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August 25, 2014 08:48 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"If people never did silly things nothing intelligent would ever get done."

          — Ludwig Wittgenstein


66 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. Three House members—Mike Coffman (R-Colo.), Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), and Cory Gardner (R-Colo.)—have sent a memo to NASA demanding that the agency investigate what they call “an epidemic of anomalies” with SpaceX missions.

    This is ridiculous for many reasons.

    There are some of us that view colonizing the solar system, and then other systems, as the next big step for mankind. Something this fundamentally important should not be slowed down to benefit local campaign contributors.

    Congressmen Coffman & Gardner – you're doing the wrong thing here. And for less than thirty pieces of silver.

    1. That is disappointing. When something new can be ridiculed as an "anomaly" and our future is considered pork barreling, you have a right to be more than little concern. For all we know, jumping on and calling for investigations an aborted test firing of a reusable rocket engine is just two big oil Tea Bagger congressmen from Colorado (and a white supremicist one from Alabama) is simply punishing the biggest producer of electric cars and alternative space lauanch systems for harming Big Oil and the established MIC. 

    2. David, are you implying some sort of quid pro quo with the Boeing/Lockheed Martin/United Launch Alliance family's massive donations to Coffman, Brooks and Gardner to impede SpaceX?

      Why just yesterday in church, I saw Boeing worshipping with the rest of us.  However, midway through the service, little UAL got a fever (probably an overheated booster motor), and had to go to the hospital.

      People like Boeing and Lockheed Martin are just exercising their 1st amendment rights by voting with their dollars.  Nothing to see here, carry on!

      1. Crickets on substantive answers to any of my replies to you for days but jumping at the chance to make an inane comment in answer to a question I asked someone else.  More proof you've got nothing. And that's what your side is going to get in CD6, the Senate and the Governors' mansion Colorado in November, piss ant.

          1. You're a coward who doesn't respond to substance either. So have it your way. Break my heart. Keep not responding. Wait . Didn't you just respond to a comment of mine with the salutation "piss ant", piss ant?laugh 

                1. I'll use it….he seems to respond to it..

                  and, having thought about it, it is a pretty appropriate appellation, considering his intellectual heft….

      1. David, while I agree that colonizing the solar system is a worthy and necessary direction, little things like how to get there in a reasonable amount of time via efficient propulsion systems (not chemical rockets), how to protect against cosmic radiation on long journeys, how to terraform a prospective colony to sustain a viable colony are issues that will take the next century or two to solve.

        I think the immediate issue to deal with is, do you really think electing Coffman or Gardner for the next few years will be a net gain for your goals much less Colorado?

        I certainly don't think so.  A little perspective, if you will.

        1. Leave it blank because it would be so much better to have Coffman and Gardner? You do get that there are only two possible outcomes and both of these races are close?

        2. I agree (mostly – I do think we'll figure out how to colonize in the next 20 years). The thing is, when I'm actually marking up my ballot there have been times where some issue bothered me enough that I left that race blank.

              1. I respect your right to vote or leave blank as you please but I certainly won't appreciate it if any Rs win close races because of you, David and others who make that choice. Ideals are beautiful things but can only be guide posts in the material world.  Here's hoping most people I view as essentially allies are planning to temper their ethereal plane idealism in deference to material world realities. And may the best and least bad choices win for the benefit of all of us.

                1. One man's 'etheral plane idealism' is another's bedrock issue, unless you are saying that any Dem pol can take any stand on any issue so long as its not as odious as that other guy, in which case I say…no thanks. Progressives lose when we see strategy as only a two year cycle.  We get sold out each and every time.  

                  1. I should really say:

                    …unless you are saying that any Dem pol can take any stand on any issue so long as [Dem has at least one single thing upon which their stated position is] not as odious as that other guy …

                    1. That's not what I'm saying CT. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. But you know what? I bet you really would prefer Gardner and Coffman not to win this election.  

                      I kind of think (could be wrong) that even if you decide that one of your bedrock principles prevents you from voting for Udall that you'd prefer to make your bedrock principle statement without Gardner winning. There certainly is no third choice so it will be either Gardner or Udall. 

                      Voters most certainly are responsible for who gets elected. It's not a matter of candidates blaming anyone for anything. Of course if you really think, when all is said and done, that it doesn't matter whether Gardner or Udall get elected, then it makes perfect sense to leave it blank. I think it does matter so I plan to be among those using my vote to make a choice, not a statement. That's all. We see it differently.

                    2. I didn't mention any names, Udall/Gardner, those are your examples.  

                      But telling anyone having concerns, the election still a couple of months out, that they just need to get on the Dem bandwagon and quit yer bitchin, fall in line or take the blame for…Beauprez, Gardner, etc. etc. may have something to do with weak Dems taht seem to have little problem tossing progressive constituencies nder the bus.  M

                      Maybe those phenonema are related, that's my point.  

                      Prediction 2016: Having failed to address real concerns, after a deal that included none of the folks most active on the ground in organzing around those real concerns, citizens agitating for reform at the ballot will again be sulched by mealy Dems accusing them of preparing to elect Santorum, or whomever is running against Bennet, or whomever is running for Gov… Until progressives demand accountability–sometimes painful accountability–we will only ever be a reliable voting block and little else.  

