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May 03, 2016 06:35 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Beware of the person who can’t be bothered by details.”

–William Feather


80 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

    1. Interesting reports, James. Thanks.

      What say ye, Knights?  Hast thou spun sufficiently to respond?

      Which Shakespeare title can we use here? "Much Ado About Nothing"?….

      or, " A Comedy of Errors"?

    2. This is all likely legal – but that doesn't mean it's a good plan.

      The expectation I as a supporter would have of a joint fundraising event is that my money would be distributed between the parties involved. After all, the benefit of such an event is the centralization of fundraising.

      And if I were a state party official and saw all the money from a supposedly joint fundraising event directed either directly to the HRC campaign or to the national party I think I'd be a bit miffed. No – I know I'd be a bit miffed. A few hundred thousand dollars in the state coffers could re-activate the 64-county program that did great things for the Democratic Party's infrastructure back in 2004.

      That the money is being directed by the joint committee into national coffers after supposedly having been designated to the state parties is the kind of stunt that irritates a lot of voters who would otherwise be staunch party supporters. Heavy hands on scales suck. And that's what frustrates me more than anything about the Clinton campaign (now, and back in 2008)… There are too many unforced errors – too many lapses in good judgement. This is one of those IMNSHO.

      1. That is a legitimate response, PR.   But the fact remains hillary has raised money for the party and will continue to do so.  She has done so for many years.   Bernie has not given a dime to the party.  And desperate Bernistas use this fact to demand that Super Delegates support the man who scorns their party.  If they gave Golden Globes for hypocrisy, the Sanders campaign would sweep the field.   As it is, they will have to settle for a raspberry.

  1. Let me see if I have this right.

    1. Clinton has raised some money for state parties but not as much as they would like.

    2.  Sanders has raised absolutely nothing for state partiess.

    3.  Looking at these twp admitted facts, Sanders supporters are now highly critical of Clinton for not raising more money for state parties

    Sound about right?

    1. No V., it doesn't sound about right…

      This isn't about Sanders supporters except inasmuch as they would love to have the state parties pissed off enough at Hillary for her funding shenanigans that superdelegates might start to defect. That wouldn't be good for her campaign , I'm guessing…

    2. No, what sounds right is 42 states got absolutely nothing. Only, 8 states got anything at all and that was meager. What doesn't sound right is how you all crowed about how much Hillary Clinton was doing for the states and down ticket candidates. It was all bull shit. Hillary does for Hillary.

      1. As many of us have pointed put before it's not just money math. It's a network of mutual support in many ways on many levels from the macro to the micro, a system in which Bernie has no part. Good luck getting party supers to dump HRC for Bernie over this.

        1. I'm thinking about here in Colorado. Think about Michael "Thurston" Bennet who as a super delegate has promised his support to HRC. Zappatero tells us that the super delegates will switch to the Bern because they'll have a "reality check."

          What exactly does that mean? Is Bernie going to offer to come to Colorado and raise money and campaign for Thurston's re-election? Because that would be something to behold. Is Bernie going to recruit and fund-raise for a primary challenger to run against Thurston? It's too late; that ship has already sailed.

          Likewise, do you think Hick is going to switch from HRC to the democratic socialist? When the democratic socialist at the top of the ticket will guarantee the GOP keeps the state senate and probably picks up the state house? And if Hick puts aside pragmatism and looks at who he is closer to ideologically, does he flip from HRC to to the screaming socialist? Remember, Hick is DLC centrist, not a class-struggle Bolshevik.

          Promising to flip the super delegates is Sanders' right. And if his minions want to keep sending him $$$ so he can keep his show going, who am I to say no. 


          1. Well this is in my reply box and I have no idea what crawfishing means. If it means mutual support that's what parties are all about. If you're running for an HD or SD seat and your congress person or candidate promises to show up for you, you put that on the invite and more people attend and write you checks and volunteer to have their own yard parties and coffees for you and to volunteer to call and canvass for you.

            If you have a HD pancake breakfast to showcase Dem candidates and raise money and you can tell people their Senator or Governor or gubernatorial and congressional candidates will be there as well as your little old no name rec HD and SD candidates more people come. The higher ups whose names people know say nice things about the local candidates and get people excited about contributing and volunteering and holding their own little coffees and yard parties. Same goes for your County Party picnic and such. 

