Here’s a clip of video from the speech given at last weekend’s Western Conservative Summit at the Colorado Convention Center by Phil Robertson, the controversial patriarch of the reality TV Duck Dynasty family. Known for his far-right and frequently offensive ramblings, Robertson rallied the crowd at WCS ’16 to raucous cheering several times.
Including with this bit about how the gays are at “behind” 160,000 murders in the United States during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Don’t take our word for it, we’ll let the Duck Commander himself ‘splain:
ROBERTSON: What y’all are seeing in America is the children of the Evil One. What does it look like out there? How many did we lose in Iraq and Afghanistan? With all that firepower, how many did we lose? Huh? Six, seven thousand? Guess how many were murdered on the streets of America during the same time frame? About a hundred and sixty thousand. Everybody said well we don’t want to waste our blood and treasure over there, I understand. I hate to lose one. But at the time of those two wars over the last thirteen fourteen years, you see going on right here in America, one hundred and sixty thousand were murdered! Sounds like we’ve got a bigger war going on here than over there.
Well who’s behind it? Who is behind it? When you allow men to determine, as Zach said, what’s right and what’s wrong, you get decisions like the five judges who said, I mean I know we have seven thousand years of history, of men marrying women, a male and a female, for that reason, they’ll leave their father and mother and cleave to one another and become one flesh, I know it’s been that way for seven thousand years, but we know best for what’s everyone. We know best. Trust us, we know what we’re doing.
And now there’s grown men barging in on you ladies when you’re putting your Maybelline on. Uh, here’s a news flash: you see this? (tugs at beard) This be male. Ladies, ladies, all you ladies, you will never ever catch this cat coming up in your bathroom. Ever! You know why? I’m a man. And men don’t go in women’s bathrooms!
But if you let human beings, if you allow human beings to decide what’s for you, what’s right and what’s wrong, that’s what you get. Should have checked with God. When you let human beings decide what’s good, what’s evil, look out. When this Bible stops being your standard of conduct when it comes to good and evil…we’re going to lose America. We are already well into the collapse. It’s not fixing to collapse, it’s already started collapsing.
Now folks, you might ask yourself, why didn’t the mainstream media pick up any of this? Why was all the coverage of the Western Conservative Summit, excepting a few obligatory write-ups about Trump’s difficulty pacifying Colorado Republicans, a bunch of fluff when featured speakers at the event were blaming gays for every murder in America–and announcing that America has “already started collapsing?” Perhaps that would have made conservative readers and viewers, you know, uncomfortable?
Probably not as uncomfortable as any gay people in that audience. And that ought to be a story.
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Someone with a more discerning mind, please differentiate something for me: What is the difference between 1) this idiot explaining that this country ought to be governed by his interpretation of "God's will" (based on his interpretation of his version of the Bible), 2) the Taliban or Isis, etc., explaining how they rule based on their interpretation of "God's will" based on their interpretation of the Quran, or 3) any particular nutjob (Jim Jones, Charles Manson, assorted others) who justifies their actions by reference to heavenly dictate.
I am a religious person and believe in the power of faith. But, I do not understand why, for some people, religion becomes an excuse to justify the imposition of a person's wants and desires on someone else.
No difference at all. None.
How does anyone ever take this guy seriously?Republicans only have themselves to blame for the bad reality-TV show that their party has become.
Just proves that mixing religion and politics forms a toxic brew that the GOP has steeped themselves in for the last 35 years. The only "collapse" is one of their own making.
The Western Conservative Summit took him seriously enough to let him speak from their podium.
I completely agree with you Mama. Why does someone like this even given a platform to voice their craziness. He provides soundbites. Many of us actually have a mind and do not pay any attention to something like this.
I'm afraid I don't keep up with GOPer reality television stars . . .
. . . so is this Phil Robertson the porn-addicted reality-tv family values GOPer, or the sibling incestuous reality-tv family values GOPer???
An anonymous "friend" of Phil Robertson claims that Phil has a vast gay porn collection. I would salt that claim generously until the "friend" is willing to put a name and a date on his it, but there ya go.
Robertson's sons were all preppy actors before they decided to grow beards and pretend to be Louisiana backwoodsmen.
I'm a fan of beards on men, but these guys just look unkempt, and their faking the whole backwoods persona makes them just gross. Let alone the right wing politics.
LIARs! …. the WRITER – Colorado Pols — ARE LIARS! That piece said NOTHING like that!
Robertson didn't say anything remotely like— as the WRITER of THIS PIECE says, "blaming gays for every murder in America."
yes…he did. Just take out the distracting blabber…you're welcome.
Has Trump vetted him yet?
He has been mentioned as a potential gubernatorial candidate in Louisiana. Wouldn't that be interesting. They will have gone from the family values guy with the prostitute and diaper fetish to this…… I don't know if I would characterize it as a race to the bottom or simply a lateral move.
And he looks like a terrorist!