“If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.”
–Albert Einstein
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A cat 5 Trumpstink warning is in effect today in all 50 states. Dreamers brought to this country as children are particularly vulnerable.
Resist, my friends. Some days, there is no place upwind.
Dreamer, Colorado . . .
Pop. 17,258
And speaking of The Screaming Yam’s stupid stunts, a lengthy read from The Washington Post on who conned him into pulling out of the Paris Agreement: https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/a-two-decade-crusade-by-conservative-charities-fueled-trumps-exit-from-paris-climate-accord/2017/09/05/fcb8d9fe-6726-11e7-9928-22d00a47778f_story.html?utm_term=.584ad5acf04d&wpisrc=nl_rainbow&wpmm=1
If there is a Hell, there is a very special place waiting for these #ProsperityGospel terrorists.
GoodHairDipShit in the news. This argument worked out about as well for him as his abstinence-only agenda in Texas.Rick Perry Wanted to Prove the Obama Administration Killed Coal. But the Facts Got in the Way
Boy, that sure would shut Rick Perry and most of the Trump Band of Fools up for good…
Irma destroyed one Trump property, is on target for Mar-a-Lago.
Trump is a big fan of waterfront property, has dozens of seaside resorts and retreats, all around the world.
Most of them are threatened by flooding from climate change. Irma just wreaked havoc on Trump's $16 million Caribbean property, the pretentiously-named Le Chateau de Palmieres on the island of St Martin. Irma also undoubtedly flattened homes and huts of all of the people who work on that island, as well – 95% of the buildings on the island were destroyed, according to this Washington Post article.
So, no, I can't really join the schadenfreude around Irma threatening Mar-a-Lago – because so many other lives will be ruined or lost.
But Mar-a-Lago, in particular, is already on Gaia's radar for climate-change-induced revenge – it is projected to be mostly flooded by 2050- along with the southern tip of Florida.
Will it make a believer in climate change out of Trump? Or will he find a way to blame Obama? Can this possibly be laid at Hillary Clinton's door? Benghazi, anyone?
I blame Moddy.
I'm worried about all of the other people, too, M.J. I have friends who are headed to Northern Alabama, from South Carolina to escape Irma. But if The Yam's palace gets flattened I won't shed a tear, except, perhaps of laughter.
I'm sure he'll get priority treatment from FEMA. Article in Post yesterday about a restaurant in CO mall destroyed by hail that has continued to pay and train it's employees as it prepares to reopen. Recommended reading
Read it, Gray. Loved it. The Yam, of course, would never do such a thing.