“The need to be right is the sign of a vulgar mind.”
–Albert Camus
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BY: M Tiger
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
BY: M Tiger
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: The Constitutional Crisis is Here, and You Need to be Paying Attention
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
BY: poisonvamp
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
BY: spaceman2021
IN: The Constitutional Crisis is Here, and You Need to be Paying Attention
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Does Gabe Evans Realize Who Packs His Meat?
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Monday Open Thread
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Brauchler is still talking about litter boxes in schools. His own daughter tried to get him to stop. This man was actually a District Attorney and could have been Attorney General.
The Republican Party gets all this free time and Democrats let them. Are we going to have 40 plus hours a week of littler boxes (I think he giggles a lot) up until election?
The only positive thing to say about John Kellner is at least he's not George Brauchler. Brauchler is an unmitigated, arrogant POS
I've thought that, too. It's low bar to clear but Kellner is a marginal improvement for the GOP over Boy George.
With the economy under extreme stress, Joe BiteMe decides to poke Saudí Arabia in the eye. This clown wreck of an administration makes Jimmy Carter appear an elder statesmen.
Nothing like holding yourself hostage for a ransom on one will pay.
What would you do differently with Saudi Arabia?
I do agree that Carter, like Truman & Eisenhower, has with time come to be understood as a damn good president.
Globalization has made us all neighbors. Don’t poison his dog because he barks at night. Close the windows or move. That neighbor may have jumper cables when you car battery is dead and you need to get to work.
Carter will never be associated with being a damn good president.
Absolutely. Say one weekend you just can't find your damn bone saw. MBS is the kind of neighbor that would be happy to lend you one.
Can we move to a different planet??? Sign me up!!!
Did you see the interview this week of the Alabama Attorney General (a cultured, white southern boy) who, in defending their case at SCOTUS, said (only slightly paraphrased) that if the blacks didn't like being packed into one congressional district they should just move?
See…just call Mayflower. Problem solved!
And those white parts of town will be very welcoming to a black family moving in there…
You remember when Bob (the Elk Whisperer) Beauprez said the same thing about our native herds of Wapiti.
Loosely translated, he said if the Elk were bothered by industrial gas and oil, they could just go to some other place.
Sounds like you haven't learned anything since 1973. Having fought in Iran with Jimmy the CIC it's obvious you know nothing about oil policy nor Carter's actions vs right wing diatribe.
Later Prez Reagan paid off our enemies with US European arms stockpiles to fund our special ops in central America. Yeah thats leadership.
Like you complained in another thread here about Ukraine being a "shit hole country" when Trump ensured their 2014 war with your pal Putin went full bore 7 months ago. Target ID not your strong suit. Glad you are maybe representative of 34% of the country. Proof text for NOT enabling a minority to set policy or run the country.
Appear? Jimmy Carter is an elder statesman, Pear. He's our oldest president ever, and he's still sharp as a tack. You should do so well when you're 99 years old.
Okay, Qaren
Pear, global oil production in 2021 was 89.9 million barrels per day. OPEC is proposing a reduction of 2 million barrels per day. I've read that the actual reduction may be about 1.2 million barrels because some OPEC countries can't afford to cut back due to their budget situations.
So, you're getting your panties all in a wad, and accusing Joe Biden of "poking," over a measly 1.2% of global production? Really?
For Craps' sake, PP, don't you proofread and edit your posts?
WTF is a clown wreck? …other than a really lame attempt to purposefully mix a couple of metaphors.
And…most assuredly, Jimmy Carter will never be…personally…himself…plural.
How about we stop meddling in other countries affairs. China needs slave labor so they can make iPhones for Tim Cook so he can donate to the climate fraud.
So what if India is a massive polluter, they have lots of people who need jobs in call centers for AT&T, Chase Bank, Comcast etc.
So what if women are killed in Iran, John Kerry needs a reason to feel loved.
What does it matter that Venezuela in driving their citizens to flood the US, we need the oil.
I'm assuming you're being sarcastic here. And that makes me feel good because under your rough exterior apparently there beats the heart of a caring compassionate progressive.
What it means is there are evil people and evil countries in the world that hate America and the Biden administration is obvious of the threat, for domestic politics reasons.
Did you mean oblivious? I think they're aware. As example 1 look at the efforts supporting Ukraine.
A big problem is we can't take on every big problem at once. Bad actors control a lot of the world's oil for one and while we're ok, Europe is toast if oil imports shut down.
I do think the Biden administration has dropped the ball big time on immigration hoping it'll just go away.
Thanks for the correction, oblivious, yes.
I would be happy if we stopped making the big problems worse.
Europe is toast because they bought into the climate change hysteria.
If you want renewable energy nuclear is the solution but no climate activist will ever ever ever agree on that.
Why even environmentalists are supporting nuclear power today
Also France gets 80% of it's electricity from nuclear. So it's parts of Europe who ran away from nuclear, not all of Europe.
"Climate change hysteria." Lovely, the science is there. Too bad you don't understand it. Enjoy the consequences
"What does it matter that Venezuela in driving their citizens to flood the US, we need the oil."
1. Immigrants made America great and can do it again.
2. VZ's oil production is very low as their entire oil-producing sector is in the crapper due to incompetence.
Hey PP, let's talk about that "Out-of-control" crime wave, shall we?
Thanks for making the point of the out of control crime wave. You think the family of the murder victim or the robbery victim, or the mugging victim gives a shit about a political party? It’s eyewash for 30 second sound bites.
So you'd favor gun control, right? Nah, you talk a big game but won't give up your wrongly-interpreted 2nd amendment rights to cut down on gun deaths.
I'm glad that we're in agreement then: Republican policies lead to more serious crime. I think that's something Democrats can run on.
Why Liberals Should Embrace Permitting Reform
Another day, another set of idiotic right wing reactionary talking points from pitiful pear. You truly are a sad little man. You come in here over and over, vomiting grievances, conspiracy theories and other mental garbage, get slapped down and run away, only to come back with more garbage the next time. You are a stain on humanity, a liar, an idiot, and a prick.
A gentle reminder this Trump-prick is still our Postmaster General.
Thank you, Ganja Joe. It’s time to end the spectacular failure we call the War onColored People.
DrugsOf course FauxSnooze would lead with Reefer Madness click bait for the Prohibition morans.
I'm surprised this hasn't smoked Fluffy out of his cocoon to tell us that this is opening the gates to hell.
He's hunkered down in granny's basement preparing for the apocolypse and the upcoming reign of #WhiteProsperityJesus.
The evil people misguided are HERE…… they hate America USA Constitution and democratic society. Why? Because they are scared of freedom.
After seeing the news about the unemployment rate, I flipped over to the Fox and her Two Friends this morning.
I figured that they would stick to the party line and tell their faithful followers that regardless of what the numbers say, we are already in a recession.
But I didn't see that. Instead, they were talking about the crime rate in Chicago.
Papa Frank's landmark ecology document comes to life as documentary 'The Letter'; puts a human face on climate change.
I voted today. Easy.
Authoritarians do not govern effectively.