            And it's really easy to, say, talk to your Governor or sitting Senator at and HD event. And they do find the time to atttend these things and talk to people and talk other candidates up.  Is that crawfishing?

            If so, lets all go crawfishing. It's what a party does and if you want to remain aloof from all that you can't expect expect to be held in the same regard by the party as a long time team player.

            HDs will even invite indie city council candidates who are somewhat like minded with us to come to our HD meeetings and look for support. Sometimes there isn't any Dem running in a given district for city council. But make no mistake. If there is a Dem who has been active in the HD as a volunteer, helped us elect Dems at all levels, helped with GOTV or who is an officer in the HD structure the HD will support that person first. Something wrong  with that?


            1. crawfish (intransitive verb) :to retreat from a position  :back out  

              (As a crawfish walks backwards when threatened or attacked.)

               <I crawfished as fast as I could — Mark Twain>

                1. Do not ever eat Crawfish Etouffee at Mary Mahoney's in the old quarter of Biloxi, the reportedly oldest continually operating reataurant in the country which did come back from the Katrina tragedy. It will ruin you for what passes for the dish at our own faux Creole restaurants. You'll never be able to eat etouffee up north again.

                  1. Likewise, never eat Chicken Fried steak outside of the Old Confederacy, preferably in some Texas small town.  And Pastrami tastes like cardboard anywhere west of the Hudson.

                    1. By law, the only food allowed to be cooked properly in Chicago is deep dish pizza.  And even Colorado can do great corned beef–try the Costco package.  

                    2. Anybody who thinks Chcago's food scene is just about deep dish pizza has never been there. We've always had the greatest collection of ethinic joints on the planet. When Denver was strictly a cow town you could get Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, German, Jewish and every other kind of deli, Polish, Greek, great Greek and many many more, too many to list. The best pizza joints BTW were never about deep dish. The only place to get a dog or polish done right is Chicago. Also elegant dining, great Blues venues and music venues of all kinds, great bars, beautiful Lake Michigan, Lakeshore Drive, Michigan Avenue.

                      It's the greatest city in the USA  with the greatest people, murder rate aside, the greatest cheap public transportation and ten times as beautiful as dark dirty narrow streeted NYC on its best day. Weather sucks, though except in late May /early June and late September/early October.


              1. And what position did I back out of in the comment to which you replied, pray tell? I think you'll find that I have mainly pointed to the ways party members support one another outside of the direct writing a check route. And of course if the state parties are really so pissed off at HRC that their supers switch to Bernie I'll have to admit that  was mistaken, won't I? How about you?angel

  2. So, Sanders supporters are using the fact that they have contributed absolutely nothing to state parties to tell superdlegates to support a man who wasn't even a Democrat until a few months ago to dump a woman who has worked her heart out for Demmocrats for 30 years and raised millions for Democratic candidates including substantial sums this year.  Okay, sounds like the Sanders campaign we've all come to know and love.   How's that just laid off 225 campaign workers thing working out for you guys.

    1. And of course there's objecive reality which clearly now has an HRC bias in Sandersville. Even if he talked all the super delegates in states  he won into switching to him he still wouldn't have more supers than than HRC. And while he says that's what he's entitled to, the Democratic caucuses and primaries are proportional, not winner take all, and that's lucky for Sanders because he'd be even farther behnd if they were winner take all. If he switched to demanding a proporioal share of supers in every state, HRC still wins.

      So his only road to winning is to not only get all the supers in the states he won or a proportional share of supers in every state but to add to them by getting some supers from states HRC won or would be entitled to with proportional representation to switch to him. That of course would go directly against all the arguments he's now making about entitlement, fairness and democracy.

      I'm all for Bernie remaining a force until the primaries are over. At that point if insists on trying to force a contested convention he can go to hell. That would be a shame as I think he's a valuable leader of a valuable movement. Just not valuable enough to be worth making it harder for HRC, who will be our Dem candidate, to get elected in 2016. Any idea that enough (or more than a handful at best) of the supers are going to change at this point to support him at a contested convention is pure fantasy and he knows it.

    2. I can't find a report on Sanders' Joint Fundraising Committee, but according to Politico he does have one – has had one since early Nov 2015. Of course, his ability to do joint fundraising relies largely on his big-money supporters and party elites setting up designated joint fundraising events.

      1. Might it not be with the Democratic Party but with the Socialist Workers Party? From each, according to his or her ability. To each, according to his or her need.

