“Conscience in most men, is but the anticipation of the opinions of others.”
–Jeremy Taylor
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BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Genghis
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: A Person
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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When will this long, dystopian nightmare of the Biden Boom end? The economy keeps pumping out job growth.
Job growth is good. Labor participation is good. If you want a job you can find one; if you want another one, you can change. US dollar is strong as international investors move their money to the safer and better economy. The weird thing is how all the headlines keep claiming that the economy is bad, almost like the journalists don’t understand economics at all.
Well, except for all the Twitter layoffs. One rule of RIFs is to make sure that you are in the first tranche of layoffs, not the middle or last.
With exceedingly rare exceptions, journalists do NOT understand economics. Or math of any sort. Word people are like that.
I have an ms in economics. It didn't mean I understood it but I could talk to those who did.
I interviewed John Kenneth Galbraith and Art Laffer, among others.
Good for you! It is certainly important to know enough to ask the right questions, and understand when you're getting snowed.
I always felt that the best journalism degree would be History. Or else, depending on your specialty, then maybe Science, Poli-Sci, or…
This looks like a good place for me to call out a local reporter in Grand Junction for airing a story straight from the conspiracy theory pages of right wing media. KREY reporter Mike Kretz, an
otherwise capable sportscaster, aired a piece this morning that left my Cat and I with our mouths agape in shock.
I have seldom heard such a bald-faced hack job of a political story. Weaving together a confusing mish-mash of accusations of nefarious activity by Jena Griswold and a fawning defense of Mike Lindell and Tina Peters.
Aside from the first question; what the hell is the sports guy doing airing a political hit piece?
The second question; Who told him he could do that?
I am sure anyone who is interested can find Mr. Kretzs’ tirade on the KREY website. I would be very interested in any other opinions.
#MyStraightJacket dude didn't have a good day in court yesterday:
Federal judge denies Mike Lindell's request to access search warrant materials, return seized cell phone
One Word: Mike Littwin.
The other career that can lead to a good journalist is sportscasting. If you are analyzing the Big Game, you can't lie. Every Joe easy-chair can do multi-dimensional chess on football or baseball trading strategies.
…your upbringing on the seat of a Johnny Popper gave you a solid foundation. You are a great example of a “life well-lived”.
There’s Going to Be A Global Financial Crisis in 2023. From Josh Marshall
Shoot the hostage? If the Republicans take the House and Senate, there will be endless investigations with screaming Jim Jordan. In terms of policy, the Republican Party wants to cut Social Security, Obamacare, drug price limits, and other entitlements… and they are going to use the debt ceiling as hostage.
Sadly, this is exactly where we're headed, and Americans are voting for it. It's baffling.
That's "House or Senate". It only takes one to run endless investigations and hold legislation hostage.
Why do they do it? Because it works on sheep.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) revealed what election deniers actually say behind closed doors as a slew of reality-defying candidates run as Republicans in next week’s 2022 midterms.
GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw: Election Deniers Admit It's A Lie Behind Closed Doors
I was trolling some far righties earlier today on Yahoo News. I'm amazed that there actually are kool-aid drinkers that claim that the talk about cutting SS and Medicare is Dem fear mongering; or even outright Dem lies.
They're not even smart enough to know that Republican senators like R. Scott and Johnson are talking that very thing, and doing so in public.
Greetings from Siracusa, Sicilia. Our AirBnB terrace.
That is quite the shot Dave Barnes. Beautiful
Beautiful, indeed! Might I suggest you click your edit button and reduce your height/width by 50%. Less is more in this case!!
I understand there are certain times and situations when things seem hard to swallow. If you take small bites, it is much easier to be satisfied.
We win the gubernatorial race, and Brittany wins her race, yeah that tastes good. Small bites.
I'm sure most of us are inundated with political mailers, text messages, voice messages right now. But how does it happen that a state House campaign is so inept that they target someone who is (1) not registered to vote in that House district; and (2) a hard core progressive who would not vote for that person even if they lived in the candidate's district.
It's not that hard to target messages – but I guess the incompetent campaigns do not.
And in case you didn't know, "We have inflation that is killing us, rural schools that are suffering, and crime in our state is out of control."
Thanks to Andrew Romanoff & Co, nearly every 'rural school' (at least on the eastern plains) has taken advantage of the BEST program. Beautiful, first-class schools where their kids can get a solid, public school education. My alma matter, Idalia, has a PK-12 complex for it's less-than-150 students to die for.
I am a subscriber to the Yuma Pioneer and I'm heartened this week at the number of LTE's pushing back on the avalanche of weekly bullshit the local MAGAs submit. Kudo's to the local progressives in Yuma. It's not easy being a progressive out east.
Joe Biden made the same basic mistake Donald Trump made
I remember Trump freaking out about one of the cruise ships that wanted to dock in US port with hundreds of COVID-infected passengers in February 2020, and his primitive brain could not see beyond the bad optics of a ship load of sick people entering the US.
The concept of where this thing was heading completely blew his feeble mind.
Kyle Clark
NEW: Democratic State Rep. @TraceyBernett Indicted on multiple felony charges for allegedly voting from a false address. The office of @DADoughertyCO (D) says Rep Bernett pretended to live in her district in Louisville but actually lived in Longmont. #coleg #copolitics