We haven’t seen anything like this yet from Colorado public officials, at least not in print–but over in Salt Lake City, as the Tribune’s Brian Maffly reports, Republican lawmakers are becoming quite…imaginative with their allegations against the federal government over the spill of polluted mine wastewater into southwest Colorado’s Animas River two weeks ago:
Two Utah lawmakers on Tuesday speculated that federal environmental officials might have deliberately triggered the Colorado mine release that sent 3 million gallons of toxic sludge into a San Juan River tributary, and asked Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes to investigate the possibility.
Reyes was briefing the Utah Water Development Commission when Sen. Margaret Dayton, R-Orem, suggested the Environmental Protection Agency could have breached the Gold King Mine in an effort to justify Superfund designation for the long-dormant gold mine.
Rep. Mike Noel, whose district covers Utah’s southeastern corner, affected by the spill, joined Dayton in theorizing — neither offered evidence — that the EPA may have caused the release to help environmentalists put a halt to mining.
Reyes said he would inquire into the matter when he visits with EPA officials at the mine Wednesday to assess the spill site, but a Salt Lake City environmentalist blasted Dayton and Noel’s claim as “ridiculous, unprofessional, paranoid nonsense.” [Pols emphasis]
As locals following this story are aware, there has been no mining above Silverton along Cement Creek since the 1990s. The battle over Superfund designation for the area, which would unlock lots of federal funding for cleanup, is in part due to some local residents and large mining companies like Kinross Gold harboring dreams of hard rock mining resuming. But the major water pollution problems affecting these mines–long before this latest spill–make that unlikely. Another major reason local Silverton interests oppose a Superfund designation today is the possible stigmatic effect on tourism and land values.
The point is, water pollution from Silverton’s mines is a longstanding problem that everyone involved knew was getting worse. After the Sunnyside Mining Company (now owned by Kinross) halted mining operations, they installed crude bulkheads in their tunnels, which resulted in polluted wastewater backing up and eventually flowing into the Gold King Mine that’s the subject of news coverage today. Kinross denies any responsibility for the pollution flowing into or from the Gold King Mine, but all reporting we’ve read that actually delves into the area’s mine-addled hydrology says that’s nonsense.
Either way, the bottom line is the same: the Environmental Protection Agency didn’t create the pollution. Their job was to remediate it. Obviously, they screwed up when they punched through the entrance to the Gold King Mine and unleashed a torrent of polluted minewater. But the pollution was already there, waiting to flow forth at any moment.
It’s necessary to understand the above facts in order to realize just how preposterous it is that sitting Republican lawmakers are speculating the EPA might have intentionally caused this spill in order to “put a halt to mining.” This isn’t about present-day mining at all, it’s about cleaning up a legacy of toxic mining practices that threaten the health of thousands along the Animas River and its confluent waters. Including a fair number of Utahns.
So please, for the sake of everyone legitimately impacted by this disaster, cut the conspiracy theory crap.
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The EPA deliberately caused the spill to poison our precious bodily fluids and weaken us against the oncoming Agenda 21 takeover.
Wait! I thought that the EPA was intentionally storing the contaminated water for use in the FEMA camps.
They don't have to. The mine is filling up rapidly as I write this.
Enjoy your stay.
Bear in mind that this baloney commentary originates in the same state legislature that endorsed Utah state Rep. Ken Ivory's scheme to have the states take over ownership of federal lands. No need to say more.
There is no need to assume malice when incompetence can explain everything.
With that said, I don't blame them a bit for asking questions. The EPA's failure to report the spill for hours, then refusal to accept responsibility when they finally did report it, makes you wonder.
Actually they took full responsibility here in the real world. You know… the one where things fall down instead of up Karl Rove created reality style?
He's regurgitating some bullshit from Peak Politics. No reputable news outlet has corroborated. He's a talking point bot, I swear to God.
Here's the link. What's not correct?
EXCLUSIVE! EPA Omitted Their Responsibility, Water Pollution, in National Spill Report
Oh BOY! A link to CO Peak Politics! What could be more truthful and accrate and enlightening that a piece from CO Peak Politics!!!
Quit insulting our intelligent, you banal, worthless little troll.
Incompetence??? Hey, it wasn't the EPA that created these mine drainage problems. According to the Post, there are at least 230 abandoned mine sites in Colorado that are leaking pollutants, affecting over 1,600 miles of streams.
I spend a lot of time in the mountains for hiking and peak bagging. I won't drink water; even heavily purified; out of any stream that may be below an abandoned site. I bring my own water from home.