“Our human tendency is to be impatient with the person who cannot see the truth that is so plain to us.”
–Henry B. Eyring
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BY: ParkHill
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IN: Why DNI Tulsi Gabbard Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
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IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
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IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
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IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
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IN: Trumpflation is Here
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IN: Obligatory Lauren Boebert/Kid Rock Gossip Thread
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I keep seeing reddit posts linking to supposed anti-cannabis social media bills being proposed by CO Democrats. Anyone know about this? Seems the last thing Dems need to be worrying about, spending time on in our current situation
Here’s the link: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/colorado-bill-would-force-social-media-platforms-to-ban-users-who-promote-marijuana-psychedelics-and-hemp-products/
I don't know a lot but will hazard a comment. The bill itself is 25 pages long and not really very much about cannabis in the grand scheme of things. It's a lot more about creating regulations around social media policies, and I'll link the bill at the end so anyone can check it out.
One of the problems that pro-MJ people are probably right to be concerned about is that the bill relies on a definition in existing law of "controlled substances." It has MJ in the same paragraph as cocaine and salvia, which I've heard you're best off having a "baby sitter" near you to protect you if you use it because you can get really out of it. I'm not sure how much of this section relies on that MJ is still illegal under federal law, but since it's legal in Colorado I wonder if this section of state law isn't ripe for review.
I should add that I think I share at least some of the concerns mentioned in your linked story about the First Amendment and logical consistency with regulating other types of communications. I see much grey area in this general topic.
Let’s just say the adult use industry we hoped for in 2012 isn’t the one we’re getting today. The mix-match of state regs coupled with a dysfunctional Washington make it a playground for those who will eventually drive every mom and pop / minority owners out of business.
John Boehner is my favorite weed profiteer. They have completely locked up the industry in Florida so that only the very wealthy need apply.
"Pay Attention To What Trump Is Doing Here." David Kurtz at TPM
Alternative theory: Given his fraught track record with folks with, you know actual experience and skill, he has to resort to recruiting from the shallow end of the gene pool. I still believe Manafort is pulling for a job as the go-between with Putin and the sudden appearance of $557 million in bond money.
Happy Thursday polsters. Another beautiful spring day in Colorado.
Ken Buck being kicked out of the Freedom Caucus just two days before his departure is a good look and a badge of honor. It makes the Freedumbs folks look like the petty ineffective ninnies they are.
Also, Jared Moskowitz daring Jim Jordan to actually, really impeach Biden right on the spot was beautiful. That man is a gem.
It is a beautiful day!
Who’s going to break it to this ignorant twit that we’re already the largest producer of oil and gas in the world, energy independent on paper, and a major exporter? Maybe now that the million-dollar, six-inch thumb isn’t keeping her abreast of the energy world she could use a new dumb-ass whisperer.
Kenny Boy getting kicked out of the Free Dumb Caucus was a hoot.
File that under "You Can't Fire Me Because I Quit"!
H/T Josh Marshall.
Trump’s antics were never about Biden’s purported impairment (stutter). It’s about the politics of abuse and denigration, the most unbounded variant of the the dominance politics which is the throughline to every part of Trumpism. It’s who he is. It’s what his movement is.
By "bipartisan" she means 3 Ds voted Yes (2 from Texas, figures) to support welfare for the richest among us.
What D would vote to prohibit BLM from implementing management plans that have been through a multi-year public process?
Also, 10 Ds did not vote – WTF?
She could have just told it straight up and said we’re going to put the O&G industry on the Endangered Species list and let them roam free, but then she just can’t help herself and keeps talking. Who’d have thunk someone would come along that makes Sarah Palin look like an Einstein Visa candidate? .
Remember this doozy?
Lauren has been taught to lie by professionals and the script never changes much. Your cousin, ardy39 ( just assuming you’re related, I am) will remember a few Colorado Democrats who would never cross the OilyBoyz. I am disinclined to name names, though. Gotta be a bunch of those types in Congress, nowadays.
From Twitter:
Nice to know that the district is getting some action in the final week of Buck's work in Congress.
Any bets whether he will vote FOR the government/s funding when the appropriation bills get to the House?
Isn't tomorrow his last day?
Yep … apparently Buck wants to make his last vote a "NO" on funding the government.