      1. In order to be funny it has to ring just a little true.This doesn't .

        HRC can take of herself. Her supporters aren't  hysterical over the attacks. They're all so ben there done that. We're quite confident that she's going to be the nominee and going to beat Trump even if Bernie does insists on being a sore loser putz but of couse would prefer that doesn't go out of his way to make it harder by being a sore loser putz.

        Most of us like him, like what he's doing for the party, like his movement  and sincerely hope that he comes to his senses instead of, as the sure loser, trying to force a pointless contested.  If he does he'll lose and we still think HRC will win in November. She'll have Obama's enthusiastic support once she's the nominee. Nobody has to leave her alone. Not Trump. Not Bernie. Not you.

        She can take it and so can we. Bring it on.

      2. Don't you love those classy Bernie-bots? and their sexist smears?  (Cue the harridan chorus explaining that we can't use a derisory term for Bernie fanatics no matter how vicious their attacks are because they are sensitive souls who if not indulged in their vicious tirades will sulk and refuse to support the Democratic nominee against Donald Trump.)

        1. V, I'm getting to where I'm inclined to let your Bernie-bots remarks slide. I know many Bernie supporters who do not fit that stereotype, who don't attack HRC and her supporters visciously while blackmailing us with the threat that if we aren't sweet as pie in return they'll take their ball and go home in the general. But it's getting harder and harder to ask you to be nicer to many here on this blog because that's exactly what they do.

          BTW … Cruz out.

          1. You're not wrong, BC, and at this point I only use the term to reply to slime like that sexist crap.  Most bernistas are better than that.  

  3. Did you read the stories, V.? Bernies' people didn't piss off the state parties, Hillary did.

    No…to answer your question.. they are using the fact that Hillaries' campaign has been much less than straightforward about some things. Wouldn't you?

    1. Did I read the stories.  Of course not.  Dodd has peddled this bullshit before.   Yet the bottom line is Bernie has raised nothing for the party, Hillary has raised quite a bit and the Bernistas somehow think their selfishness entitles them to steal the nomination.   Spin it all you want.   You have done nothing for the party, indeed to do nothing for the party and somehow think you are entitled to overrule the party.   You in this case refers to the Bernie campaign, not to Duke the loyal Democrat. But Duke is an outlier in a Bernista movement that scorns the very Democratic Party it demands to lead.

        1. Even if — and it's a big if — you believe the Politico version, it does not dispute that the Hillary Victory fund has raised $46 million for the DNC and state parties.   It only claims that most of the money ended up with the DNC,

          Does the Sanders campaign think that the DNC doesn't work for overall Democratic victory?  Is that why the Sanders campaign refuses to raise even one dime for the DNC or state parties?  Does that mean that the $100 I send to the DNC every year doesn't help the Democratic party?

          Are the Bernistas getting a little desperate as the plummet ever closer to the dust bin of history?

  4. The Donald has been spending too much time reading the newspapers in the supermarket checkout stands…..

    Looks like he is repeating a National Enquirer story from last week which featured a photo of Rev. Rafael Cruz circa 1963 standing next to Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before 11/23/63.


    1. What an international embarrssment. The worst of it isn't the clown celebrity himself but that enough eople support him to put him in position to be a real candidate.  If we're number one it must be in sheer classless stupidity.


    Hillary Clinton brought in more campaign cash in April than rival Bernie Sanders, the first time in months that the Democratic front-runner has bested the senator from Vermont and his juggernaut of fervent supporters willing to donate over and over.

    Clinton’s campaign said Monday that it raised about $26.4 million in donations for the primary race. Sanders’s campaign said Sunday that it brought in $25.8 million in April.

    Clinton’s success in April was due more to a dramatic drop-off in Sanders’s donations than a big spike in hers. Sanders had brought in about $44 million a month in February and March; Clinton’s haul for March was about $27 million.

    The drop-off for Sanders coincides with the narrowing of his chances to defeat Clinton, who remains far ahead of him in overall votes and delegates. Clinton has won six of the last seven state contests, including the two biggest prizes on the calendar in April — New York and Pennsylvania.

    Clinton’s campaign also said it brought in more than $9.5 million for the Democratic National Committee and state Democratic parties in April through a joint fund-raising arrangement. Sanders is not doing that and has been sharply critical of the enormous donations possible under the joint structure.

