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July 28, 2015 06:52 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy–but that could change.”

–Dan Quayle


24 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. Another day, another poll out showing the Donald surging…..this time in New Hampshire where Trump holds a 2 to 1 lead over his nearest opponent – Jeb! (last name unknown)

  2. R's are a hot, steaming mess. Hey, let's be bipartisan with them!

    President Obama went after not only Mike Huckabee for his outrageous statement about the Iranian nuclear agreement, but Cruz as well, who had the gall to say this about the recent negotiations.

    In a news conference in Ethiopia, President Barack Obama responded at length to Mike Huckabee’s comment that the Iran deal is marching Israelis to “the door of the oven” — saying it was part of a pattern of attacks that “would be ridiculous if it wasn’t so sad.”

    Without naming names, Obama said a senator who is a presidential candidate — an apparent reference to Texas Republican Ted Cruz — had said the president was a leading state sponsor of terrorism and another had referred to Secretary of State John Kerry as Pontius Pilate, a reference to remarks by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.

    Obama said part of what made the United States great is that previously lawmakers considered foreign policy and issues of war and peace too serious for that sort of ad hominem attack.

    Of course, that led to Cruz giving… you guessed it… another ad hominem attack on Sean Hannity's show on Fox this Monday night.

    Not only should the Prez call those despicable a*hole liars out, but their peers in the senate should as well. Hey, maybe that's a place Dems could highlight themselves from R's for voters. 

        1. Yep.  We'd need at least a Senate majority for him to have a chance, but the racist haters in the GOP would make this the ugliest confirmation hearing of all time.  They will never forgive a black man for winning the White House twice!

          Of course if Hillary is elected, it'll be all Benghazi all the time for up to 8 years.

          What Republicans lack in imagination, they make up for with retribution.

            1. BTW, speaking of repetition, there was an unsuccessful attempt in the U.S. Senate a couple of days ago to — you guessed it — repeal Obamacare.

              I guess McConnell wants to get in on what the House has been doing for fun the past four and half years.

    1. I think we need to repost this story everywhere. Trump can't sue every single liberal media outlet or Facebook post.

      Right now, Trump's lawyers are  trying to sue Daily Beast for a current article revisiting a book published in 1993, based on statements Ivana Trump made during her divorce deposition hearings in 1990.

      Ivana Trump publicly accused Donald Trump of spousal rape in their divorce in 1990. This is per a court deposition, researched and reported in a 1993 book, "Lost Tycoon – The Many Lives of Donald Trump," by Harry Hurt III. Hurt was a former reporter for Newsweek, won awards, worked in print and other media for over 20 years.

      The Daily Beast reporters also reviewed the prenuptial and court documents around the Trump divorce, and found accusations of verbal abuse and sexual aggression:

      In one such document, Ivana Trump’s lawyers claim that in the three years preceding their divorce Donald Trump, “has increasingly verbally abused and demeaned [her] so as to obtain her submission to his wishes and desires” as well as “humiliated and verbally assaulted” her. The New York County Clerk’s records office couldn’t locate at least one box of documents relating to the contract dispute. (It’s not uncommon for court files to go missing.)

      Trump has not sued Hurt for making public court documents public. The book is still available, as evidenced by the Daily Beast writer quoting it.

      Opposition Research and politically convenient timing? Of course it is. This incident languished in a book for 22 years.  Nobody cared to pursue it – possibly because Donald Trump is wealthy and powerful, and Ivana apparently got a multi-million dollar settlement to stop talking about it.

      For what it's worth, I believe that the spousal rape happened, just as Ivana said it did, when she made her divorce court deposition in 1993. 

      “Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.

      What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

      “Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified…It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”

      Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.”

      After the book came out, Ivana was paid off, to the tune of several million dollars, and now denies that anything rape-like ever happened.  Each copy of Hurt's book apparently has to include some paper disclaimer stating that Ivana has now walked the accusations of rape back.

      Stunning. Bets? Do Trump's poll numbers go up or come down because of this?

  3. Ahhh, today's quote and its source brings back memories. I recall that summer day in 1988 when Daddy Bush introduced J. Danforth Quayle to the nation and the world as the person most qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. (At the time, Quayle jumping up and down, running around on stage in New Orleans. Daddy Bush looked down right frightened.) At the time, I though we had seen the low-water mark in the GOP's dumbing down with the candidates they ran.

    Not so fast…..along came George W. Bush and we know how they went. Then there was Sarah Palin followed by Rick Perry followed by the clowns they have running this time. 

    1. Dan Quayle is a mental giant compared with Sarah Palin.
      Even Rick Perry is more intelligent and works more diligently than Sarah.
      OK, OK. Even my cat is not as intellectually lazy as Sarah.

      1. J. Danforth is a fellow Hoosier and got his start in politics there, while I was still living in Indiana. One of the staff M.D.s in the social services agency where I worked was J. Danforth's father-in-law. He was a real gentleman and never had a bad word to say about anybody. But reading between some of his lines, it was clear that Marilyn wore the pants in J. Danforth's household. 

    2. I think George HW Bush's mysterious selection of Dan Quayle (as "the best qualified" man to be President and as his running mate) made perfect sense once the world fully realized what that poor man had to work with at home?!?

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