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April 11, 2017 01:32 PM UTC

Spicer: Assad Worse Than Hitler, Yes Really, I'm Doubling Down

  • by: Colorado Pols
German Zyklon-B poison gas.

Jaws from coast to coast are agape this afternoon following an unbelievable Passover White House press briefing, in which Press Secretary Sean “What Do I Have To Do To Get Fired” Spicer claimed that…we’ll let CNN explain to make sure we get it right:

White House press secretary Sean Spicer, in an effort to shame Russia’s alliance with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his use of chemical weapons, said Tuesday Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons” during World War II.

While Hitler did not use chemical weapons on the battlefield, Hitler and the Nazis used gas chambers to exterminate Jews, disabled people and others.

“You had someone who was despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,” Spicer said. “So you have to, if you are Russia, ask yourself is this a country and a regime that you want to align yourself with.”

The comment immediately reverberated online and audible gasps could be heard in the press briefing room after the Spicer made the comment.

Spicer attempted to correct himself…very, very badly:

Reporters in the briefing room offered the Holocaust as an example of chemical weapons use.

“He brought them into the Holocaust centers, I understand that,” Spicer said.

“But in the way that Assad used them, where he went into towns and dropped them down to innocent in the middle of towns,” he added, defending his statement. “I appreciate the clarification, that was not the intent.”

The comment did not clear up the controversy, especially considering Spicer seemingly referred to concentration camps as “the Holocaust center.”

Obviously, Hitler did most certainly use chemical weapons against his own people, and those people were innocent–though we realize that some supporters of President Donald Trump might take issue with that last assertion. Either way, the overwhelming historical consensus is that yes, Adolf Hitler was considerably worse than Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and that includes being worse in the specific arena of use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians.

And please. For the love of everything decent in the world. Put Sean Spicer out to pasture.


12 thoughts on “Spicer: Assad Worse Than Hitler, Yes Really, I’m Doubling Down

  1. It is a fact that Hitler never used chemical weapons in combat, though obviously he relentlessly gassed Jews and other prisoners.   The reason he didn't had nothing to do with qualms on his part but much to do with Germany's shortage of oil.   While famous for fast-moving panzer divisions, the German Army in fact relied on horse-drawn transit for much of its supplies.   The allies, with ample oil reserves, used trucks mostly, including the famous mostly African-American Red Ball Express.

    Both sides had huge reserves of poison gas.  German use would have provoked retaliation by the allies.   Both sides had gas masks and protective clothing for their troops — but there is no practical way to protect horses from chemical attack. Thus, gas warfare would have put the Germans at a huge disadvantage — that fact, not moral qualms, stopped them from using it.

    Why didn't the allies use their gas?  Well, they had agreed not to and tended to respect treaties.  Obviously, when the time came, they used Atomic bombs, probably saying millions of Japanese lives in the process — as evidenced by mass Japanese suicides at Saipan, Tarawa and elsewhere,  By shortening the war in Europe, gas might actually have saved lives.   But it was one line we choose not to cross.

    1. Good writeup Voyageur.  Logistically, the German armies running out of oil was a primary factor in their defeat in WW2. George McGovern's main target as a B-17 bomber pilot in the war was bombing the heavily defended Balkan oil fields.

      Here at home we had gas rationing during the war. But the main purpose of gas rationing was not to save gas (since as you state we had ample supplies of oil), but to save tires (rubber). Synthetic compounds for tires had not yet been developed and the supply of rubber was in the hands of the Japanese.

      To get back on topic, Spitzer's tortured press conferences remind me of Ron Ziegler's during the Watergate scandal. Defending the indefensible is a difficult task indeed.

  2. So, throwing a passenger a beating to get him off a plane so your own employees can fly is "re-accomodating him."

    Nazi death camps are "holocaust centers."

    Well, the good news is that when Trump inevitably starts WW III, we can call it a "governmental and terrestrial realignment."

    1. …and in that vein, BayerAG (Hitler's financiers) have morphed in to a 'food company' and are set to swallow Monsanto.  Whole.  Cheetolini has signaled he's good with the megamerger.  What could possibly go wrong? 

      Heroin, Nazis, and Agent Orange: Inside the $66 Billion Merger of the Year

      Two friends making dyes from coal-tar started Bayer in 1863, and it developed into a chemical and drug company famous for introducing heroin as a cough remedy in 1896, then aspirin in 1899. The company was a Nazi contractor during World War II and used forced labor. Today, the firm based in Leverkusen, Germany, makes drugs and has a crop science unit, which makes weed and bug killers. Its goal is to dominate the chemical and drug markets for people, plants and animals.

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