“I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours.”
–Hunter S. Thompson
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BY: M Tiger
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: The Constitutional Crisis is Here, and You Need to be Paying Attention
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
BY: poisonvamp
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
BY: spaceman2021
IN: The Constitutional Crisis is Here, and You Need to be Paying Attention
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Does Gabe Evans Realize Who Packs His Meat?
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Does Gabe Evans Realize Who Packs His Meat?
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Well, I wrote about Ike McCorkle's internal polling showing him ahead of B**bert yesterday, but he sure as heck finished behind at least 2 candidates in a Dem nominating convention for the CD4 special election. Trisha Calvarese won by a lot (among 120 voters), John Padora second, and McCorkle was knocked out before the final round of voting.
Of course, small-sample party nominating events or vacancy committees aren't always representative of how a district would vote in a full-out election.
Being a very distant part-time observer of CD4, I'd love to hear if anyone knows anything about Calvarese.
There's a website: Paid for by Trisha 4 Colorado.
Thanks, but I'm looking for pithy anecdotes and gossip. Political websites might as well all be done by AI these days.
Touting herself as a Bernie Sanders intern in CD4 suggests she doesn't quite understand the lay of the land. Ike must have annoyed the committee folks over the years
Didn't Ike pick up some baggage recently (i.e., run in with law enforcement)?
Not that such baggage would be a problem for GOP candidates, to wit: Greg Lopez, and not to mention the top of the ticket with his 91 felony charges.
I don't think that running Bernie Sanders acolytes is a particularly good strategy in competitive districts. However, given the partisan makeup of CD-4, I'm willing to venture an experiment to see what happens if we run an open and avowed, "free stuff" socialist in CD-4.
You never know. Maybe she can make it work! And there's really no downside to conducting the experiment.
Think about it …. the Squad comes to Limon.
When the squad comes to Limon that's the day thousands of heads spontaneously explode. It would be like that famous scene from Scanners.
Or Mars Attacks! I think the music is already there.
I did look at Trisha's website "issues" page. Though I didn't get additional info by clicking on headers or graphics (just me?), it did look like her main points were meant to show support for working class economic issues, and she has a labor communications background. I'm sure I'm missing plenty, but is she really a hard core "free-stuffer?"
I've recently seen lots of back and forth about the benefit of the Biden campaign reaching out to Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, and a host of other never-Trump Republicans. And the Haley donors. And trying to find the elusive Republican-leaning but anti-crazy suburban voters (especially Moms). It got me thinking, and I wrote out a bit for Daily Kos, with some of it copied below.
CHB told us interminably about the “reasonable ” Republicans like Priola and the like who would ride to the rescue of the GOP. But,….um..how about an update, CHB? How is that goin”?
Whatever happened to CHB? Haven't seen him in quite a while.
Meanwhile next door…
This is what desperation looks like. Stay in your lane Marge.
Maine splits theirs, too. I wonder if she’ll go to work on them, as well.
Maine has a Dem governor, and Dem majorities in both houses of the legislature.
Maine, statewide, usually goes Democratic.
I will not shed any tears if the governor and the legislature follow Nebraska's lead and change to winner-take-all.
It will simply offset the loss of one electoral vote in NE.
What I find funny is how desperate the right wing nuts have become. As their House majority dwindles, they realize how precarious their position is. Ditto thew Electoral College.
Although I can never forgive him and his administration for its handling of HIV/AIDS, Reagan & Co. at least had the imagination to think big and aim for a landslide.
The current GOP: If we can just pick off that one electoral vote in NE, all will be ours!
Eastman officially booted in California:
Someone needs to set up a scorecard to keep track of the licensure status of all the lawyers associated with Trump's final days.