(Bla-haha! – Promoted by Colorado Pols)
On Facebook this morning, former talk-radio host and former Colorado Springs congressional candidate Robert Blaha writes that he will challenge Sen. Michael Bennet, if Bennet endorses President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.
“If Colorado Senator Michael Bennet votes to support this deal, he must be defeated in 2016 and I will announce my candidacy for U.S. Senate. If he votes against the deal, I will stand down – Period,” Blaha wrote on Facebook, without mentioning state Sen. Tim Neville and DA George Brauchler, who are also testing the Senate waters.
Blaha’s radio show on KZNT was called Black, White, and Right, and his co-host was Derrick Wilburn, who’s now vice chair of the Colorado Republican Party. The pair didn’t disappoint those who wanted to hear from the “right.” This Muslim bashing in this segment, for example, caught my ear back in 2012.
Wilburn would often stake out ground even further to the right than Blaha. Wilburn for example, once gave “almost human” honors to mainstream Repubicans, while Baha didn’t quite go that far.
No word yet on whether Tancredo, also a former talk-radio host, will join Blaha in running for U.S. Senate. Maybe Blaha will encourage him. I loved it when Tancredo told Bob Beauprez to jump in the gubernatorial race last year: “Listen buddy, get in! The water’s fine. It will be fun.” Little did Tanc know how hot Beauprez would make water for Tancredo, due to attack ads from national Republican groups. These ads were credited with knocking Tanc out of the race, opening the door to Beauprez to lose to Gov. John Hickenlooper in November.
Blaha isn’t the only local talk-radio host who’s jumped to partisan politics. Jimmy Lakey, who hosts a morning shoe on KCOL 600-AM in Ft. Collins, ran for Congress in Colorado Springs. Tancredo hosted a show on KVOR in Colorado Springs. KVOR’s Jeff Crank was almost elected to Congress. KLZ’s Ken Clark is the Second Vice Chair of the Denver Republican Party.
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Fresh off his loss in a primary campaign against Stillborn and now he wants to take on the big dogs in the Senate race (Brauchler, Neville)? God bless 'em!
What more incentive does Sen. Bennet need now to endorse the Iran deal?
Tancredo will need to declare as a third party candidate.
It's rare, but an occasional political vote is a test of character and conscience. The Iran treaty vote is such a vote. For the most part, Republicans have cynically voted against their nation's best interest in pursuit of cash and votes from special interests. In the end, I think Bennet will follow the former rule that politics stops at the water's edge and support the treaty. I will be very disappointed if he shows less conscience on this issue than Donald Trump.
I think he eventually votes to support but he didn't have the guts to be part of the first batch that ensures no veto override and I doubt he'll have the guts to be part of a potential 41 that would make a veto unnecessary and show stronger support to our allies and the world. He'll keep "studying" the agreement (that's what his aides tell me he's doing when I call and ask for him to announce one way or the other) until he can safely cast a vote that makes no difference, either because 41 has already been achieved or because it's out of reach with or without his.
"In the end, I think Bennet will follow the former rule that politics stops at the water's edge and support the treaty."
And, I think you are wrong. I think Mike is saying: yes!, I get to skate and Tim cannot attack me on this issue.
Well three more, including Corey Booker, have declared they will not be joining the opposition bringing the total to 37 supporting the deal with 7 undecided Dems remaining and 4 of them needed to get to 41.
I'm expecting we won't be getting a decision from Bennet until after either 4 of the six remaining others declare for the deal (41 and his vote for or against after that wouldn't change anything) or for opposition to the deal, leaving only 3 including him, short of 41 with or without him, his vote, once gain, not changing a thing.
Then, if I were Timmy and wound up running against him, I'd keep reminding people how Bennet didn't have the backbone to make a tough decision. It would have the advantage, unusual for R on D smears, of being a fair assessment.
So If Bennet's smart he'll realize that if he mans up and declares one way or the other while it still matters he'll at least escape being labeled a wimp. True that label didn't work against Hick when the GOP tried to use his kicking the can down the road on Dunlap to defeat him but Bennet is not likeable well known Hick. I'd advise him to take the plunge today.
His aides will probably thank him for it as that's what it's going to take to get me to stop calling and giving them a hard time about their boss.
Really odd thing just happened. Got that prove you're not a robot thing but didn't get a code (just that little square symbol and the word capcha) so couldn't very well enter it. It told me I was blocked. Just logged out and back in and now I can post. What's with all this robot stuff all of a sudden? Here goes. let's see if I'm still certified human.
OK then.