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Over the last few days, a remarkable change for the better has taken place in the streets of Denver. Police appear to have backed off of their initial aggression against protesters, and the crowds have responded with days of peaceful and powerful protest against police violence.
In Colorado, the outrage over the murder of George Floyd has become hope as new legislation to dramatically reform police departments and restore rights to victims of police violence is successfully making its way with your help through the Colorado Senate! Senate Bill 217 makes historic changes in favor of police accountability: banning chokeholds, requiring an objective justification to initiate a police stop, strict standards for the use of body cameras and disclosure of the footage–all of this and more is possible right now if we act together.
If you haven’t already, click here to contact your Colorado lawmakers and urge a YES vote on Senate Bill 217. Time is of the essence for lawmakers to pass remaining legislation for this year and adjourn. So it’s important that you take a moment right now to speak out, whether you’re represented by a Republican or a Democrat.
If you’ve already contacted your legislators to support Senate Bill 217, thanks very much! Make sure everyone you know in Colorado who supports police accountability contacts their lawmakers today. Forward this message to everyone you know and urge them to get involved.
Thanks for your support in this fight for basic civil rights. Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Mattered in the 1960s when the Freedom Riders traveled south and risked their lives for the rights of people a thousand miles away. Colorado honors the sacrifice of victims of police violence, here and across the nation, by passing legislation to help ensure that the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis is not replicated in Colorado ever again.
Here are more ways to fight back for the week of June 8:
Racial Justice in Colorado: A Discussion with COWFP
Join Colorado Working Families Party and special guests for a discussion on racial justice in Colorado.
When: Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00pm
Vigil For George Floyd
We have protested, marched, cried, yelled, and posted. Now, George Floyd is to be laid to rest in his hometown of Houston, TX on June 9th. Come together at the Civic Center park June 9th at 7pm to be with the family of George Floyd in spirit and pray for a peaceful rest, for such was lacking in his death. Bring a candle to be lit while the sun is setting. Candles will be provided for those not in a position to buy/bring one, however, supplies are limited. This is an event for all so please, join in this gathering of unity and peace as we say goodbye to a beloved son, father, brother, and friend. Rest In Peace George Floyd.
Where: Civic Center Park, Denver
When: Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00pm
Conservation Colorado: Colorado Water Plan Listening Sessions
The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) wants to hear about your hopes for the Water Plan update! Please join for any or all of the Colorado Water Plan Listening Sessions, a series of conversations on the future of water in Colorado. The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) will host a series of online public listening sessions to share updates about the Colorado Water Plan (Water Plan), hear from water leaders across the state, and gather feedback about how the Water Plan should approach the critical issues around Agricultural, Municipal & Industrial, Environmental & Recreational, and Forest Health & Watershed Health.
When: Wednesday, June 10 and Thursday, June 11
Colorado People’s Alliance: Conversations on Race: Anti-Blackness & Policing
Race caucus conversations allow us to go deeper in conversation with others who share a similar race identity to better identify how we personally perpetuate and benefit from anti-blackness and white supremacy, and how we can undo our own racism and hold each-other accountable. Race caucus conversations allow impacted people safe spaces to process. Race caucus conversations also allow non-black people open spaces with each-other where they can process and hold-each other accountable without forcing any of this labor onto black folks, and without causing unintended harm while processing. For example, this is the type of space where non-black folks can process white-guilt, white-passing guilt etc. and work through it into action.
When: Wednesday, June 10 at 6:30pm
Cobalt AF Digital Sex Trivia Fundraiser
Grab your favorite beverage and join us for an evening of sex trivia to support the Cobalt Abortion Fund. We are asking a $5 donation to participate or $30 for a team of 8 or more. If you are unable to make this donation but would still like to participate, please email We encourage in addition to brushing up on those sex trivia facts, that your team crowd-raise funds to support the Cobalt Abortion Fund. Every dollar given to the fund goes directly back to patients.
When: Thursday, June 11 at 4:00pm
The Future of Work: An Intergenerational Conversation on PBS12
On the Same Page presents an intergenerational panel of ten Colorado leaders and recent college graduates to discuss what the future of work will look like in a post-COVID-19 economy. Panelists share details about Colorado’s employment before, during and after COVID-19, describe the impacts on the workplace structure, and share their thoughts on how we will rebuild Colorado’s workforce post-COVID.
When: Friday, June 12 at 7:00pm
Thanks again! We’ll see you next week with more ways to fight back.
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