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October 05, 2020 01:29 PM UTC

Trump Says He's Leaving Hospital Tonight

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE #3: Maybe leaving the hospital today was not the best idea:



UPDATE #2: President Trump has left the building, departing Walter Reed Hospital and returning to the White House.

UPDATE: As The New York Times reports, President Trump isn’t getting a “sympathy bump” in the polls in large part because Americans think he could have avoided getting COVID-19:

Polls by Ipsos/Reuters and YouGov/Yahoo conducted on Friday and Saturday found that most Americans feel the president hadn’t been taking the coronavirus seriously, in terms of policy or personal conduct, and that he could have avoided getting sick.

Both polls also showed Joseph R. Biden Jr. maintaining his national lead over Mr. Trump. The Ipsos/Reuters poll showed Mr. Biden up by 10 percentage points — one point higher than in its last several national polls, including one from after last Tuesday’s first presidential debate.

The poll found that nearly two-thirds of Americans, including half of Republicans, think Mr. Trump could have avoided the virus if he had taken it more seriously.


President Trump arriving at Walter Reed Hospital last Friday (10/2/20)

As The Washington Post reports:

Trump announced that he will return to the White House on Monday night after spending the past three days at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, where he has been receiving treatment for covid-19.

“I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M.,” the president said in a tweet. “Feeling really good!”

The president also played down the threat of the coronavirus, even as several other members of his administration —including press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and at least two other White House communications aides — have contracted it in recent days…

…At a briefing Monday, White House physician Sean Conley said that Trump had met the discharge criteria, although he declined to answer several questions from reporters, including on the timing of Trump’s last negative coronavirus test.

Trump undoubtedly has the best doctors and treatments available to aid in his recovery, but as many health experts have cautioned, patients requiring hospitalization for COVID-19 are not usually good to go after just a few days. From a separate Washington Post story:

The assertion by President Trump’s doctors that he could be discharged from the hospital as early as Monday astonished outside infectious-disease experts, who said he remains in a dangerous period of vulnerability when some covid-19 patients decline precipitously and require urgent intervention…

…The talk of the president’s release from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center came as Conley and two other physicians treating Trump gave an upbeat but incomplete characterization of his condition. Outside doctors said they were mystified by what they said was an inconsistent portrayal of the president’s illness as relatively mild despite the aggressive mix of treatments he is getting.

For just one example of why Trump needs to be more cautious: Consider this timeline of the illness and death of former Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain.

We certainly wish the President well…and we’re crossing our fingers for everyone at the White House who will soon be in closer proximity to Trump.


16 thoughts on “Trump Says He’s Leaving Hospital Tonight

  1. Is he going to go into isolation or out on the campaign trail?  Inquiring minds want to know.  How gross would it be if he got sick again on stage in front of his worshiping crowd?  Just hard to imagine him going back to his same lie load as before with out the after effects of his sickness whipping his sorry ass.

  2. Seems as if he's seeking Ubermensch points, but man, considering the possible consequences hurts me as a human being, and I don't particularly care for the guy.

  3. No sympathy bump?  Makes sense. 

    Tobias Funke on Arrested Development also received no sympathy for his sickness  (or money for his fund raiser) because of the hair plugs that his body rejected.  "You mean he just has to remove the hair plugs to be well again!?!"

    1. When Dr. Conley was asked about when he was last tested negative before the positive test came back Friday morning, he said he didn't want to dwell on the past but look to the future.

      1. As the Orange King stood on the balcony above the East Lawn this evening, having defeated the evil Chinadragonvirus, he removed his mask so his adoring countrymen could see the set of his chin.

        But you could also see him laboring to breathe.

        1. I'm guessing he's been on Lasix IV for the last few days. I went in with CHF and over the course of 24 hours I had 17 pounds of fluid removed from my lungs.  Over the course of my life I've been very close to drowning many times and it is NOTHING to drowning in your own fluids. 

  4. Anyone know if ANY of the following were part of the briefing on Trump leaving the hospital?

    CDC has published guidance (my emphasis in bold italics):

    Patients can be discharged from the healthcare facility whenever clinically indicated.

    If discharged to home:

  5. The decision to send the patient home should be made in consultation with the patient’s clinical care team and local or state public health departments.
  6. It should include considerations of the home’s suitability for and patient’s ability to adhere to home isolation recommendations. Guidance on implementing home care of persons who do not require hospitalization and the discontinuation of home isolation for persons with COVID-19 is available.
  7. “In general, people should adhere to home isolation until the risk of secondary transmission is thought to be low. ”

    “You can be around others after:
    10 days since symptoms first appeared and
    24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
    Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving*
    *Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation​.”

    1. You're not the only one asking, Blackie. I've seen stories wondering if the whole episode was an elaborate play to allow him to continue blowing off the virus as no big deal and excuse his wretched handling of it.


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