Our friends at “The Fix” have a fun item up about the “first families of politics” in each state. Here’s what they came up with for Colorado:
The Salazars: Former
Gov.Sen. [corrected–Pols] (and current Interior Secretary) Ken Salazar (D) is the younger brother of Rep. John Salazar (D).The Romers: Former Gov. Roy Romer’s (D) son, state Sen. Chris Romer (D), is running for mayor of Denver.
The Udalls: Sen. Mark Udall (D) is the cousin of New Mexico’s junior senator, Tom. Both of their fathers, Mo and Stewart, were involved in politics — Stewart, most prominently, as Secretary of the Interior, Mo as a Congressman from Arizona
Who else would you add to the list? Who would be the first family on the Republican side of things?
*Side note: It’s interesting to see that “The Fix” unequivocally declares Sen. Chris Romer as a candidate for Denver Mayor. Not that we disagree, but Romer hasn’t made that announcement himself just yet.
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from Big Mike.
I should have written Mike x 2.
Naughton = Norton im my book.
But, I forgot the most famous Norton: Ed
I will hold my nose and vote for ANYBODY ELSE! He is a hack and might as well be a republican. Shameless opportunist and a detriment to Free society.
Don and J.J.
Thinking hard to come up with other GOP “families” that don’t include the word “Focus.”
Monica is technically in the business, too, ya know.
Norton, Anschutz, Stapleton
On the Democrat side (up and coming):
Polis, Bridges, Stryker, Gill
besides the Nortons, already mentioned. And the Dems are all individuals, not families.
Ironic that you would accuse anyone of not knowing what terms mean. Just this morning, this is your second failure to understand a term (the first being when you said that “nothing” about HCR would take place til after 2012).
was mayor.
that skips a generation?
They sure pay for their share of it.
Penfield Tate II – Former Boulder Mayor and son Penfield Tate III – State Senator and House member.
John Shafroth – Governor; great-grandson Will Shafroth, candidate for CD-2.
Spouses, Dick and Dottie Lamm.
Spouses, Rollie and Josie Heath.
Peggy and son Jon Lehman – Denver City Council.
John Witwer and son Rob Witwer – both in the State House.
AG, Director of the Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Senator, but never Governor.
And the older Salazar, John, owes his election to the fact that he ran at the same time his brother was running for the Senate and spent millions saying, “Vote for Salazar.”
They don’t have that error on the site anymore, so you might want to fix it here, too.
but when was he Gov?
I missed it, I guess.
Though more in a La Familia sense than in a geneological one.
Many GOP leaders and politicos have their roots in one of the two. Makes sense since both were popular statewide elected officials.
was somehow related to that guy who supported Ref C, wasn’t he? There was a certain resemblance, at least.
Phil Anschutz. (He’s got a whole crop of his “family” working in Colorado politics.)
There’s also the “family” at Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schrek, LLP
doing favors for friends in their time of need.
“[Phil] I need a man who has powerful friends. I need a million dollars in cash. I need, [Phil], all of those politicians that you carry around in your pocket, like so many nickels and dimes.”
both state Sens of distinction.
You would have to include the McNichols family. Father was Denver Auditor, son Steve was Governor and son Bill was Denver Mayor.
Forgot the Loves. John was Governor, son Andy was Nationl Guard and significant political player and daugher Becky was Supreme Court Justice.
is always one of the ones mentioned whenever a spot opens up.
You’re thinking of the wrong SC justice.
though it’s a good bet Troy was mentioned as a possible husband when Justice Love Kourlis had an opening.
Not just my mom and sister, several others in the family have been asked to run.
Seems to be enough here. I figured two generations in office there should count.
Is that it was about Colorado “first families.”
Go back and read the post at the top of this thread.
Sorry, but nobody but you gives a shit about your family in Hawaii.
The article referenced lists all 50 states. My comment was not on the central point in the diary, but it was on topic.
Sometimes I get the feeling I could post have a nice day and you would reply like the above…
You went off topic.
And you’re supposed to be an FPE and respect things like that.
And if “have a nice day” proved to be off topic, I’d call you out on that too.
There’s some chiefs in that Colorado “first family” — (trying real hard to stay topical and not make some dumb, smart-ass comment that’s going to get me flamed) — we can all learn some lessons from.
are a Denver Dynasty, of sorts. Mayor Wellington and State Rep. Wilma…
but there seems to be some dispute over that so I am sure if it true or not.
Sen. Morgan Carroll’s father, John S. Carroll, was a Colorado legislator. Like father like daughter.
who signed the Declaration of Independence. That’s a dynasty! Sort of!
I am a many times great-nephew of both Alexander Hamilton and Pres. Zachary Taylor.
Paul and Ed Tauer, together, have run Aurora since it was a cow pasture.