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August 15, 2009 06:01 PM UTC

Obama in Grand Junction Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half.”

–Gore Vidal


82 thoughts on “Obama in Grand Junction Open Thread

        1. Trial lawyers have all sorts of corruption angles from which to plead.

          ps where is tom strickland in this debate …. he was general counsel for  united heathcare group insurance company.

    1. 10 million go without insurance, not 40 million.

      ps Libertad demands if these radical cost increases occur that he has Public Option.

      ps2 If Grand Junction works so well obviously you don’t need to change existing laws to make it happen elsewhere.

      1. (which should be transferred, to the extent possible, far and wide) covers some cost-control and continuity of care problems with the current system, but that’s all. And since it’s been out there for more than three decades without widespread adoption, what’s your evidence doctors and insurance companies will pick it up without some pressure?

      2. For those who can afford it, and full-serve plans, whether from Rocky Mountain, Anthem or whoever, are quite pricey. If you can’t afford it, you’re out of luck.

        Where they do have success is keeping Medicare and Medicaid patients from being re-admitted to hospitals at other rates in the country.

        Those are government programs, by the way, Libertad.  

  1. I dropped by the trash America festivities at Lincoln Park this morning.  It was really a pathetic event.  The healthcare haters predicted the event would draw 5000.  They were lucky if there was 1000 there.  Sad evidence for their effort, seeing how they brought in out-of-state people to astroturf the park.   I circulated in the crowd taking pictures for the most of the event.  I’d put on my earphones and listen to music when the loony MC, Rick Wagner, was spewing his garbage between speakers.  Speakers who seemed to have failed high school methods of speech making, I might add.  

    I did record Josh Penry’s three minute rant, such as it was, when he took the stage.  It was the typical Penry caterwauling shit blizzard, with nothing of much interest to anyone.

    What is interesting, is that Penry showed what is made of after he left the stage. He did a few minutes in front of the media cameras as I waited to speak with him.  After the media interview was over and Penry was standing by himself, I approached and asked:

    “Senator Penry, do you condone these Nazi comparison signs right here,” as I pointed to them, not 15 feet away.

    Penry’s response:  “I’ll talk with them about it”.

    Penry promptly walked to the signs with me in tow.  Once we reached the signs, Penry looked them over, looked at the camera and recorder in my hand and promptly walked straight across the street and hopped into a green SUV, with what I presume was his wife driving.  

    After viewing the signs, this scum bag said not one word to the goobers with the signs or to me.  


    As big of a failure as Penry’s astroturf teabagger’s party was, the score now stands at: President Obama- 1, Penry- 0

    And I await all of President Obama’s home runs at this evening’s town hall.

    “Is anyone else here tired of the flimflam, mealy-mouthed Republican?”  –Josh Penry

      1. to confront the failures of Ritter, Hickenlooper, Bennet, and that retired guy from CD3 who brought us overspending, out of control government programs, little personal responsibility, more taxes, more fees, and a HS dropout rate of 50%.

              1. doing service and consulting work here, (you and they) enjoying the benefits of Colorado, generating revenues and yet you don’t charge sales tax on that portion of the product you sell to customers?

                1. We sell a software program. Because we sell via the internet only, there’s no sales tax.

                  One funny note on this, the City of Boulder told us that even though we don’t pay sales tax, we still had to get a sales tax license. Go figure.

                  ps – I do think there should be sales tax on internet purchases. But it has to be run centrally because having to figure out and then report taxes for every jurisdiction we sell into would be impossible to figure out.

                  1. charge and pay sales tax on in-state purchases.  They’re supposed to.  In order to keep it simple, most of them don’t charge city and county sales taxes (that would be a nightmare to keep track of) but they pay them anyway.  They just eat it.

                    There’s no sales tax on purchases across state lines because the “interstate commerce” Constitution says so–at least until Congress gets greedy.

                    It’s not an internet thing, it’s an interstate commerce thing.

                    1. When we were setting up the company I did not realize that internet only sales did not have to collect sales tax. So we were trying to find a way to get what taxes were owed based on an address in Colorado.

                      There was no way to do so (at least 5 years ago). Flat-out no way to determine it. The whole system is set up for retail stores where you know your jurisdiction and who to pay for your physical location.

                      My hope is they set a single sales tax for internet sales anywhere in the U.S. And at worst, a single tax per state. And then give us a single place to report it for all sales.

                    2. It’s actually against the law in Colorado to include taxes without separating them from the cost of the item, or to have a “sales tax sale”.  Weird, not frequently prosecuted, and not well-known, but true.

                      As to Internet sales taxes, you’re supposed to charge sales tax for any state in which you have a physical presence.  I haven’t exactly figured out the jurisdictional issues – I think you charge whatever rate is in effect for the jurisdiction in which you do business.  (Some companies like car dealerships charge sales tax based on your own address – I think that has to do with special laws for cars, though…)  It’s a mess.

        1. I believe, because they are people who believe that real discourse is healthy for a democracy, and that actions which derail discourse by shouting others down and orchestrating disruptions of town halls are antithetical to real discourse.

          To be blunt, and speaking only for myself, I’m angry because there is nothing more horrifying than seeing ground gained by ignorant, misinformed, disinforming mobs attempting to derail not only dialogue, but, more fundamentally, humanity’s gradual progress toward improved political economic institutions.

          Human history is, in one very simplistic sense, a struggle between rational people and troglodytes. Neither side likes to see the other advance, one for good reason, and the other quite unreasoning.

