A terrible story taking over local headlines right now, though there’s not much to say just yet. Denver Post:
Denver Police and emergency crews swarmed into lower downtown Tuesday afternoon after a gunman opened fire inside a crowded office building. Police said the gunman is dead.
One woman was taken to Denver Health in critical condition with multiple gunshots, said Dr. Eric Lavonas.
Police closed streets near 15th and Wynkoop and urged merchants and residents in the area to shelter in place. Police said officers have cleared the shooting scene at the Alliance Center in the 1500 block of Wynkoop in what remains an active investigation. The building houses a number of left-leaning political and environmental groups.
We’ve heard early reports suggesting that the employees of a number of liberal and environmental groups who have offices at the Alliance Center, including Conservation Colorado and Common Cause, were not injured. We’ll update once we learn more about the victim(s) and the shooter.
Scary stuff, folks–but as always, let’s be careful about speculating until we know more.
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We live in a shitty world. Hope the poor lady pulls through.
Police think the woman was targeted. May not have anything to do with liberal/environmental angle.
The victim, Cara Russell, died of her injuries Wednesday morning. She was a former mayor of Buena Vista, and director of the Chaffee People's clinic. Her estranged husband, Mickey Russell, drove up from Buena Vista, walked in the front door of the Alliance Center on Tuesday, June 28, and shot her within moments.
So, no, not a terrorist. Not anti-gay. Not Islamic. Just one of the thousands of women shot to death by male partners every year in the United States. There will probably be three women murdered today.
Cara Russell did everything right to protect herself. Filed for divorce. Got a restraining order. Separated physically. (Denver is 122 miles from Buena Vista). Her husband was put on a 72 hour mental health hold, but was allowed to leave, obviously. He wasn't allowed to fly on the airplane based on statements he had made. He shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun, having an active DV restraining order in place. But again, obviously, he did have a gun.
Cara Russell is one of the thousands of domestic violence victims shot to death annually in the United States because we just can't seem to figure out what to do with mentally unstable, armed individuals. We care more about the perpetrator's "second amendment rights", than the victim's rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".
Why do I keep harping on this? You can always count on me to write a domestic violence diary. It's because I am Cara Russell..I’ve lived her story. In ways I won’t go into, as this diary rolls off the front page and fades into archived obscurity on Pols.
I’ve done all the things Cara Russell did to protect herself….divorce, restraining order, physical separation. I’m on civil terms with my batshit-crazy ex. I try to help him negotiate the VA and social services system. For all the faux concern over veterans, not much help is available.
But whenever I read another story , "Woman killed by estranged husband," my stomach clenches. My heart pounds. The PTSD is real.
And I don't care how many times posters on here will defend the alleged 2nd amendment rights of perpetrators – all it will ever mean to me is that you don't really give a crap about women's lives, or the lives of the shooters themselves and all of the random innocents around them.
Police update video here:
Buena Vista community reacts to shooting: http://www.chaffeecountytimes.com/community/community-reacts-to-shooting-death-of-former-mayor/article_593d3088-3e49-11e6-8577-ef2810ba5229.html