    Clinton has raised $213.5 million in primary funds for the campaign and more than $46 million for the DNC and state parties since the start of her campaign in April 2015, her campaign said.

            1. I gotta go with the president on that one, James.   Still, CNN is the only port in a storm available when Chris Mathews is spewing and interrupting everything his guests try to say, including "Good evening."  And John King is still honest and competent, though the gang of eight has beens has long outlived its usefulness.

              1. I still can't go on MSNBC without have flashbacks to that Sunday morning I turned it on to see the Reverend Al Sharpton interviewing former US Rep Anthony Weiner. Without Tawana Brawley. 

                MSNBC is left wing FOX.

                    1. I didn't know that about her but you're right. Eisenhower Republicans are today's mainstream (a/k/a centrist) Dems. And I do like Rachel Maddow. 

    1. and more than $46 million for the DNC and state parties since the start of her campaign in April 2015, her campaign said. 

      As we pointed out above, that is just a bald faced lie.

      1. So, The Washington Post is a bald faced liar and desperate Sanders partisans the unbiased source of truth.   Good to know.  Were they also lying when they reported your campaign laid off 225 workers?  Were they lying when they reported your losing five straight primaries: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware.

          1. Well, even Politico confirms the truth that $46 million went to the "DNC and state parties."   It only claims that most of that ultimately went to the DNC.  This is more of a spat between DNC and state parties than a slam at Hillary.  Nothing in the Politico articles contradicts the $46 million dollar figure, which is $46 million more than Sanders has raised for any Democratic organization.  I have no dog in this fight because the $504 bucks we sent to Hillary went directly to her campaign, Hillary for America.

            1. Voyageur, you really didn't read the article:

              By contrast, the victory fund has transferred $15.4 million to Clinton’s campaign and $5.7 million to the DNC, which will work closely with Clinton’s campaign if and when she becomes the party’s nominee. And most of the $23.3 million spent directly by the victory fund has gone toward expenses that appear to have directly benefited Clinton’s campaign, including $2.8 million for “salary and overhead” and $8.6 million for web advertising that mostly looks indistinguishable from Clinton campaign ads and that has helped Clinton build a network of small donors who will be critical in a general election expected to cost each side well in excess of $1 billion. [Emphasis added.]

              1. Actually, it talks about $61 million.   And then you say $5.7 million went to the FNC, which is precisely $5.7 million more than Sanders has given the party.   It then says $600,000 was left with states, 


                1 percent of the $61 million raised by that effort has stayed in the state parties’ coffers, according to a POLITICO analysis of the latest Federal Election Commission filings.
                  So even by your reckoning Hillary raised $6,3 million doe the Democratic party while Bernie contributed exactly nothing.

                But even if state parties aren’t getting to keep the victory fund cash, they benefit from money spent to enhance the DNC’s data, research and design services, said Jeremy Kennedy, the executive director of the Maine Democratic State Committee, which is a victory fund participant.

                “In my opinion, strengthening the state parties strengthens the DNC and vice versa,” Kennedy said. “I’d be the first one to tell you if I felt differently.” His party received $59,800 from the victory fund, but transferred that exact amount to the DNC, though Kennedy said he hopes that money will find its way back to benefit the party in Maine.

                Finally these reports cover only the end of March.   HVF reports having made more contributions in April.

                The irrefutable bottom line:  Hillary gives millions to Democrats, $6.7 million and growing.   Bernie doesn't give dip squat to the party he haw now been a pound menber of for at least 30 minutes.

                Read more: 
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        1. Bernie didn't really lose in New York. There was so much voter suppression in his home borough of Brooklyn brought about You-Know-Who that we will never know who really won New York.

          As for the pledged delegate deficit, it's not really there is you take those southern states and adjust them – maybe give them 3/5 of a delegate for every delegate from every white western and midwestern caucus states which Bernie won. That would even things out for the Sanders folk.

          And don't forget that HRC has all that Wall St. $$$ working for her in a system which is rigged and run by the big banks…..yadda yadda yadda.

    2. V, let's help give Bernie a jolt of cash from Mamajama. And a one, and a two, and a three……….



      1. We'd need about 10 million "free stuffs" at $3 a hit to cover Bernie's shortfall.  I don't think Mama's teacher pay will over that, so I'm going to cut her some slack.   It hurts to see a campaign you believe in fail.   In learned that 08, when I also backed Hillary.

