(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Who’s most like you, Sen. Cory Gardner or Rep. Ken Buck?
Many see Buck and Gardner as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, one wearing a smile the other seething with anger. But if you’re a Tea-Party activist in Colorado, the answer is “Ken Buck.”
So it’s not surprising that Tea-Party radio host Chuck Bonniwell put this question to failed theater-shooter prosecutor George Brauchler, who’s considering a U.S. Senate run: Are you more like Ken Buck or Cory Gardner?
Brauchler’s answer, according to Bonniwell, was, “Oh God, Ken Buck!” Here’s Bonniwell’s story, told with co-host Julie Hayden, who’s also a Fox 31 Denver reporter:
Julie Hayden (@4:40 below): We were at a function and Chuck, in Chuck’s way [laughs]. Standing-around-drinking-wine-just-put-it-to-you way, said to George, “Okay. Who do you like better – Ken Buck or Cory Gardner?”
Bonniwell: No, hat’s not what I said! I said, “If we put a gun to your head, and said, ‘Who are you closer to on the continuum of Ken Buck to Gardner. Which one? You have to choose one. You can’t sit. And to his credit, I mean I expected a kind of weasely answer, he said, “Oh, God! Ken Buck!”
Hayden: And Chuck went, “Yea!”…He didn’t hesitate at all, nor did he mince any words. He didn’t put conditions on, like “Ken Buck on Tuesday. Cory Gardner on Thursday. No, he said, “Ken Buck.”
Bonniwell: Ken Buck.
It would be interesting to know what issues draw Brauchler to Buck. Good fodder for a future radio show.
Listen to Bonniwell and Hayden discuss George Brauchler on KNUS 710-AM Saturday:
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At least Brauchler acknowledges his limitations, unlike Senator, uh, Representative Buck.
Brauchler is more of a Buck than a Gardner, and that's good news for Michael Bennet.
And he sees that as statewide positive? Against the guy who beat Buck? OK then.
Makes sense though. Both prosecutors convinced of their own infallibility and with a black and white view of the world.
And wrong on all the issues just like Buck…
At least Buck didn't tweet his remarks about "buyer's remorse" while in the courtroom. And Buck, to his very rare credit, prosecuted the first hate crime in Colorado history in which a transgendered woman was the victim. That's more than Brauchler can claim.
Finally Brauchler says something with which I completely agree. Let's hope the '16 Senate race ends up like the '10 race did.
Great ad potential:
When asked who he was more like… Corey Gardner or Ken Buck, Brauchler didn't hesitate. His answer? An enthusiastic "Ken Buck!"
Then clips of all the best gaffes that lost Buck the election. These will be more humorous/dumb than sinister. No need for the scary dark music and sepia tones. Let Buck be a buffoon.
Then something like Ken Buck was wrong for Colorado then. Ken Buck 2.0 is wrong for Colorado now.
Michael Bennet is no Ken Buck.
Then some positive stuff that Bennet has supported/passed as Senator for Colorado. Some stuff he wants to accomplish. Bennet with nice smiling people, wife, kids and dogs. Nice smiling people saying nice stuff about Bennet and what he's done for them and for Colorado as our Senator. A couple of serious notes about what's wrong with Brauchler's vision, preferably accompanied by pics of Brauchler and Buck together. But all leading to a nice upbeat close about what's right with Bennet's vision, why Bennet is right for Colorado and for America.
Mainly Hick style. Not scolding, glowering Udall style. Not Republican lite balanced budget amendment yet oh so self righteous about PAC money (which he was fine with back when he was actually winning elections and building a state legislature Dem majority) Romanoff style. More I'm competent, positive, good for Colorado and he's kind of clueless (like Buck) style.
BC, you need to hang out your shingle and become a highly paid political consultant. You'll be on the leading edge of the wave when common sense returns to politics once the GOTP implosion backlash sets in
I like the highly paid part. Better than my present… wasting too much time on this blog when I could be doing something useful.
Buck and Brauchler are about as homophobic as the other is. Buck thinks we need to go to 12-Step meetings to become, and presumably to remain, straight. Brauchler analogizes gay men in the military as being like letting children loose in the candy store.
They both represent the best in 19th century thinking.
Breaking! Brauchler's first campaign ad.
ROTFLMAO, MapMaker. Gotta save this one.
And between Buck and Senator Goodhair, the policy differences are…?