          You’ve picked your side, and I’ve picked mine.

      1. of the things we must jettison to distinguish ourselves from the Nazis:

        teeth, hair, eyes, ears, mouths…, okay, all human organs and anatomical features (yeah, including those)…, shoes, shoe laces, the little plastic tips on shoe laces, clothes, zippers, buttons, combs, cars, planes, tooth brushes, soap, shampoo, books, movies, music, musical instruments, singing, speaking, walking, breathing, farting, dancing, gloves, hats, scarves, cosmetics, underwear, roads, paths, bicycles, trains, busses, toilet paper, toilets, chairs, beds, sofas, carpets, stairs, buildings, walls, gardens, parks,  horses, dogs, cats, aquariums…,

        and, of course, jack-asses.

    1. who are constantly SCREAMING that government must come between a doctor and a woman?  Now they are SCREAMING that government shouldn’t come between a doctor and a patient.  Their hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.

          1. I was in GJ, and drive a truck with an Obama bumper sticker on it. As I walked in to a restaurant, there were two yahoo’s standing outside. One of them said, loud enough for me to hear it, “Fucking Obama lover.”

            I stopped and asked him to repeat himself. He said, “I’m talking to my friend here”.

            “Well”, I said, “You’re a liar.” There was no further incident, except that I did walk our from the restaurant a minute later to check the truck, and lock the rear tailgate.

    2. when most Americans can’t even spell English all that well, either, I guess.

      I’m a Gladney, he’s a Gladney,

      She’s a Gladney, we’re a Gladney,

      Wouldn’t you like to be a Gladney, too?

      Be a Gladney. Be Kenneth Gladney.

            1. Take, for example, the following manifestations of anti-German sentiment in the US during WWI:

              In New Orleans, Berlin St. was renamed for General Pershing (head of the American Expeditionary Force), sauerkraut came to be called (by some) “liberty cabbage”,[12] German measles became “liberty measles”, hamburgers became “liberty sandwiches”[12] and Dachshunds became “liberty pups”.[13]


          1. be the German words for french fries.  And they do makes some good ones. Currywurst and pommes frites was my main staple while living there.

  2. As one of maybe 1200+ people able to fit into the school auditorium, it was very impressive to see how President Obama interacted with the mixed political crowd at the town hall meeting in Grand Junction. He did a good job addressing many of the Palinized claims of granny death squads and such, and it was touching to hear his experiences concerning his grandmother’s illness.

    One of President Obama’s best lines was when he noted that health care detractors are afraid that the government will step in between them and their doctor. He asked the audience if they were satisfied with the present system — where insurance companies come between them and their doctors.

    Those opposed to increased federal health care coverage inside the auditorium were polite in their disagreement and some of their faction got a chance to ask questions and state their opinions (yes, Obama chooses as random.) It was actually a good pro/con discussion overall.

    Outside it was the Beatles vs bullhorns. The pro-health care folks were armed with a good sound system and the White Album, while the other side had a tattooed lady with a squeaky bullhorn. Funny how many of the complaints about socializing health care came from those on Medicare.  

    1. “Funny how many of the complaints about socializing health care came from those on Medicare.”

      How is this funny?  They do, after all, presumably have a working knowledge of how “well” it works.  

        1. You link an opposing politician with an issue than demonize the politician to discredit his issue.  Presto profundo, you defeat your opponents without having to understand any of the intricacies of the issue.  Standard Republican playbook.  

          “Obama is a bad guy and because he is a bad guy, his health care reform proposals are also bad”.

          I think there is a logical fallacy that covers this but it escapes me at the moment.

          1. but it’s a bogus implicit syllogism:

            O is a bad guy,

            all ideas held by bad guys are wrong,

            therefore, all ideas held by O are wrong.

            Of course, the primary defect is in the second premise. (I would take issue with the first premise as well, but that’s not really necessary for our present purposes). Kinda like the argument that, since the Nazis were evil, everything they ever had or did (e.g., beer, testicles, food, aglets, walks in the woods) must have been evil as well.

            If you find the name of the fallacy, please let us know (really).

            1. Guilt by Association involves rejecting a proposition because Person A supports the proposition and the individual dislikes person A.

              Appeal to Ridicule ridicules an issue or individual and the ridicule is suppose to suffice for a valid argument.


              Personal Attack is also possible.

                  1. Most responses to you, mine included, have pointed out the fallacies in your reasoning, which in turn has the effect of ridiculing you. The ridicule is incidental to, rather than essential to, the refutations of your easily debunked “arguments.” Your fallacy this time is assuming that the mere presence of something in an argument (ridicule) implies reliance on it to make the argument. By that logic, if every argument on a topic or refuting the arguments of a particular individual happened to contain a typo, you would insist that the arguers are relying on typos to make their point!

                    1. Please make it so.  It would be wonderful.  We would have real content here, rather than front-paged articles about some 23-year-old kid and his Twitter page.  

                      I’m pulling for you.  I really am.  


                A Genetic Fallacy is a line of “reasoning” in which a perceived defect in the origin of a claim or thing is taken to be evidence that discredits the claim or thing itself. It is also a line of reasoning in which the origin of a claim or thing is taken to be evidence for the claim or thing. This sort of “reasoning” has the following form:

                The origin of a claim or thing is presented.

                The claim is true(or false) or the thing is supported (or discredited).

            2. 1.  Drugs can cause bizzare behavior

              2.  There is a drug store near Yokel’s house

              3.  Therefore, Yokel’s delusions are drug induced

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