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June 29, 2016 10:59 PM UTC

Time to Honor a Colorado Public Servant

  • by: Republican 36

(Armstrong has been fighting cancer and is reportedly not doing well — Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Sen_William_L_ArmstrongMany times we raucously and vigorously debate issues, candidates, and the political world we live in but tonight is a time to thank someone who is gravely ill for his service to our state and our nation. United States Senator Bill Armstrong (R-CO) served Colorado for nearly three decades as a state representative, state senator, three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives and two terms in the United States Senate. Regardless of his political philosophy or stands on issues, he was foremost a gentleman to everyone, including those with opposing viewpoints. He was always well informed and prepared to defend his positions.

After his public service was completed in 1990, he continues to this day to serve our young people as President of Colorado Christian University. His deeply held and sincere Christian faith has set a standard of conduct that everyone can appreciate and emulate.

Public service, especially elected office, requires great sacrifices by elected officials and their families. Senator Armstrong made those sacrifices on our behalf. Tonight please offer your thoughts and prayers to him and his family.


11 thoughts on “Time to Honor a Colorado Public Servant

  1. For all his strong partisan choices, Bill Armstrong remained a gentleman. For all his strict adherence to his version of Christianity, he remained tolerant of those with different faiths.

    Peace to him, his family and close friends.

  2. Bill Armstrong served in the House at the same time as my Representative, Pat Schroeder.  I'm sure they were on opposing sides of most issues, but adhered to standards of civil discourse.

    I think that my father knew Mr. Armstrong – again, opposing most of his political positions, but Dad always spoke of him with respect.

    1. His first campaign for U.S. Senate in 1978, may have been the most influential campaign in Colorado history, at least in the last half century. That campaign inspired literally hundreds of people to become political activists, not just for the Armstrong campaign that year, but for years and in many cases for decades thereafter. Some of the prominent volunteers who went on to long political careers include former Gov. Bill Owens, political consultants Walt Klein, his 78 campaign manager, and Dick Wadhams as well as future elected officials like St. Rep. Bill Kaufman (R – Loveland) and St. Rep. Jim Robb (R-Grand Junction). His campaign has had a lasting influence in Colorado politics until today and will continue to do so in the future.

    2. MJ,

      My Dad knew Armstrong, too, from their long-ago days of being young broadcasters together. Armstrong has a fiercely loyal staff to this day, many of whom went on to elected service themselves, or as GOP consultants and staffers. Courtesy was his hallmark, a far cry from what passes for acceptable conduct in politics today. He will be missed.


  3. He was a gentleman, respectful of friend and foe alike.  He has no fear of death, seeing this life as a mere prelude to the one to come.  He is worthy of our respect and admiration.


      1. That is so true, BC.  Starting with Gingrich's rise in Congress, civility has been the mark of Cain in the GOP. I'm surprised the Tea Party doesn't burn crosses on Everett Dirksen's grave.

  4. I was in high school when KAL007 was shot down.  Senator Armstrong was instrumental in helping my high-school Russian class to be one of the first American tour groups to visit the Soviet Union after that–the Soviets shot the plane down (yes, it was an accident) in September of 1983 and we went in January of 1984.

  5. My brother's best friend's mom, Ruth Fountain, worked on Armstrong's first campaign and went on to a seat on the Aurora City Council. I never agreed with him on much of anything but he wasn't evil. The current crop of Rs could sure take some lessons from him.

  6. Bill Armstrong is the best politician this state has put out in my lifetime of 61 years.  He is a gentleman and a scholar as we used to say.  The tall skinny guy as the oldtimers in the 70's called him.  A person who could change his mind, even when he and I changes in different directions.  I was Bill's paperboy at age 16.  We lived a block from each other in the Park East subdivision in old Aurora.  We were part of the same gang, even though he was 20 years my senior.  The "Old Aurora Gang" really controlled the state for a long time.  We all loved Bill.  Those of us who are still around, still do.  I'll never forget the summer when I was his youth coordinator and driver.  We went to a meeting one night in Byers or Deer Trail or somewhere out there.  It was a small school room and Bill was standing on the teacher's chair in a room packed with farmers.  He spent nearly an hour explaining to them that the country just couldn't afford to continue farm subsidies.  At first the farmers were mad, but the young charismatic Congressional candidate stood his ground (or chair).  At the end of the meeting, the farmers weren't yelling at him and had respect with him, even though they disagreed violently with his opinion.  I remember the night we were at a meeting at your house, or maybe it was the people across the street, and during the meeting, where we were all so excited that you were going to be elected,  Wil piped up and said "don't vote for Armstrong so I don't have to move to Washington."  The older folks in the room, which included me at age 17 were hysterical with laughter.  I remember being so proud of him when he was the deciding vote in favor of the Mined Land Reclamation Act in his first year in Congress.  He told me the reason he voted for it was that terrible scar that you see at the bottom of Pike's Peak in the Springs which you still see to today just as you pass the Air Force Academy.  I remember when I was his youth coordinator that I hated to sit around the table with the old ladies who were so slow at stuffing envelopes.  Ellen his beloved wife named me the "Fastest Tongue in the West" one night as she watched me lick stamps in his headquarters on a strip mall on South Havana.  I remember when he hired Natalie Meyer as his campaign manager and the old boys network which made up the Republican Party in those days were aghast.  It only took Natalie about a month to get rid of those old farts.  She was my mentor and hero for ever.

    I remember my mother was one of his proud "Armstrong Ambassadors"  which included all the pretty housewives from Aurora dressed in white hats and patriotic blue dresses.  I remember many of her compatriots from old Aurora like Ruth Fountain, Polly Page (who I saw for the first time in 20 years at a Rockies game this spring), Susan Wadhams and many, many of the crew of Aurora ladies who were the backbone of his campaigns.

    The memories go on and on and on.  Bill, I grew up with you.  You were the most decent man I ever met in politics.  I sure you were mad at me when I remained a moderate.  I know you were furious when I left the Republican Party after having been Jeffco Republican Party Chairman.  I remember when you still greeted me warmly outside a Jeffco Convention years later when Wil was running for Congress, even when I wasn't supporting him.

    I remember a man that everyone respected, despite their disagreements with him.

    I pray for you every day.  I know that's more important than anything I have done for you.  When God sees fit to take you, I will be said, but happy in the knowledge that you are with him forever.  I hope I get to join you some day.

    Peace be with you.

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