“I just don’t understand why we continue to subject ourselves to these debates, knowing full well that the enemy is questioning us.”
–Rush Limbaugh, yesterday
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Source WSJ
The directive provided last evening has been seen as minimally impactful. Here’s the WSJ opinion. Ps anyone know how we’re going to pay for it?
thats just beautiful David !
A [Liber]turd by any other name would smell as . . .
Because when you’re dumb as a box of hammers, every problem looks like a nail.
but it’s all the troll has when he’s incapable of original thoughts. Can’t believe the assmole didn’t also “snip” a rAssmessin’ poll
You’ve been updated. Time for a phase out.
I’ve seen that face on my 4 yr old when he doesn’t get his way.
Here’s something I just cannot wrap my head around. No matter how hard I try and think like a modern day GOTP boomer.
In 1946 the national debt was approx 145% of GDP.
In addition to rationing, price controls, wage controls (thank you employer paid health insurance – not) and other gov’t interventions, everyone more or less agreed it was our (ancestors’) patriotic duty to buy US bonds. (lend the US money)
The national debt now is approx 100% of GDP (or will be soon).
The debt is different – 1946 it was owned approx 98%+ by Americans that’s more like 55%-60% now. And the US wasn’t looking at medicare and SS recipients about ready to spike (boomers).
But within a decade or so, the US debt/GDP ratio was back under 20% then. Why can’t we do it now?
Why isn’t the GOTP claiiming it’s our patriotic duty to buy US bonds? Why weren’t they claiming it was fiscally irresponsible to cut taxes while fighting the war on terror on three fronts? 1) Invade and occupy Iraq 2) nvade and occupy Afghanistan and 3) create the Dept of Homeland Security
We should shoulder our era’s commitment just as our ancestors’ did theirs. We should leave the next generation the interstate highway system, airports and rail and defense, and the internet and all the other infrastructure ALL WHILE PAYING for the war that happened (is happening) on our watch. It’s the only responsible thing to do.
Because they are no longer loyal to COUNTRY, but are instead loyal to their own selfish interests and the interests of their (our) corporate masters. They define patriotism differently now — it is de-centralized and selfish. For them it is contradictory to be loyal to country and at the same time want to shrink government until it is small enough to drown in a bathtub.
There are many indicators of this huge change – in my opinion, one is the fact that the GOTP’rs are not only not loyal to their President but not even loyal to or respectful of the Presidency.
The extremists will claim they are the most patriotic and will wave the flag (which they claim to own) more vigorously than anyone else. But it is not patriotism in the historic sense, and it is certainly not loyalty to our country.
Because, thanks to the low capital gains tax and other policy decisions, it’s now much much more profitable to gamble money in the stock market than it is to buy staid and true U.S. bonds.