As readers of this blog are well aware, we have regularly labeled the gubernatorial campaign of Republican Hiedi Heidi Ganahl as the worst campaign for governor in the entire country. For her part, Ganahl has been very helpful in cementing that argument through her own campaign #FAILs.
Ganahl’s gubernatorial campaign quietly filed its Q4 2021 fundraising report over the weekend. We say “quietly” because we wouldn’t want anybody to know these numbers, either.
In the last three months of 2021, Ganahl raised $267,000 and wrote herself a check for $200,000, leaving her fledgling campaign with $351,430 in the bank to start 2022.
If you’re wondering how these numbers compare to previous Republican candidates for governor — none of whom were ultimately elected to the position — we did the research for you.
It’s not good.
We include Dan Maes here because he did (improbably) go on to win the Republican Party nomination for governor after Scott McInnis imploded in a plagiarism scandal. Other than Maes, however, no legitimate Republican candidate for governor has started an election year in the last decade-plus with less money in the bank than Ganahl. And it’s not like fundraising dollars are being split among multiple Republican candidates in 2022. Ganahl is bombing despite being the clear frontrunner for the GOP nomination.
The only thing that saved Ganahl from a Maes-like fundraising quarter is her own $200,000 contribution to the campaign. Ganahl burned through $239,000 in Q4, largely to pay salaries and fees for various consultants. Had she not written herself that check, she would have only added $28,224 to her campaign coffers in the final months of 2021.
Perhaps Ganahl is able and/or willing to self-fund her campaign to the tune of many millions of dollars. If not, there is no realistic scenario whereby she ends up being the next governor of Colorado.
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Look at the bright side. She’s in better shape than Dan Maes was at this point 12 years ago ….. and he won the nomination!
All joking aside, does the GOP have a Plan B candidate waiting in the wings (e.g., Scott Gessler, Wayne Williams, one of the Coffmans, Beauprez)?
Oh, that's right. He's tanned, rested, ready and ranting about the crime wave.
Thank you for the reminder.
Is she the leading contender?
Have the G卐P faithful been polled?
What do you mean, the GOP faithful been polled?
They don't need a poll or a primary. Just ask the guy Mar-A-Lago who should be the candidate. (It's a lot cheaper that way.)
Assuming the economy has treated the Republicans at least as well as Democrats, there is Republican money out there somewhere. Anyone have a clear idea where it might be going?
* soaked up by the Boebert boomlet?
* going to dark money groups who will be "educating" the voters via advertising and a ground game?
* being saved to make a big splash at the next El Paso County Repubilcan dinner?
* hoovered into the Trump pseudo-campaign and the RNC's efforts to offer a legal defense for a range of civil and criminal actions?
While I agree it's unlikely she can win without more money than Jared, I disagree with no realistic. After all, Trump beat Hillary with a lot less money.
Trump beat Hillary with a lot less reported money — $435 million to her $770 million.
However, we don't know
* how much "off the books" work was done by Russia, by Cambridge Analytica, and by friends of Roger Stone.
* a full accounting of work by some of the "friends" of DJT in the East Coast construction business (among other family enterprises). And
* we don't have an estimate of the value of the on-going campaign by Republican officials to denigrate Clinton. Rep. McCarthy assured us one of the Benghazi Committees was set up to drive down her positive numbers. We never did get a particularly coherent explanation how the FBI decided to leak to the NYTimes. I never understood why an FBI Director's letter to Congressional Committee heads was sent in such a way as to nearly make certain it would go public.
He had the electoral college to thank for that. Heidi has to win the popular, which she is not capable of doing absent Polis imploding somehow
This is making me think of the South Park bit: where Kyle tells Ike to do his impersonation of David Caruso's career.
Ike: It's My turn. (Jumps head first into a snow bank.