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August 11, 2016 11:55 AM UTC

Trump Confirms Remarks: "No, I Meant He's the Founder of ISIS"

  • by: Colorado Pols

Donald TrumpThere’s just no helping Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, it seems. As CNN reports, Trump on Thursday made sure to clarify his remarks that President Obama “founded ISIS” — just, not in the way you might have thought:

Donald Trump said Thursday that he meant exactly what he said when he called President Barack Obama the “founder of ISIS” and objected when a conservative radio show host tried to clarify the GOP nominee’s position.

Trump was asked by host Hugh Hewitt about the comments Trump made Wednesday night in Florida, and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean “that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace.”

Trump objected.

“No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS,” Trump said. [Pols emphasis] “I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton.”

Hewitt pushed back again, saying that Obama is “not sympathetic” to ISIS and “hates” and is “trying to kill them.”
“I don’t care,” Trump said, according to a show transcript. “He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?”

Okie, dokie.


22 thoughts on “Trump Confirms Remarks: “No, I Meant He’s the Founder of ISIS”

        1. I was just thinking myself yesterday what a crying shame it is that Senator Sqwormy isn't having to run this cycle . . . 

          . . . given teh Drumpfennutter and Senate Candidates Daryl-and-the-other-Daryl Wackadoodle, I'm fairly certain that Sqwormy will be spending oodles of time with his family until well after the elections this year. 

        2. Picture a room…windowless. Inside is a pile off cash….bills and coins in an enormous mound…think…Scrooge McDuck.

          On top of that pile of money sits our smiling junior senator. Occasionally, he enjoys a slide to the bottom of  his pile of dead presidents. But mostly, he waits, thinking only of how he can serve Chuck and Dave and continue to build his money mound ever higher….but not until after the election when the reporters stop looking for him..

  1. If two warring intergalactic armies of miniature burrowing aliens each landed in one of Drumpf's ears, and then proceeded to fight each other, over decades, in long battles of trench warfare and attrition, using laser beams and tiny nuclear warheads, all the while feeding their armies on liquified brain matter — would this explain Drumpf’s behavior or any of the crap that goes on inside his head??

  2. "It's a terrible thing to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind…"- Dan Quale

    Who would have imagined that ol' Dan could predict this year's GOP nominee?

  3. Quale is spelled "Quayle." Take it from me, a native Hoosier.

    Funny how Trump and his fellow fringe loonies keep blaming Obama for bailing out of Iraq. All Obama did was honor Bush's agreement.

  4. Oh, Drumpfie, ISIS has been around since before your hair went rogue…(remember where 19 of the 9/11 hijackers came from? Or that the Saudi family airplanes were the only airplanes allowed to fly post-attack?!?) You're dumber than a creosote post..

    You Can’t Understand ISIS If You Don’t Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia

    One dominant strand to the Saudi identity pertains directly to Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab (the founder of Wahhabism), and the use to which his radical, exclusionist puritanism was put by Ibn Saud. (The latter was then no more than a minor leader — amongst many — of continually sparring and raiding Bedouin tribes in the baking and desperately poor deserts of the Nejd.)

    The second strand to this perplexing duality, relates precisely to King Abd-al Aziz’s subsequent shift towards statehood in the 1920s: his curbing of Ikhwani violence (in order to have diplomatic standing as a nation-state with Britain and America); his institutionalization of the original Wahhabist impulse — and the subsequent seizing of the opportunely surging petrodollar spigot in the 1970s, to channel the volatile Ikhwani current away from home towards export — by diffusing a cultural revolution, rather than violent revolution throughout the Muslim world. 



  5. If HRC is the ISIS MVP . . . 

    And Drumpf holds on to win the HRC MVP . . .

    Would he also get that yuuge ISIS Miss Congeniality Award as the MVPMVP???

    1. An ISIS Miss Congeniality would be in a burka, not a bikini… but Trump is more like the contest manager and motivator, the one keeping the contestants seeking the prize. Kind of like Trump’s role in his real-world Miss Universe pageants.

      ISIS must tell its recruits that all Westerners are like Trump, that we all agree with him and model ourselves after him, that he represents our decadent souls. From the outside, this election must look a lot as though they're right about that, as much as the press fawns over him, and as few real challenges that he gets.

      The heartfelt speeches of Captain Humayan Khan's bereaved parents were as fierce a challenge as Trump is likely to get. And he did not face them well.


  6. Well RCP says Obama has an average +7.3 approval rating and HRC is ahead in the national polls by 7.2 so I think we're at the point where everybody but his nut bag core supporters just assumes that if Trump's lips are moving he's saying something stupid.

    1. The candidate will give a speech Monday focusing on defeating "radical Islamic terrorism," according to a Trump campaign official.

      I can hear it now… It's going to be fantastic. I'm gonna so give it to those terrorists you're gonna be sick of winning against terror people. Believe me, you're gonna be sick of it! Course I can't tell you how. Can't give it away. But trust me, I got a plan so fantastic, I'm gonna beat those bad guys so bad, believe me.

      1. Trump speaking engagements are like the first few episodes of every season of American Idol. Part of you wants to watch just to see how horrible it is.

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