        1. Your concern is touching. I also appreciate the empathy. I'll make sure Bernie sends Frankly a thankly  note.

          I'm maxed for May already, so at this point, you're just wasting your electrons. But by all means, continue. You seem to be enjoying yourselves,and it's sort of cute.

  6. Since Karen Crummy knows this is not true, that counties like Mesa and Moffat and Weld will not ban fracking even if "local control" is enacted, what does this statement in the Business Journal make her?  

    “These (ballot) measures would ban fracking, eliminating all responsible oil and natural gas development in the state. They also give local governments the power to take property rights away – without compensation — from everyday Coloradans, including ranchers and farmers who are trying to make ends meet with their mineral rights,” Crummy said.

    At what point is it a journalists job to point out these things? 

    The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know – fiction!

    -Steven Colbert

      1. It's like the reverse of having the Swear Jar.

        Voyageur and I use the cuss words, and the Sandernistas put the $$$ in the jar.

        How cool is that!

  7. It's the Cruz n Carly Secret Handshake!

    I'm not certain this is real, but it's credible that they would have a little finger wrestling to for hand dominance! Enjoy it while you can, you may not be able to be creeped out by Cruz much longer.

    And it’s official! Cruz is suspending his campaign…

    1. You. Just lost a landslide to a guy who says your wife is ugly and your father was a coconspirator in the plot to kill JFK.  Exactly how do you make a gracious exit under the circumstances?

      1. It's politics……people need to get over that stuff and not hold a grudge. Besides, maybe Lyin' Ted is holding out hope that President Trump gives him the Scalia seat on the Supreme Court.

  8. Now who will protect those who live in constant fear of transgendered folk peeing and pooping in public restroom…..

    Let me first offer my sincere congratulations to my friends on the left for Bernie's big win tonight. Your boy still has game! Mama, Duke and Jimbo, get your checkbooks out since the race goes on…..

    Now, to the big news…. All our fantasies about a brokered convention, all sorts of Machiavellian intrigue, the Draft Romney movement, rioting in the streets, etc., etc……….all gone. They'll have an event. It will be a show. Many will avoid it. Some may attend and wish they had avoided it. 

    I really thought Lyin' Ted would hobble on to California. Sadly it is not to be. And what of poor Carly. Ted lost one race this year…..she bombed out of two.

    And closer to home, what becomes of those 34 die-hard committed Cruz delegates from the Centennial State? And has Moderatus been taken off the defibrillator yet?

    1. Modster will have no trouble switching allegiance to Trump and predicting his landslide victory. Others may be looking for a third way that allows them to vote against Trump without actually voting for HRC, though the outcome would be the same, in hopes of mitigating down ticket damage according to this piece. I submit this link merely as an interesting idea without much confidence that establishment Rs would actually have the balls to get behind it. More likely they’ll fall in line and just grin and bear it every time video showing the terrible things they’ve said about Trump pops up and argle bargle their way though interviews in which they’ll be asked how could they now support such a person in light of the things they’d said about him. Can’t wait to hear how Cruz will rationalize his support of the guy who claimed his father helped kill Kennedy.

      1. Moddy just might surprise us.  I've come to believe he has a core of integrity something no man of conscience can keep if they sell out to a narcissist demagogue like Trump.  I bet Moddy lets Trump founder while he works to save real Republicans from the Trump Catastrophe.

        1. No, Moddy already started warming up to Drumpf. Early yesterday he registered his dislike for the Donald but said something to the effect that – if the Donald is the GOP voters' choice, he'll have to accept it and live with it.

      2. But who will run the kamikaze run?  Tancredo did it in Colorado 6 years ago with good results for the state party:  they won all other statewide constitutional offices, took the state house, picked up CD 4 from Betsy Markey, and almost elected Ken Buck.

        It would boil down to HRC versus two guys, one who wants to build a wall, the other put up a fence.

      3. Can’t wait to hear how Cruz will rationalize his support of the guy who claimed his father helped kill Kennedy.  

        No third party run for "Lucifer in the flesh"?

  9. Tonight was a moral victory for bernie but actually moved hillary closer to the nomination.  He needs to win about 65 percent of remaining pledged delegates.  A 52 47 like tonight moves him back.  I caught most of his victory speech.  It was issue oriented with none of the Jeff Weaver trash talk.  Whatever he is, Bernie is not stupid and has no illusions about Herr Drumpf.

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