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(R) Somebody



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(R) Somebody



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(R) Somebody



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(D) Somebody



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(D) Somebody



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(R) Somebody



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(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



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September 05, 2018 11:22 AM UTC

Get More Smarter on Wednesday (September 5)

  • by: Colorado Pols

At the very least, we promise not to make you any dumber. It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show.



► The Washington Post has the latest on Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh:

In his first morning fielding questions from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Kavanaugh refused to answer an inquiry about whether a president must respond to a subpoena, an issue that could come before the Supreme Court in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“I can’t give you an answer on that hypothetical question,” he told Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)

Feinstein had asked Kavanaugh about his views on investigations involving a sitting president. In the 1990s, Kavanaugh was a member of independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s team investigating President Bill Clinton, and took a hard line on questioning the president about what he called lies and “revolting behavior” involving intern Monica Lewinsky.

As James Hohmann writes for the Washington Post, Kavanaugh’s first day of hearings on Tuesday demonstrated the “institutional decline” of the U.S. Senate.

► Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh made other disconcerting headlines on Tuesday when he apparently refused to shake the hand of the father of a student killed in the Parkland High School shooting in Florida.

► The latest fundraising numbers for Colorado legislative races are now available, and the news is not good for Senate Republicans.


► The League of Conservation Voters is spending big bucks on a new ad targeting Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) over his poor record on environmental issues. As Ernest Luning writes for the publication formerly known as the Colorado Statesman:

LCV Victory Fund, the political arm of the League of Conservation Voters, plans to spend $663,000 on the 30-second ad, which all but accuses Coffman of causing “cancer, asthma, and heart and lung disease” by voting to let donors “spew dangerous toxins” into the air and water. As ominous music plays over grainy images of belching smokestacks, the ad also ties Coffman to President Donald Trump, dubbed “the worst polluter of all.”

The ad — LCV’s first in a House race this cycle — is slated to run for two weeks on broadcast and cable channels, the group said.

Coffman campaign spokesperson Tyler Sandberg tried to point to one of Coffman’s regular fence-sitting positions on the environment, but that argument against the LCV ad didn’t work out:

While Sandberg listed Coffman’s vote last month against a Republican-sponsored amendment to gut the EPA’s rules on methane emissions as an example of bucking his party to side with the environment, Roberts dismissed the argument, pointing to a Coffman vote in favor of the same amendment a year ago.


Get even more smarter after the jump…



Politico reports on the big news from Tuesday’s Primary Election in Massachusetts:

The progressive left crowned its latest star Tuesday, as Ayanna Pressley upended Massachusetts politics and toppled 10-term Democratic Rep. Mike Capuano in a primary.

Pressley, the first woman of color to win a seat on Boston’s city council, is now set to reprise the same feat in Massachusetts’ congressional delegation — part of a wave of young, female and non-white Democrats reshaping their party in the era of President Donald Trump.


► Republican gubernatorial candidate Walker Stapleton is getting hit for prior remarks he made suggesting that Colorado should focus its funding on boosting prisons instead of public schools.


President Trump suggested on Tuesday that it should be illegal to PROTEST in the United States. From the Washington Post:

Trump made the remarks in an Oval Office interview with the Daily Caller hours after his Supreme Court nominee, Brett M. Kavanaugh, was greeted by protests on the first day of his confirmation hearings on Capitol Hill.

“I don’t know why they don’t take care of a situation like that,” Trump said. “I think it’s embarrassing for the country to allow protesters. You don’t even know what side the protesters are on.”

He added: “In the old days, we used to throw them out. Today, I guess they just keep screaming.”

Kim Jong Un wouldn’t stand for this, so why should Trump?


Chuck Todd of NBC’s “Meet the Press” joined Kyle Clark of 9News to talk about Colorado’s gubernatorial race:


► Meanwhile, not a day goes by that Republican gubernatorial candidate Walker Stapleton can’t notch another #FAIL in his ridiculous campaign. Stapleton’s timing is pretty poor in general.

