you is
You is what you am
(A cow don’t make ham…)
You ain’t what you’re not
So see what you got
You are what you is
An’ that’s all it ’tis
Just because you liberals on this Fourm say that Bob has no future in Colordo does not make it so.
You all have gotten real big for your britches…and you could be surprised and lose…especially if Obama does not keep all his big promises.
By the way he is already backing down on those promises. LOL, I could have told you he was going to do that…maybe I did!
Dude, Mr. O is the next FDR. He won’t be perfect, but he will help the middle class more than any president than St. Franklin.
I hope Bob and all of you keep “returning to conservative values.” The public has caught onto your empty schemes that make us worse off.
I didn’t know that Rush Limbaugh posts here!
i got teh link to heere on 4chan but it seems boring. is all u ppl do tlk about bush and pollitics and shit? wherez teh pr0n???????
Is that you?
yours really sucks.