                    3. …no Gov election in 2016…early, brain fart.  But I do think that whether its oil and gas set backs, local control, what-have-you, if it provokes the GOP and/or industry to say 'Boo,' then hand-wringing Dems will tell activists they must 'stand down' for the good of the party… at some point, if we care about issues, we have to say: No, we will not stand down.  

                    4. The point, I believe is that it's too late for a better first choice candidate.

                      I would never vote for Corey Gardner, seeing him as the type of candidate and office holder that represents the worst of American politics. I should have been involved with choosing a different nominee.

                    5. I didn't say anything about not bitching, complaining, or advocating. I'm speaking specifically about ultimate voting choice. 

                      All I'm saying is that the candidates in each race are already selected. In each race, after all the advocating, bitching and complaining is over, we will have a choice only between those two candidates. At that point we can only use our vote or our choice to withhold our vote or vote third party or write in to increase the chances of victory for one candidate in each race.

                      I plan to use mine to attempt to get the best possible outcome in each race. If, when that time time comes, you decide instead to use your choice to make a statement about your dissatisfaction with both candidates, regardless of how that might affect the outcome, in other words if making that statement is more important to you than the outcome, you certainly have every right to do so.

                      It's just not a choice that makes sense to me and won't make sense to me no matter how many times you explain it as, apparently, my view of the matter doesn't make sense to you or doesn't conform to your principles. We can't agree on everything, OK?

                      May the elections bring us the best possible results in a a far less than perfect world.

                    6. I am an unaffiliated voter with both a cell and landline… call me Mr. Bellweather, WM 35-50…


  2. My, They do think  CD-6 is important, don't they. Well, Andrew can use the press. But doesn't The Hill have a rightwart tilt? I couldn't hjelp but notice the Newsmax ad.


    1. ESAD, worm snot.

      You too, Dowd. Too bad you've become a meaningless, worn-out, irrelevant, two-bit hack who writes the putrid sh-t you do solely to appear "hip," "controversial" and "contrarian," and to give tiny stiffies to right-wing racist A-holes like Skippy the Koch troll here.

      1. Agree. Used to love reading her columns and certainly don't expect nothing but adoration for Obama. I've criticized him myself often enough. But Dowd has been completely off the deep end over Obama from the beginning. I  get that she just plain dislikes him and everybody can't like everybody.  But she's completely lost any semblance of objectivity in her constant and relentless search, high and low, for any reason to be super pissy.  If he hasn't done anything to particularly find fault with in a given week she finds something to pull out of her ass. God forbid she should ever find a positive  or even neutral thing to say about him.

        Maybe it's her idea of shaking things up but it's so predictable it's become downright tedious. Instead of sounding like the witty, funny, spot on commentator she used to be, she's just been sounding like a mean, sour old shrew for years now.

    2. Give Mooreen a break.  She's forever and eternally ever-after crushed on Bill Clinton. Have you ever tried giving up an addiction?  No man, or cigar, is ever gonna' measure up to her fantasy again. 

      AChappy lovin' on Dowd — there's another belly laugh!

  3. The Shirtless Sheriff dropped hint over the weekend during an interview that he may leave office before his term ends. Maybe he’s waiting to hear from Chippendale’s…..

    1. Sounded more like he was fishing for some sort of deal in exchange for leaving early. Probably needs help with the legal bills.

      But being fresh out of friends and allies, my bet is he gets nothing.

      1. KRDO reports that incoming Sheriff Bill Elder would really like to be in on budget discussions, since Maketa overhired staff in the process of making all those good friendsblush

        Maketa repeated that he can retire at any time, which really begs the question of why he plans to stay until January 13. How effective can he  be as Sheriff under his self-created clouds ?

  4. Out-of-State interests prop up lil Mikey, but he's still behind…

    from the Colorado Statesman

    The big picture

    Former state House Speaker Romanoff raised $3.45 million to Coffman’s $3.35 million based on reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission on July 15 for the period through June 30.

    1. Having to read an entire article by David Kopel is beyond my pay grade, but I'm curious about one thing.  How many times does he refer to gun safety advocates as "troglodytes"?  With his limited vocabulary and intellect, that's a favorite adjective when he's sitting in the Independent Institute's paid seat on Colorado Inside Out.

  5. This is what we've been hearing from the people of Ferguson all along;

    Outstanding warrants outnumber residents in Ferguson, Missouri nearly two-to-one, a new report has revealed.

    The St. Louis suburb, where unarmed black teen Michael Brown was shot dead August 9 by white police officer Darren Wilson, has just over 21,000 residents and more than 40,000 arrest warrants, according toArchCity Defenders, a local advocacy group.

    The town's aggressive policing strategies and difficult to navigate court system generated $2,635,400 in fine revenue for the small town. Court fines are Ferguson's second-largest source of revenue, according to theDaily Beast.

    "The City of Ferguson has more warrants than residents," reads a letter from ArchCity Defenders to Ferguson mayor James Knowles. "Most of these warrants are from unpaid fines for nonviolent offenses.



    This is a police force that sees community members as cash cows and feels no need to treat them with even token courtesy. They have complained about being stopped constantly for imaginary minor traffic infractions and it looks like they have a point.

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