The Colorado Independent has more on Stapleton’s weekend gaffe in an appearance with former Congressman Tom Tancredo.


The White House is (predictably) attacking an upcoming book from Bob Woodward that details disarray in the Trump administration. Early excerpts of Woodward’s book, “Fear,” paint a picture of a completely-befuddled group of staffers trying to mitigate damage from Trump’s impulsive style. 


► You can count Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Cortez) among the Republican incumbents trying to walk back their support of President Trump ahead of the midterm election.


► Democrat Jared Polis is promoting a new economic message in his bid for Governor.


► As Politico reports, Congressional Republicans may yet find a way to initiate a government shutdown ahead of the midterm election.


President Trump might have inadvertently found a way to unite white and black Southerners in his denigration of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


If you had the number 13 in your office pool about the number of ballot measures in Colorado, you may collect your prize.


You may have another reason to avoid Denver International Airport in the future.



Your Daily Dose Of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


► The United States Postal Service expects to deliver 3.5 million ballots to Colorado voters in October.


► Leaders in the City of Pueblo think their town may be poised to be Colorado’s new clean energy capitol.




► Colorado Springs Republican Rep. Dave Williams never misses an opportunity to do some shameless grandstanding.


► We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Nobody rides fences quite like Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Aurora).



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6 thoughts on “Get More Smarter on Wednesday (September 5)

  1. Republican gubernatorial candidate Walker Stapleton is getting hit for prior remarks he made suggesting that Colorado should focus its funding on boosting prisons instead of public schools.

    Well, since Republicans are more likely to wind up in prison these days than they are back in school, Stumbleton is just looking out for his own.  Besides, as they are finding out, knowledge is a dangerous thing to them in the right hands.

  2. An absolute blast from the past at Kavanaugh's hearing.

    Comment Of Senator Leahy On His Questioning Of Judge Kavanaugh On Hacked Democratic Files

    Leahy is on the hunt after Kavanaugh denied (in his earlier confirmation hearings) seeing pilfered documents during his time working judicial nominations back in the Bush administration.  A couple of Republican staffers took advantage of weak security to "obtain" Democratic strategy documents for nomination hearings and spread them around.

    Now Leahy has docs, and thinks there are more, making Kavanaugh's earlier representations out to be lies.

    Here's a story on the incident from back in the day.

    Hacking Incident Riles Democrats
    Senate panel members demand outside probe of accessing of files by two Republican staffers.

  3. Why on earth is Stapleton talking about building more prisons when the ones we have now are being mothballed? Seriously, CSP II sits empty. Besides, wouldn't Stapleton rather contract out to private prisons?

    1. This is a defining moment; two very divergent views of rural Colorado.  Walker vision: prisons; Jared’s: renewable energy, new crops, expanded educational opportunities and health care access, no matter your circumstance. 

      There couldn’t be a brighter line between the candidates than this one.

      We’ve gone down the route of  private-prisons-as-economic-development out yonder. It’s a shitty way to build a rural economy. 

  4. I wonder if Duncan Hunter's wife was responsible for doling out campaign funds to his side pieces?

    Duncan Hunter’s ‘Personal Relationships’ Get New Attention in Indictment

    According to the indictment, the Hunters were profligate spenders who lived well beyond their means.

    The couple overdrew their bank account more than 1,100 times in a seven-year period. They accrued approximately $37,761 in “overdraft” and “insufficient funds” bank fees. In the same period, the couple’s credit cards were charged to the credit limit, often with five-figure balances, resulting in approximately $24,600 in finance charges, interest and other fees related to late, over the limit and returned payment fees.

    Duncan spent some of that money on five unidentified people living in Washington, D.C., with whom he had “personal relationships,” prosecutors allege: “Individuals” 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 in the indictment.

    I'm hoping that 14-18 aren't their ages.

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