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May 08, 2017 10:04 PM UTC

Trump Deputy Gorka on CO talk show: End nuclear deal unilaterally

  • by: kwtree

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

On Sunday, May 7, 2017,  Trump’s Deputy Assistant “Dr* Sebastian Gorka chatted with KVOR radio host Tron Simpson. I listened, and it raised several questions:

  • Why was a top level Presidential appointee slumming on a right wing talk show in Colorado Springs?
  • Is “*Dr.” Gorka still a part of the President’s National Security Council, or isn’t he?
  • Was a right wing Sunday talk radio show really the best time and place to announce that he wanted the US to pull out of an Iranian nuclear deal, even if Iran complied with the terms of the deal?
  • How does this guy even still have a job as deputy assistant to the President? He was supposed to have been kicked out of the White House because of his associations with a Hungarian Nazi group, Vitezi Rend.

For the first twenty minutes of the 5/7 “Weekend Talk with Tron” segment, host Tron Simpson was predictably Tea Party partisan: Obamacare was horrible, the AHCA will liberate us from tax tyranny, we need a Convention of States to amend the Constitution.

At 21:03, Tron introduced Gorka, the on-again, off-again deputy assistant to the President.

Then Gorka began to speak. first praising his boss, Donald Trump, as the “man who changed the geopolitical landscape with just one summit.” Tron was talking about Trump’s dinner with Chinese President Xi (complete with beautiful chocolate cake), after which Trump announced that we had bombed Syria. There was no mention of candidate Trump’s previous denunciations of China as a currency manipulator.

Praising that Syria strike, which may have killed 100 people, Gorka said that we had “Eight years of divisiveness, and now we’ve replaced it with Donald J Trump’s decisiveness.”

Nuking the Nuclear Deal

When Tron asked about the Iran nuclear deal, at 24:43,  Gorka said,

“The President has openly stated that even if Iran is in compliance with the deal, the JCPOA, it doesn’t matter, because it’s fundamentally a bad deal. General Flynn, the former National Security Advisor, put Iran on notice, that has been repeated. You may have a new national security advisor, but that attitude of putting Iran on notice that its behavior must also change, that is still absolutely key to our policy, to the middle east, and to Persia.”

To unpack this statement: The JCPOA was a deal painstakingly reached by Secretary Kerry, which limits Iran’s access to nuclear materials. It made the world safer. Iran’s human rights record was never a part of the nuclear deal; so the Trump administration’s wanting to “review” the JCPOA  to force some political concessions from Iran is akin to changing the rules  halfway through the deal. General Flynn, who “put Iran on notice”, was fired for being a foreign agent, and probably a traitor to the United States.

Notice also Gorka’s use of the term “Persia” to describe Iran. Persia is an ancient empire, pre-Mohammedan, and also describes a large ethnic group in Iran. Using the term “Persia” instead of “Iran” is a way of distancing from the Islamic religion, not surprising since Gorka is a fervid Islamophobe.  This, with the implication that the US should “tear up” the nuclear accord, is inflammatory talk. The idea that the United States should unilaterally break the nuclear deal with Iran, even if Iran is in compliance, is stunning.

This will not end well.

Gorka’s Nazi and Islamophobic history

Gorka shares anti-Semitic views with his mentor, former Breitbart editor Steve Bannon.

Although “no one can find” any anti-Semitic statements from either of these men, they actually created havens for anti-Semitic, anti-Islamic views to be posted and shared widely. They provided financial and logistical support and forums for Nazis and white supremacists. Just “saying nothing” is not enough. One has to speak against racism and anti-Semitism. Bannon didn’t. Gorka didn’t. And they’re certainly not shy about sharing their anti-Islamic views. These self- styled “alpha males” are not shy about much.

Associating with Nazis, providing a forum for Nazis, giving aid and comfort to those who would use religion and race as a political vehicle, is indistinguishable from being  a Nazi. And you know what they say about hiring Nazis. You don’t? As one of our perennial trolls likes to say, “Let me Help You.”

Merkl and Trump
Meme from Democratic Underground – Angela Merkel and Donald Trump

Gorka is trying to rehabilitate himself now, with an eye to hanging onto his White House NSA job. Part of this rehabilitation effort has involved speaking at the Jewish Post. Possibly, part of this is also engaging in the “war of ideas” by making inflammatory declarations on a podunk Colorado talk show.

The grownups are saying that we’re keeping the nuclear treaty with Iran.

Most of my questions remain unanswered. Nobody quite knows what Sebastian Gorka’s job responsibilities are, but this Nazi-sympathizing, Islamophobic, international non-expert “alpha male”  is still employed in the Trump Administration. Why? Probably because Steve Bannon wants him on board. I don’t know why Gorka chose “Tron’s” show to spread his warmongering. But one thing I’m sure of:  Sebastian Gorka should not be irresponsibly undermining a nuclear treaty on talk radio.

*I don’t call Gorka “Dr” Gorka because it’s doubtful that he earned that degree.

UPDATE: 5/20/17 Gorka is all over the right wing media, while the President and most of the White House staff are on a foreign tour.

What does Dokkk* Sebastian Gorka do all day? His title is Deputy Assistant to the President in the NSA – but he can’t pass a security clearance because of his ties to a Nazi group in Hungaria. He’s not with Bannon and the President’s entourage on the big 9 day foreign policy trip. He, along with Pence and Kellyanne Conway, were left at home to mind the store.

Gorka’s job seems to be to apologize for and defend the Trump clown show on   right wing media.

A look at Gorka’s twitter feed show that he has been on Fox News, BBC, spinning the story that Comey “absolutely” deserved firing, and on mainstream news reports: “It’s not news, it’s not reporting, it’s just propaganda.”

Gorka, whose irony detector is evidently broken, is himself a master propagandist, and proudly sports his father’s  medal for Gorka, Sr’s work in propagandizing for Vitezi Rend, a Hungarian Nazi group, responsible for the deportation and deaths of thousands of Hungarian Jews during WWIII.

Gorka was the person who defended the Trump administration’s omission of Jews as Holocaust victims on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Gorka, most recently a guest on local talk radio, is apparently most comfortable dealing with like-minded bigots. At least, they do call him “Doctor”.

A bunch of college kids holding placards and asking questions scared the self styled “alpha male” and President’s deputy adviser  Gorka away from a panel on “Fake News” in DC in April 2017.

Because of his <p>Because of his <a href=”http://forward.com/news/369683/exclusive-sebastian-gorkas-ties-to-nazi-allied-group-stretch-back-decades/” rel=”nofollow”> Nazi connections</a>, there has been public pressure for Gorka to resign. However, like fellow Islamophobe Steven Bannon, Gorka has pushed back with several highly-publicized speaking gigs to conservative Jewish audiences – and he remains in place to throw red meat to Trump’s rabid base, although no one seems to know what his real job is, since he can’t pass a security clearance due to his foreign connections.

Perhaps “Deputy Minister of Propaganda” would be accurate, with Bannon taking the top slot.

*not a real doctor – academic doubts about his credentialing and knee-jerk islamophobic “thesis” remain.



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