“Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn’t have the power to say yes.”
–Eleanor Roosevelt
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BY: DavidThi808
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: The realist
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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In the last week I’ve seen more of the inside of Java Joe’s in DeMoine than Main Street Bagel, Traders and My Favorite Muffin here in GJ combined. Even Andrea Mitchell showed up there last Thursday and stayed. Chris Mathews regaled the crowd last night with a shouting poll for their favorite candidate in today’s caucuses – Obama & Romney were the clear winners. On the Republican side I think Santorum had the most shouts over Paul for 2nd but then it was an older crowd and Bauchmann, I kid you not, got at least one shoutout from the back of the room.
Lest the viewers of MSNBC thought the producers/anchors had forgotten their base, they did sprinkle in one or two people working on the president’s campaign but I don’t recall anyone with clout in Chicago or Washington. And there were a few ‘oh by the ways’ – President Obama is going to video cast to the Democrat caucuses tonight.
In the final analysis no one thinks Iowa will have a significant impact on the nominee selection but what the heck, we now know where to go in Demoine for a meetup if we’re looking for a change of scenery.
at least spell it right. Dead Moines.
A week in downtown DM in late December/early January? Boy, you sure do know how to live.
Did you wonder around the Sky Walk? Have a pork tenderloin? Check out the sculpture park? Try some A-E dip (the French Onion is my favorite)? Cook up some meth?
Brilliant, but essentially a one trick pony; the opposition has figured out how to keep them both fumbling. One tries to make “nice nice” and the other prays and the opposition team rolls right over them.
My thoughts on Iowa:
The republicans always have a strategy; the dems always have an excuse. The republican strategy is to focus on the state races. No republican in a power position is running for President, because the White House is not important to the overall Republican strategy.
Keeping the House and taking control of the Senate is the Prize as in “Keep your eyes on the Prize.” That control will happen by winning the state races.
With the Senate, the repubs will control the Supreme Court. They have already proved that they can render the White House impotent. The long term strategy is to turn power over to the states and to divest the federal government of its power to regulate the environment, corporations, and civil rights.
Obama and OFA have one goal and that is to keep Obama in the White House. There is nothing else going on under the guise of the democratic party.
Hey, I don’t get paid for this. This is how I see it from the vantage point of seventy years.
Republicans have emotional — not power — reasons for wanting to defeat Obama this year. But the rest of it — Congress and the state legislatures and Governorships — is clearly where they can implement their goals: “Back to the 1800’s!”
I am almost old enough to remember them.
but D is right – GOP concedes WH for ’12 and console themselves w/ Sen & House races. Yertle and new speaker Cantor will ramp up obstructionism & grind gov’t to a halt. They’ll not only take the ball off the playground but they’ll pop it & throw it away so nobody can have any fun.
Obama and the DNCC really, really need to go to bat for Dem candidates in the Senate races. $s spent in ’12 are gonna be eye-poppingly disgusting with both sides hiding behind Citizens United.
Rs in the majority of both house of congress be fun? Wake me in 2014. Maybe. Maybe not until 2016?
from some newspaper in Denver.
Coloradans for Freedom is… good luck with that. Also I’m sure Eleanor didn’t mean to imply that “no” might not mean “no”?
It’s nice to see a faction of the Republican Party finally standing up for this issue, but don’t expect much from it. Read Lundberg’s quote for the party line on this issue (I believe Stephens also echoed a status quo supporting position, though I can’t find the quote offhand.)
Maybe one day the other half or so of the GOP will enter the 21st century.
I’m sure you do mean the 20th.
getting out of The Gilded Age.
where Romney accuses Obama of being like Kim Kardashian. I can take Obama being accused of being a Muslim, a non-native born citizen, and a socialist, but this is the lowest blow of all.
he’s into pop culture just like a regular guy. This one probably had to be carefully explained to him by one of the kids. Couldn’t he have found something with a less tortured path to follow to “get it”?
won’t be doing an “I’m a Mormon” commercial anytime soon??
Typical social conservative nonsense. Get government off your back, except when my desire for social control dictates placing it there.
makes more sense as a way to preserve traditional marriage than does the contention that letting somebody else get married is a threat to traditional marriage. Bad idea but it has a certain logic entirely missing from the anti-gay marriage argument. And it will fail just like it did before.
to have a state Senator in my district that actually proposed bills that did something constructive. Sometimes I get the feeling I’ll be stuck with this dimwit for the rest of my life.
Thank goodness for those term limits, though, eh?