(Well, there’s one – promoted by Colorado Pols)
I’ve always thought Jon Caldara was wasting his time, in terms of advancing his political agenda, by spending three hours a day, from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m., doing his KOA talk radio show.
You’d think he could find a better way to advance evil for three hours every do, wouldn’t you?
Now Caldara, who’s the President of the libertarian Independence Institute, will have those three hours back, since KOA terminated his radio talk show, in favor of a faceless national feed.
I asked Caldara if he thought the radio show was the best use of his time. (He’s said it didn’t pay much.)
“Talk radio is complementary to what I do as an activist,” he said. “There’s a synergy.”
I asked for specifics on the synergy, but he couldn’t define it, except to say, “I learn more on talk radio than most things.”
I asked Caldara how big his audience was.
“The average size was about 230-250 pounds,” he said. “There’s a lot of fat asses listening to AM radio. What was great was the coverage, because it blasted around the western United States.”
As such, Caldara’s show amped up the right-wing buzz machine sometimes, and being a talk-show host might have shined up Caldara’s image a bit, making him part of the “media.” Maybe this impresses right-donors, but not sane people and progressives. They know aimlessly blasting radio waves doesn’t help you win very often, which might be part of the reason the GOP likes to form circular firing squads, as Caldara likes to say.
I don’t mean to trash Caldara as a talk-show host. He was funny and pretty well informed without getting lost in the mud below the weeds. He connected well to his three listeners (four, if I checked in).
Too bad he didn’t have more guests on the radio, because his direct questions can be revealing.
This sounds a bit like I’m writing Caldara’s media obituary, which I’m not. Caldara still has his KBDI show, Devil’s Advocate, which should be interprested as literally “advocating for the devil,” as opposed to taking an opposing view. And Caldara has other media projects too, like Complete Colorado and the Colorado News Agency, that he controls at the Independence Institute.
I asked Caldara if losing his slot on KOA would hurt him politically?
“I don’t think so,” he told me, “because my radio presence isn’t going to go away.” (He’ll be subbing for Rosen, Boyles, and others, and he’ll have a Sunday evening show on KHOW. Plus he’s “entertaining offers from Playgirl” and “tweeting in his pants right now.”
Asked for the name of the KHOW show, Caldara replied, “Home Gardening Tips with Jon Caldara.”
Had enough? Maybe so if you hate Cadara’s political agenda, but these days, anytime we lose a local voice it’s bad. It’s a shame KOA dumped Caldara.
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You and Caldara should get a show together. That would be worth listening to.
All the fat asses, as he so delightfully calls them, watch their nightly Faux News fix and go to bed.
last year on election night I went to Denver to the Big D party. He was still on when I departed and I listened until I lost the signal. He was already predicting creeping socialism for CO
I do know I could hear much of this online. I choose not to listen to any radio online. Too hard to focus on reading while it is playing
Not very good situation for a blogger to be in. You might suggest I use spellcheck more. I will strive to improve.
Spellcheck is no help since complimentary is in the dictionary. “There is a bare in the woulds” passes nicely. Sometimes Microsoft Word will be smart enough to check context. It has little to do with age, we all have trouble proofreading our own stuff. I used to routinely mix up its and it’s, until I hit on the formula that if I could substitute “his” and make gramatical sense, that it was “its” I was looking for while if “it is” works, then obviously I needed “it’s”.
is a good dictionary and what’s between your ears.
Although didn’t listen to him that much because I’m usually racking out by 10 pm.
I met him a couple times and told him he was my favorite conservative since Goldwater. He doesn’t buy into the religious dogma that has overtaken the GOP and with his libertarian leanings ( anti-corporate welfare, against drug prohibition, support for gay and lesbian rights, etc.) I find myself agreeing with him much of the time.
John always has a sense of humor which is an endearing quality in anyone in my book. Much like Reagan’s sense of humor served him well, because love him or hate him, he was a likeable guy.
KBDI hasn’t dumped Caldera . . . imagine just how great Friday nights would be with another 30 minutes of “Doo Woop 50s” fund raising!!!