WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Adams County GOP vice chairman John Sampson responds (via his Facebook page), after reader Elliot Fladen alerts him to the existence of this blog post:
Elliot, went to the link, read the post. First, I know Mr. Salzman from prior encounters. Second, what they quoted was the quote from THE ARTICLE, not from me, but yet, made it look as if I said it myself. This was an article that was written ostensibly by a public defender in a major Southern city. I tried in vain to see if this was what is euphemistically called an "urban legend" through SNOPES and they had nothing disputing the article's authenticity. My statement was intended to convey that until SNOPES or some other group determines conclusively this is bogus, it stands. I merely posted an article that I vetted as best I could that a Public Defender had these rather unusual comments. Mr. Salzman, you might want to write this down. "I do not judge people by the color of their skin, their national origin, their gender, their sexual orientation, or any other such thing. I JUDGE THEM BY THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER OR LACK THEROF. Period. Anyone who has taken the time to get to know me, knows that I don't see color, nor gender, nor race, nor national origin, etc. It's not WHAT you are that counts, sir, it's WHO you are. Got it?
…Oh yeah, one other thing. Col. West, the person who sent me this article in the first place, if you haven't noticed, is black. I hold him in high esteem and consider him a friend. I have MET him in person twice, have spoken to him one on one, and have an undying respect for him. So much for me being a racist, Jason.
Got that? Sampson got the American Renaissance white nationalist piece from "Tea Party" icon Allen West, a black man! And Sampson has met this black man at least twice, so obviously he's not a racist.
Makes perfect sense to us.
As it turns out, Sampson is not the first Republican to step on this particular land mine. Last month, Dave Agema, a Republican National Committee member from Michigan, was formally censured by the RNC for reposting the same article to his Facebook page. Agema's excuse that he "got the article from Allen West, a black guy" didn't impress the RNC, who has also called for Agema's resignation.
So yes, maybe it's time for Sampson to rejoin Peter Boyles in the hunt for Barack Obama's social security number instead of fronting the Republican party's "outreach" in swing Adams County.
On the other hand, Democrats might hope he sticks around. Original post follows.
In 2012, our friend and media critic blogger Jason Salzman had a field day with a Republican state senate candidate out of Adams County, whose appearances on local radio were…colorful to say the least. The Denver Post's Curtis Hubbard rated GOP SD-25 candidate John Sampson #5 on his list of "Colorado's Top Birthers," after Sampson insisted on the air with local shock-jock Peter Boyles that President Barack Obama "is using a social security number that was issued to somebody residing in Connecticut in March of 1977."
In case you're wondering, Snopes debunked this one a year before Sampson repeated it.
John Sampson lost his election bid against incumbent Democratic Sen. Mary Hodge in 2012, but has stayed active in Adams County Republican politics. This week, Sampson was elected vice-chairman of the Adams County Republican Party–taking up a key role in a county considered vital to the GOP's future viability after a surprisingly strong performance there in 2014.
A quick look at Sampson's Facebook page reveals he was probably definitely the wrong choice for this job. On December 29th, Sampson posted an article to his Facebook page from American Renaissance–a white nationalist publication listed in the Southern Poverty Law Center's "Extremist Files." From the American Renaissance article Sampson posted:
My experience has…taught me that blacks are different by almost any measure to all other people. They cannot reason as well. They cannot communicate as well. They cannot control their impulses as well. They are a threat to all who cross their paths, black and non-black alike. [Pols emphasis]
Sampson's comment on this, um, story? "I tried to verify this through SNOPES and there is nothing out there to disprove this." To which we can only respond:
And if the goal is really to make new friends, it's time for the Adams County GOP to find a new vice-chair.
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He'll do a fine job representing the Party of David Duke, Steven Scalise, Trent Lott, J. Strom Thurmond, Steven King (the one in Iowa, not Grand Junction) and Tom Tancredo.
Jesus that guy is right out of a comic book.
Isn't that the truth!
Apparently, this is what happens in the Colorado GOP when Nate Marshall decides not to run??
This would be perfect for the Onion, right down to the accompanying would you buy a used car from this guy pic, if it weren't truth instead of satire. Why is it that the whites who believe in white superiority are always, in themselves, such poor examples of anything vaguely superior; mentally, physically or in any other way?
What? Wait — I think this is the GOP just following their tradition of picking their best and brightest to fill leadership positions.
If a racist nitwit is the best they have, then so be it.
According to my wife, superior white males look like The Property Brothers.
They're pretty cute and really tall.
I read more at his Fb page (which I hope someone has copied as it will be changing soon when the R Establishment reads it) and found that he is spun up about the Army couple that got booted from their wedding location by Barry's golf game. This couple — The couple said that after the initial shock, the change of plans turned out to be no big deal. They decided to get married on a lush lawn right above their original location.
"It's actually even got a better view so it was really a blessing in disguise because the location it ended up being was just as beautiful if not more," said Heimel.
never let pesky facts get in the way of a good rant
FYI, GOP state chair candidate, Steve House, was a big, if not the biggest, contributor to Sampson's 2103 school board camaign.
Birds of a Feather …
Wonder what John Sampson thinks of the real state senator John Sampson
twins, separated at birth
His first comment on the post begins "I received the link to this article from Col. Allen B. West, USA Ret. and felt it needed to be posted more than once."
Looks like he got his wish.
Yeah, Salzman. I can't be a racist. I got this article from my black friend.
That, along with the "hey, I just posted the racist article and agreed with it. I didn't say it out my mouth" nonsense is some rich stuff. Dude puts the "dumb" in "dumb ass."
Hey, Sampson, take a look at the About Us section on the site you linked to. Feel free to peruse the issues they are active in, including the war against white America and it's heritage, spreading the clear and convincing evidence of differences in average intelligence among the races, that the marchers on Selma were degenerates, and a personal favorite, the untold story of white slavery.
If West's passing this along, it's so he can feel even better about himself for having arisen from his genetic disadvantage.
The piece is proof that you don't need to be that smart to be a lawyer, and the public defender's office is not the most competitive job description. It was obviously writen by a segregated someone whose only knowledge of blacks is those who have been arrested (not very bright or in control of their buzz) so sampling bias and confirmation bias have certainly tainted his objectivity.
It's also proof that John Sampson is an idiot for posting it.
s/b ". . . further proof . . . "
The guy's funnier than Colbert!
"I don't see gender . . .
. . . and I'm saying that with my most 'manly firmness' . . . "
He knows a MLK Jr. quote – CLEARLY not racist!
You commie liberals are all alike, always crying "racist." But I actually met a black man, not once but twice, which makes us good friends, you know, and even though he is a right-wing cuckoo clock of the first order, the fact that I met a black person not once but TWICE proves I ain't no racist.
That's further proof that you damn Jews control the news media, Jason. And don't go calling me an anti-semite either, because I once bought a loaf of Levy's rye bread. I didn't like it, but I bought it. Come to my house on Passaover and I'll fix you my speciality, gefilte pork.
And Mike Huckabee claims to have friends who are gay but nobody in the LGBT community is owning up to that one.
Snopes does not have an article saying that John Sampson is not a racist, so Sampson's logic says Sampson must be a racist. Got it.
And he considers Allen West (Lt. Col., by the way, not Col.) a friend becasue he has met him a couple of times. Sounds like a guy with a shortage of friends.