UPDATE: What does it mean when the losing candidate picks a running mate?
Answer: Diddly squat. Sorry, Carly Fiorina.
A press release from Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign today announces the endorsement of Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, who was left high and dry after his first choice Marco Rubio dropped out of the race:
“Ted Cruz has always been a fierce defender of the Constitution and a tireless advocate for conservative principles,” said Senator Gardner. “He has spent his entire career fighting for the men and women of this country and pushing back against the special interests in Washington. Ted is the only candidate who will change the way Washington works and restore the balance of power back to the American people. It’s time for Republicans to rally behind this campaign in order to put forth the best candidate to stop Hillary Clinton in November. I am confident Ted Cruz is that person and I’m thrilled to endorse him for President.”
“Cory has spent his time in Congress focused on improving the economy, creating jobs, and fighting for the people of Colorado,” said Cruz. “He has stood up and been a strong advocate for conservative principles like stopping the train wreck that is Obamacare and this dangerous deal the Obama administration struck with Iran. I am honored to have Cory’s support and look forward to working together to continue to coalesce Republicans around this campaign.”
Mutual admiration in today’s statement aside, Gardner’s endorsement of Cruz is just another sign of the desperation establishment Republicans are increasingly gripped with as frontrunner Donald Trump continues to win primary after primary. Before Cruz became the last hope to stop Trump, he had a reputation of being the least popular member of the U.S. Senate–a man with more influence among the “Tea Party Caucus” in the House than within his own chamber. That didn’t stop Gardner from invoking Cruz’s devotion to the cause of repealing Obamacare during his own run for the Senate, but Gardner has certainly fallen more on the establishment wide of the U.S. Senate GOP majority than Cruz’s since taking office.
And after Trump’s clean sweep of yesterday’s Northeast primaries, accelerating his pace to clinch the Republican nomination ahead of the party’s convention in July, Gardner’s endorsement looks like a “too little, too late” attempt to rehabilitate a loser.
Which is pretty much what happened with Marco Rubio.
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Republicans are not interested in Colorado Pols opinion. Your only purpose is to demoralize Republicans, and since we know that we don't care what you say. Why don't you talk about Hillary stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders?
Um…'cause she didn't?
You are absolutely correct. Most Republicans aren't interested in Coloradopols' opinion but people like Senator Gardner should be interested in the opinions of Colorado Republicans but apparently he isn't. A poll was taken April 5-6, 2016 of Colorado Republicans and here are the results:
Trump 44%
Cruz 34%
Kasich 17%
Undec. 5%
And in a head-to-head match-up between Trump and Cruz here are the results:
Trump 48%
Cruz 42%
It looks like Senator Gardner is on the wrong side again and it is certain that although Cruz won all the delegates at the Republican state convention, the convention did not reflect the opinion of Colorado Republicans.
Like it or not, the Republican Party will nominate Mr. Trump in July. If there is a second ballot in Cleveland which is doubtful, the Colorado Cruz delegates should begin shifting their support to Mr. Trump since that is who Colorado Republicans truly favor.
So amongst Colorado Republicans, Cruz trails Trump by 4 percent which gives Cruz 100 percent of the 34 delegates? Do I have that right?
As any Republican will happily tell you, we're a Republic and not a Democracy which means that voters opinions don't matter.
Look who's back? Now please explain how getting the most grass roots votes, a clear majority in a two person race, by close to 2 and a half million resulting in the most pledged delegates (if super delegates didn't exist HRC would still be way ahead) constitutes "stealng"? I will not be holding my breath awaiting your explanation. Maybe you should just have drink and go back to sleep in your mom's basement?
Moddy, what happened to your BFF, John Keyser?
He's not interested in your opinion. Your only purpose is demoralize the stupid fucker. He knows that (the demoralize part, he's still in denial about the stupid fucker part). He doesn't care what you say about Keyser, Governor Gessler, of Vice President
GardnerFiorina (or gravity, or the shape of the earth that was created in six days). You're wasting your electrons, Moddy's on to you and me.You care so little, you're here every day to tell us just how much you don't care.
That'll show us, Moddy.
I was starting to wonder if the altitude limited guy was in hiding with his money men somewhere in Africa or Pakistan. Now that he has cleared his head he goes with the choice of a long shot. Good for him.
Our junior senator, ever the shrewd operator, has decided, and I think rightly so, that his career as Koch industry executive and mouthpiece would be in jeopardy if he supported his Hairness. Senator Gardner (R-Getyourwallet) will almost always be found at the deep end of the trough.
Now, Gardner gets to make a third press release endorsing Trump in July. Trump supporters will then find it hard to hate him. But, Cruz supporters will remember this endorsement, and former Rubio supporters will remember that endorsement.
Why endorse just once when you can do it three times and please more people?
You can fool all of the people all of the time if you just spread it out over a six-month period of time?
Cory Gardner, "Senator" from Colorado, endorsing the guy who chose the woman who inspired a terrorist as his running mate (not to mention all the nuking the Middle East talk). Gardner should go back to whatever corner of the state he came from, the only service he could do for Colorado is to be forgotten.
It's hard to keep junior
down on the farmin Dumphuckistan once he's seen the lights ofParisWichita.What did Junior hope to gain by this?
He loses any claim to being a moderate, he endorses an inevitable loser who embodies the Colorado GOP establishment's rejection of caring one bit about the voters' will, and only earns points with the Senator least likely to ever accomplish anything (due to the personal animus he engenders in anyone unfortunate enough to make his acquaintance.)
Has Con-Man Cory noted that Elizabeth Warren has not made a Democratic primary endorsement? What do you lose by staying silent?
He doesn't need to ge reelected for a long time so I wouldn't expect this to amount to much for him politically speaking one way or the other. He's not a Rep who has to get reelected every two years anymore and this will all be old news by his next election. Other factors will be more important four years from now, another presidential election year.