UPDATE #3: Via the Boulder Daily Camera:
Donald Trump Jr.’s campaign appearance in Boulder this afternoon has been moved from The Sink to a commercial space on Pearl Street after the owner of the University Hill restaurant complained he had been unaware of the event.
The event is now scheduled to take place at 4:30 p.m. at 714 Pearl St., an unoccupied commercial space owned by developer Stephen Tebo.
Somebody get Junior a new advance man.
UPDATE #2: Junior’s event in Boulder is still on, somewhere:
Donald Trump Jr. is moving his event in Boulder after the owners of “The Sink” said it was not supportive
— Jeff Gurney (@JefGurney) October 17, 2016
UPDATE: The Sink’s owners put the kibosh on Junior’s campaign event inside their restaurant:
Donald Trump Jr. is welcome to visit the The Sink, but not to hold a campaign event on the restaurant’s premises, owner Mark Heinritz said today.
“If he wants to come in and be a guest, that’s fine,” Heinritz said. “We do not discriminate and we will not discriminate. If he wants it to be a campaign event, he can do that outside.”
Guess he should have asked permission.
As the Boulder Daily Camera reports, Donald Trump Jr. is making a campaign stop in the People’s Republic on behalf of his pa this afternoon:
Donald Trump Jr. will travel to Boulder on Monday to speak with supporters of his father’s presidential bid and campaign volunteers, the Donald Trump campaign announced Sunday morning.
Trump’s son is scheduled to appear at 4:30 p.m. Monday at The Sink, 165 13th St., following a morning campaign appearance in Centennial, according to an email from the campaign.
Junior’s campaign stop at The Sink appears to be news to…well, The Sink:
Laura Thoman, a manager at The Sink, said Sunday afternoon that no one from the Trump campaign had contacted the restaurant.
“We’ve had a lot of famous people here, but we usually get some advanced warning,” she said.
No other details of the Boulder event have been released.
Contacted later Sunday afternoon, Lydia B. Blaha, the Trump campaign’s Colorado communications director, said the event is expected to take place inside The Sink.
The Sink released a statement that makes little attempt to hide their displeasure over the Trump campaign’s presumptuousness:
The Sink would like to thank the Denver Post and the Daily Camera for making us aware of the Trump campaign’s plans to use our restaurant as a campaign location while Donald Trump Jr. is in Boulder, Colo. Normally, organizations ask permission to use our property–we would like to make clear that the Trump campaign has not asked for our permission or made any attempt to contact us. We did not organize or encourage this event to happen. [Pols emphasis]
The Sink says they will nonetheless accommodate Junior’s unsanctioned presence, because “discrimination is still a primary issue in our society”–and they hope Boulder residents will respect The Sink as “an organization that is willing to remain accessible to all political and personal viewpoints.” Zing!
Why didn’t Trump’s campaign feel the need to even ask permission? You already know the answer, Boulder:
Because when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
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First they say they respect all viewpoints, then they prove they don't.
That's Boulder for you!
So, when you can't defend this podunk operation of a campaign that can't even make a simple phone call, you attack the business? Mighty Republican of you.
Who is they? The Sink owners certainly have a right to allow or not allow campaign events on their premises.
Moddy is questioning their rights as property owners to decline to endorse a repugnant political view.
Someone should rat on him to the folks at Americans for Prosperity.
Such wonderful work by the Trrump scampaign. Announcing an event without discussing it with management. Expecting to be welcome without, you know, renting a venue or at least guaranteeing a certain amount of revenue.
I understand there is a Trump hotel or two in DC … I'm sure that the Clinton campaign has better sense and better manners than just barging in and holding an event. But at the very least, perhaps someone from the campaign should call and request a private room for a small dinner and see what happens.
He's appearing at the Sink. I would think that the Toilet would be the more appropriate venue for a member of that family.
My pictureand my wife's picture are on the wall at the Sink. I'm the one with the dummy hand grenade dangling from the peace symbol.
Sounds about right.
Democrats incite violence at Trump rallies including Colorado:
He's had to cross-post that link 3 times because even Shitbart (or is it Fart?) News can't come up with any better fake outrage stories 🙂
O'Keefe? Seriously?