“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”
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BY: ParkHill
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: Genghis
IN: Why DNI Tulsi Gabbard Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
BY: Genghis
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Trumpflation is Here
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: harrydoby
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: unnamed
IN: Obligatory Lauren Boebert/Kid Rock Gossip Thread
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Caution: . . .
. . . this self-congratulatory screed is
probablylikelymostlymorejustthe most recentyet anothertoday’s example of Ttumpian horseshit.Hmmmm . . .
. . . looks like another note from
John Barron’sDonnie’smommie,ex-wife,doctor,AG, Sharpie-enabled, stable-genius addled mind?what- it's going to come down to another recording?
What could possibly go wrong.
Besides, have you seen or heard the whistle blower can't be trusted
Flynn is taking the 5th.
Fed is propping up the overnight credit markets.
Iran needs some special attention.
It's not what it looks like
besides, Obama did way worse.
And her emails.
You forgot Benghazi!
Dio: according to a guest on Lawrence O'Donnell's MSNBC show last night, there are at least three notetakers from NSC and maybe more. They get together afterwards to compare their notes and develop the written transcript.
The guest; last name of Pfeiffer, I think; managed the Situation Room, where the note takers are located, during part of the Obama administration and also held a similar high ranking position in the G.W. Bush administration.
Why the House Democratic Caucus Was Able to Move So Rapidly Toward Impeachment
Well, the die is cast and Br'er Trump has been hurled into the briar patch. How'd that work out again?
If Br'er Trump was accustomed to high visibility briar patches and had the intelligence of Joel Chandler Harris's rabbit, I'd worry a great deal more. If Nancy Pelosi was as impetuous as Br'er Fox, I might be concerned, too.
If some matter was going to be resolved by the testimony of Br'er Trump, the individual who has been examined in a large number of depositions, I'd worry more.
But the reality — Trump hasn't been good in political theater setting. He isn't as smart as a rabbit. Pelosi is not likely to do much of anything because Trump asks. And Trump is going to be judged by recorded actions for the most part, not his incoherent speaking.
Universal health care. Free at the point of service.
Sounds better than it would be.
The thin thread of reality that tethers Joe Biden to Jane & Joe Six Pack and blue color labor is unraveling. Soon the KOOKS will add Joe Biden’s name to those who are not above the law along with Trump. Biden will not make it to the first primary.
Usher in the Communist wing of the Democratic Party. Warren, Sanders, Buttigieg, Beto, Harris, Spartacus and the others will wage a scorched earth policy against private property and individual responsibility.
The only Democrat capable of competing against Trump is Tulsi Gabbard.
Prepare the way for Trump’s re-election and rejoice.
Good one.
Pretty sure this was pitched as a sitcom back when. But they went with Hogan's Heroes or Gilligan's Island.
BTW – Gabbard wants a full pardon for Snowden – shes done
What would be really funny is if your idol is re-elected and just in time to get impeached and convicted.
Oh, wait a minute….
Yeah, but Judge Napolitano? Is he even interested in and loyal to America?
It's not like he is a real judge. He is a tv judge.
“Shut up moron. Shut up. Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about, idiot.”
Seriously Pfruit, up your game. Your bff came in here with guns-a-blazin’, calling people faggots and using a pseudoname akin to a criminal offense. If you want to be taken seriously in this forum (like Fluffy) you gotta reinvent yourself. Cute dog pics just don’t cut it anymore for you patriots.
Blowman, you of all people know there is nothing serious in this forum. A bunch of faceless avatars taking advantage to be ill mannered, rude and crude because they are cowards.
And I have plenty of cute cat pictures also. Reminds me; RIP Bluecat. He/She/It died from a horrible dose of reality.
Make yourself useful and answer this question. Is there any difference between CBD oil from one seller to the next? Perhaps we can send a 55 gal drum to Duke so he can dip in it. Can’t hurt.
Oh and I have no idea who you think my bff is.
If that's the case, you fit right in here.
Let me help you out there Roger…..
Your bff, I believe, is Moderatus. Your intellectual match and ideological soulmate.
Now, now, Pfruit, sticks and stones
My advice in CBD oil is to always check your COAs. Pesticide and heavy-metal residuals can take their toll on mental health. Not to worry about Duke. I’ll make sure he only gets the best.
Yes, your bff I’m referring to is that weirdo in the MAGA Speedo that we affectionately refer to as Fluffy in this forum.
Seems that Pear doth protest too much. Can't have credibility accusing people here of rudeness and ill manners when Pear does the same.
Your “horrible dose of reality” comes, Pear, when you finally realize that Trump truly is a non-conservative grifter, and con man.
I still don't think Moddy is Polis raped me. Moddy, odious as some of his posts are, has never used slurs like "faggot." And while Moddy is no Shakespeare, IEatShitEveryTuesday ( the real name of PolisRapedMe) can't manage even basic punctuation.
My guess for IEatShitEveryTuesday would be Dudley Brown.
or Andrew Carnegie
. . . coprophage extraordinaire !
RandR, again, while Carnegie parroted the far right line, he fancied himself as an intellectual. I just don't see him using foul language like "faggot," which needlessly alienates readers. Plus, he had fairly good punctuation.
Again, I think IEatShitEveryTuesday was a one-off troll, probably Dudley or one of his minions. There is something about gun worship that attracts the really stupid ones.
Wait- labor is now colored blue? Well, unionized workers do tend to vote Democratic…..and isn’t “Jane and Joe Six Pack” an insulting stereotype about drunken working class people? Could you be mocking the MAGA minions?
Pear- are you moving to the dark side now? See you on the barricades, comrade!
I wrestled with that post a while before deciding he meant "blue collared" instead of "blue colored." As leader of our loyal oposition, Pear has many virtues – – but spelling isn't one of them.
Agreed his spelling is clearly that of a simpleton, but his overt xenophobia is that of a studied professional . . .
. . . he could have just as likely been using his Pearlish MAGA-FOX-dumphuck dialect for sad African American [workers]?
Says the guys who thinks Trump is on Putin’s payroll: 😂😂😂
Song for the day (NSFW):
Dateline — really soon, now . . .
. . . in totally bigly unrelated not-fake news:
Ukraine Receives Funds
TtumpObama Illegally Blocked (plus a little goodwill extra for their inconvenience)Also, bigly unrelated today:
Hey, for $391+ Million Cory Gardner would be nuzzy-wuzzling for Ttump, too! . . .
Anyone know, do they ever award a Nobel prize for the world’s worst blackmailer???
Astral Twins and their parallel fates?
Deal with it, boys.